Chapter 24

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When we arrived there were several cars parked outside but as soon as we got in the hallway it was dead quiet. Scott's features hadn't reflected any emotion since his father's call. I had looked over at him several times but had said nothing. 

I followed him slowly up the grand stair case, almost tip toeing as my heart slammed against my chest. I didn't know what to expect. Or whether I was expected to be there following him. 

Scott frowned when he saw his father speaking with the family doctor I remembered from my own consultations. I subconsciously touched my stomach as we reached them. 

James Dainway looked up and we knew. It was Grandpa Henry. 

"Go on in son." was all he said.

I held back, my heart was breaking. I found my body moving mechanically back down to the kitchen. I arranged a tray of tea for consumption. The kitchen staff didn't dare interrupt me. I took it up upstairs and made a cup for James and the Doctor. 

After some time of sitting in a nearby lounge, Scott pocked his head in. His tie was loose, he had gotten rid of his jacket,and his hair was amess from running his hand through it continuously. He sat next to me but said nothing. He crossed the room to pour himself a tot of  whisky which James had switched to earlier. He sat next to me but said nothing. I slowly placed my hand over his free one and squeezed. I needed him to know I was there for him. Watching him go through the loss of his grandfather reminded me of my own father's loss. It still haunted me and I could only imagine what it must feel for Scott. 

Bradley and a few relatives came in after a while. No one spoke much. They just sat and waited. 

It was after 2am when the doctor pronounced Mr Henry Dainway had passed away in his sleep. Diane Dainway floated out of the room he was in and into her own like a shadow. He had been a father to her. James downed his whiskey, said his goodnights and followed his wife. 

Scott hadn't looked at anyone in particular the entire night. He had allowed me to hold his hand and after the Doctor confirmed the lifeless body had been taken away, Scott stood, whispered a few words to Linda and headed for the exit. I followed. We made our way to another floor, and to the end of a passage. We entered the room that showed to be Scott's. Pictures and trophies were displayed on one side. It was a massive impressive space. Lamps and a fireplace element emanated heat and a glow inside the room. Scott sat on the edge of the bed playing with his hands as though they were a new discovery.

I'd stayed at bay for the whole night but I couldn't deny my heart's desire to comfort him in that moment as he had done with me when I had lost the baby. I reached out and cupped his cheek trying to bring his gaze that was so far away to focus on my face. Once he noticed me, I pecked his lips. I slowly undressed him. He was heavy but I managed. Once he was in his boxers, I opened the bedding and he slid in. I quickly found a shirt of his, and changed in to it. I crawled in and held him. His body shivered and after some time he went still. I didn't know if he had succumbed to numbness or sleep but either way I held him tight throughout the entire night.


My mother arrived in the early hours of the next morning. Larry had brought her in. She took over managing the house for the next few days. It was chaos otherwise. She made sure everyone ate although everyone couldn't bring themselves to the main table they dined in the room they spent their time mourning. The priest frequented and held a few services, and Linda took over preparing the funeral arrangements. Diane started speaking on the third day and got involved with Linda. Scott handled the press and lawyers, Bradley made himself scarce, while James sat in the library and watched the world go by. I helped my mother and took care of Scott. In front of cameras and business associates he was calm and strong. As soon as we were alone, he looked hollow and vulnerable. I chose his outfits, talked him through schedules and arrangements, and played receptionist to anyone who wanted to speak to him. 

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