We didn't sign up for this.

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Edit: Hey guys! This is my first reader insert story ever so I'm sorry if things seem off. Feel free to comment! I love requests and I'll do all that I can! Thanks for the read! Hope you enjoy!

We're just kids, nobody asked for this, at least I didn't. I'm sure of that. Because if this was what was in the small letters at the bottom of the contract I should have taken the time to read further. I take a deep, shaky breath as I look about my surroundings for the hundredth time that day, or night. I don't know anymore. The sound of my neck cracking the only noise in this abyss of a cell. My hands are bound to the wall, along with the chains my comrades wore a long while back before they were taken from me too. Two men marched by the cells, holding large, bulky guns. Those were what I called the retrievers. At least this set at this certain time. Second meal, and three sets of guards later were always the retrievers. I call them the retrievers because every time this set of guards walks by, the same ones always walk back with either a dead body of someone from the Gladiator fights, or a fighter that managed to survive. At least until the next round.

My head fell back against the chill wall of the cell, counting the seconds it took for the guards to bring back one of the two previously stated types of people, but neither was brought on time. In fact, neither was brought at all. The retrievers were 10 seconds late with their delivery, but I forgot about that when my cell was being opened by one guard, and someone being dragged into my cell by two more. He was a built man, broad shoulders, chiseled jaw, thick thighs, the whole shabang. He had black hair that had purple shining off of it from the light filling the ship, and grey eyes struck through with so many emotions it was hard to read them all, but the few that stuck out were fear, rage, agony, and of course, like any newcomer, confusion. He was in the same ragged clothes as me as he was thrown against the wall near me, before he tried standing up to fight back. Oh yeah, obviously a newb. Everyone knows a fight back always ends up in a round in the next Gladiator fight. The man was kicked in the abdomen and had his hands in temporary cuffs that pulled together with a strong magnetic force. While he struggled with his binds I was released from my cuffs, but I knew not to attack or try to flee. I let my arms fall languid to my lap as I rub my wrists. The guards leave the room and with a click of a button, the mans cuffs were gone, and he went right back to where he started, pounding on the bars of the cell. The guards left, guns in hand, to continue their route, and should be back in 3,600 seconds. What can I do, I've been here long enough to get this down to a science.

I don't have too much time to think though, because now that I've let everything register, I let my eyes go wide with shock. After all of the details I took into account of the man in front of me, beating the iron bars until his knuckles bled, I never took into account that he was a human. Full on Human. It's been so long since I've seen one I nearly forgot what they looked like. I don't even know what I look like, there's no mirror anywhere to see what I've become, let alone what I look like after all of Haggar's experiments. And the comrades from my mission are long gone, so I don't even have a reference. But this man. In all of his light skinned glory, was standing in my cell. I almost didn't know what to do, but I might as well start with helping him keep his hide. I clear your throat and stay seated on the ground, arms crossing over my legs as I look over at him, I cant help staring, it's been ages since I've even had someone put in my cell, let alone seen a human. "Shut up and s-stop banging on the b-ars," My voice hitched in my throat more than once, it's been too long since I've spoken and my throat just wasn't used to this anymore. But I cleared my throat again and continued speaking. "You'll piss off the guards and be put in a-nother Gladiator fight."

The man just now seemed to acknowledge my presence and when he saw me, his jaw dropped. I don't now if it's because I a) look like shit, b) sound like shit, or c) am recognized. Most likely a and b. I crack a smile, the best I can muster up at least, and look him in the eyes casually. "Oh close your mouth, it's not like you haven't seen a human before." He sighed and rubbed his now bloody knuckles, walking to the other wall opposite of me and sliding to the ground, looking over at me as if he were studying me. He shakes his head and runs his fingers through his hair, sighing hard before he spoke. "No way.." I raise a brow and hum at the simple two words, wondering what he means. "Yeah I know I look like a Victoria's Secret model, but you don't have to be so-"

"You're from the Jatrios mission. You're that other girl from the assembly when I was in the academy. Uh, Galaxy Garrison."

My eyes flew open at the announcement and i slowly nodded, heart stopping in my chest with one final hammer of realization. This universe really was a lot smaller than I thought, this guy was from the academy too. So new guy here was with me, but I don't remember seeing much of him. Probably a year back from me or a TA for one of the professors. So it was option c, that's a first. "You caught me, I'm the pilot. Erm, was the pilot."

"What happened to the other two?"

I closed my eyes, laughing through the pang of pain in my chest, breathing out slowly to keep the stinging in my eyes at bay. "John and Bri? They died a while back. I would love to give you an exact date, but I don't even know if it's day or night anymore." He shook his head and waved a hand in dismissal at the announcement, obviously not wanting to push further. "Well if it helps you at all, it's 2043 this year. I left from earth with my two crew mates a few months ago in June. It'll be 2044 soon."

The reality hit me like a strike of lightning, shooting through me from the tip of my head to the soles of my feet. It was 2043. I was sent out in August of 2039. That's a month or two away from being trapped here for four years. One gladiator fight every week, or two fights depending on the Galran's need for more fighters. That's 1,500 or more Gladiator fights I've been through. Not to mention the tests Haggar has put me through. She favors in torturing and testing humans, and once John and Bri died at her hands or one of the Gladiators, I still don't know how they died. My fingers tangled in my hair as I let out a broken sob, closing my eyes tightly as the tears fell from my eyes and rolled down my cheeks, and what I couldn't see was the trails of now pale skin the tears left behind on my dirt covered skin. I was so focused on my thoughts that I didn't notice the man walk across the cell to sit by me until he slid down to sit next to me, rubbing my shoulder soothingly. "Hey, think of it this way. You've been here for four years. That's four years closer to freedom." I laughed softly and shook my head, looking up and flipping my long and ragged (h/c) hair over my shoulder. I wish I could cut it, or do something with it. It's just a reminder of how long it's been since I've had a good shower.

"I'm glad you think like that and all, but there's no way I'm leaving here.  Whatever these fuckers tampered with in me I doubt is anything good, I don't want to unleash it on innocents. But it's good to have that thought with you, you seem like someone who'll make it out alive." He looked at me questioningly, but I kept my mouth shut, and I guess he knew not to pry further. I barely know him, but considering he'll be here in my cell for a while, either until he dies or escapes like he said he would, I'll have time to talk and get to know him more to tell what they did. And it's not good to make relationships quickly if at all in this place, they're always ripped form you anyways. I looked back over at him, if I'm stuck with him, god I said that like he's some savage fucking beast that'll rip my heart out. If I'm paired with him, I might as well get to know him a little. "So, what's your name?" He cleared his throat and removed the hand from my shoulder, I almost forgot it was there, and held it out to me. "I'm Takashi Shirogane. But my equals just call me Shiro. And you are?" He asked this when my hand connected with his, and we stayed like that for a few seconds before I spoke up my response. "I'm A942b-702xo. But my equals just call me 702." I said in a tone mocking his words with a smile adorning my lips. He shook his head tapping on my forehead once with a sad smile, wondering if I've honestly forgotten. "No, your real name." I debated on telling him, but after seeing the kind and much calmer look in his eyes, I thought why the fuck not?

"I'm (name)."

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