Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


I think Zoey is hiding something from me. She's been acting really strange since the day that we told the fans we were dating. I'm starting to think of the worst case senarious like she maybe cheated, but I know Zoey won't do that. Maybe she doesn't like us being together anymore? Maybe the fans are giving her hate? No. The fans were supportive the whole time.

It's been one week since that day. She keeps saying to me she has an upset stomach. But I keep having doubts.

"You okay Zoey?" I asked her as we were both getting ready to go to bed.

"I'm fine Beau! Why did you ask?"

"It's've seemed a little off lately." I replied

Zoe turned her head to me, a quick as possible, her eye widened.

"I'm not a little off Beau, I've told you all this week, I have an upset stomach" she shot back, defensively.

I shrugged it off, so did she and we both settled into the bed.

I lied back and stared up at the bedroom Ceiling with my hands wrapped around my princess.

I was tossing and turning all night, I couldn't sleep knowing there was lies in this relationship.

Around two or three hours later I felt the bed empty beside me. I hopped up as quick as possible. Zoe wasn't there beside me. I was in a panic. Where was she?

I could see the bright light turned on from our en-suite bathroom. Slowly I made my way over to the bathroom. As I got nearer I could here Zoe getting sick. I reached for the door and saw Zoe getting sick over the toilet. I held back her long brown hair and patted her back repetitively saying.

"Everything is gonna be okay"

"Don't worry."

"Your okay"

I didn't want to overreact incase it was just a little stomach bug but I had this feeling in my gut that something was bad.

After five minutes of just sitting on our bathroom floor caring for Zoe.

She said that she was okay and she stood up. As she was just about to flush away the sick, I noticed something that caught my eye immediately. There was something red mixed up in her looked like Blood. My head spun around to Zoe.

"Zoe? Why is there blood mixed in with your vomit?" I asked

Zoe wouldn't look into my eyes.

"I don't know what your talking about" she was now playing with her fingers, she only does that when she is nervous.

She went over to the sink to rinse out her mouth with water.

"Zoe, drop playing stupid. You've just thrown up blood! That isn't normal!"

Zoe just rolled her eyes at me.

"Beau, everybody gets sick, please just leave it"

"No, I will not drop it! Why are you vomiting blood?!" I asked, I was concerned.

"How do I know?! Oh yeah I'll just go and look into my magical wand and tell you! Stop acting so dramatic and just pretend this didn't happen!" She replied

"I'm not being dramatic! I'm concerned! I'm trying to look after my princess" I said back.

Zoe just stomped back into the bedroom and ignored me.

"I'm booking you a hospital appointment tomorrow!" I informed her as I closed the bathroom door and turned off the lights behind me.

"No your not" she replied.

"Yeah I am. Vomiting blood is serious Zoey! You might be sick!" I told her.

"How do you know that?" She asked

"Nobody vomits blood Zoe.! It's strange. And anyway, I just googled it! Your going, whether you like it or not!" I told her, I was now getting angry.

Zoe turned back and looked at me. Tried to say something but no words came out of her mouth. She gulped once again.

"I'm sleeping on the sofa tonight" she said.

She pulled her pillow off the bed and walked to the door. She turned around to look at me and I saw tears stream down her face.

"I'm only trying to look after you" I muttered.

She didn't reply and just walked out the bedroom door.

I settled down in the bed. Feeling upset. This was mine and Zoey's first proper argument. Maybe Zoe was right, maybe she just had a stomach bug, but she was too important to me. There was no way I was just going to let her Slip through my fingers.I loved her too much to let her go. She was too important to me.

Slipping Through My Fingers~ Beau BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now