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Lance's POV

"Hey Hunk, you ever see (name) or Shiro around?" I had my head turned to my friend, arms hanging onto a tree branch in front of me while I sat on a thick vine, swinging my legs. "Nope," Hunk looked up at me from down on the ground. "haven't seen 'em. Not since we ate." I sighed and rested my chin on my arm, stilling my legs as I stared over the vast expanse of glowing forest. "I don't know man, I'm getting pretty worried. They're like, the responsible ones. Wouldn't they have talked to us by now? The sun's starting to rise." Pidge looked over at me from the branch on the tree across from mine, pushing up her glasses. "I can radio Keith and get him to come back down and help us look for them." I shook my head, cutting the vine I was sitting on while gripping tightly so I slid to the ground without falling too bad. "No, I think we should head back too, before Allura or Coran notice we left." Hunk stood up and stretched, Pidge following our lead and climbing down from the tree to stand with us. Hunk shrugged his shoulders and started leading the way back to the castle-ship. "Yeah, besides, they might already be back. If they're not, we'll go looking in the lions." I nodded and followed behind the two, none of us noticing the purple drone hovering silently above the trees.

Shiro's POV

I had woken up on the glowing moss, and as my morning deliriousness passed, I noticed (name) sitting on a boulder a little ways away, bent over with her back to me. My body popped and cracked as I stretched and made my way to my feet, grabbing and putting on my clothes before stepping over to (name) quietly as to not disturb whatever it was she happened to be doing. When I got close enough, I saw she was poking at a small scar on the bottom of her foot. A smile broke across my face as I stood behind her, resting my chin on the top of her head and kissing her hair. "G'mornin babe." She bent her head backwards to meet my lips in a soft kiss, standing up to be with me. "Well damn took you long enough. The sun started rising an hour ago." I chuckled and rolled my eyes, slowly guiding her through the forestry back in the direction of the castle. "Unlike you, I'm still used to light. I don't wake up before the crack of dawn." She just giggled and shoved me, lacing her smaller fingers with mine.

After a while of walking in comfortable silence, the castle came into view, and we entered through the lions hangar. (name) insisted we pretended we were ninjas, and even though she kept telling me to be quiet so we didn't get caught, she kept humming cheesy spy music all the way to our room. "Breaker breaker, we made it into the fort unharmed. Now commencing disguise 'just woke up'." I watched her run around the room with a chuckle, and she took my shirt from yesterday off me hastily and wearing that while messing her hair up with her fingers to give her the tired look. I just changed into my paladin armor and made sure the turtle neck covered the bruises left on me from the night before. (Name) had more than me, but even after I told her she should cover them, she insisted that she'll be fine. 

We walked out into the lobby, where we passed by Keith in the training room, Hunk and Lance in the kitchen, and Pidge playing with the box we took out of (name). All giving a thumbs up at not being caught for sneaking out. (Name) flopped on the couch, and it was only then did I see a bruise on the back of both of her thighs in the perfect shape of my hands. I squatted down by her, arms resting by hers. "Hey, I didn't hurt you too much did I? I wasn't too rough?" At this, I merely got a shake of her head, and a lazy smile. "Nah, why? Too many bruises for your liking?" I shook my head, running my fingers through her hair. "No I just.. You have bruises in the shape of my hands and I didn't want you to hurt." Laughter filled the room, and when I got no response as to why I sat up and looked at her strangely, sighing. She finally calmed down and after a questioning glance, (name) answered my silent question. "Trust me, this is nothing. I was just trapped on a Galra ship for 5 years. Besides, your back is worse than anything you did to me last night." Now I was genuinely curious, and squinted my eyes at her. "What's wrong with my back?" She just rose a brow, pointing to me. You really don't feel anything? Damn you're either a really quick healer, or fucking hulk." I chewed on the inside of my cheek before standing up and walking over to the mirror, looking back at (name) every now and then before removing my chest armor and lifting the back of my shirt up to look at the damage now presented before me.

My jaw dropped and a deep chuckle rumbled through my chest at seeing long scratches from (name)'s nails. They were deep red welts going in every which way, and when I looked back over at her after putting my armor back on, she shrugged her shoulders and rolled so she was hanging upside down on the couch. "What? It's how we mark our territory. This shouldn't be foreign to you, surely you've been on the internet before back on Earth. That's some kinky shit, and considering what bruises you left, I had to get a little revenge." I rolled my eyes and ran my hand through my white tuft of hair, copying (name)'s position on the couch and looking at her with a smile, stealing a soft kiss. "Alright, I see how it is. I just gotta watch out for the others in the showers or they'll get suspicious." (Name) just rolled her eyes, sticking her tongue out at me. "I'm already showing my bruises openly. They know. And besides, we're dating. This isn't out of the ordinary." I just nodded, she was right. And what we did wasn't a bad thing. But as I was about to make my next comment, the alarms started blaring, and we both scrambled to our feet, running quickly to the main room before the intercom sounded with Allura's voice. "Paladins! A Galra fleet has us surrounded, and there are battle cruisers locked onto us. Get to your lions!"  I looked at (name), and the other Paladins reaching the main room. (Name) was throwing on her armor given to her by Allura over her normal clothes while I explained, all of us headed to the lions. "Alright, (name), you're going with me in the black lion, and once we all form Voltron we're going to push the castle-ship out of the cruisers blasting range. Then we take out the fleets." A series of agreements followed as we all headed to our tunnels, but before any of us could start down the tunnels, (name) screamed as a couple Galran guards grabbed her by her arms, forcing her back as she kicked and screamed. 

Keith summoned his sword from his bayard, as did everyone else with their respective weapons. My hand heated up as the red paladin spoke, weapon ready. "How'd you get in past our defenses? And how'd you find us?" I spoke up immediately after Keith, hand glowing purple. "So help me god if you don't let her go I'll burn a hold through all of your skulls-" A Galran guard, seemingly familiar to (name) by the look of fear on her face, held his hand up, chuckling as he pointed to (name)'s foot. "To answer your questions. There was a gap in the shield, And we found you with the help of this excellent little prize." He placed a clawed finger under (name)'s chin, but quickly got his finger bitten harshly by her, resulting in a swift kick to the stomach for her. I would have charged if it weren't for two things. Hunk and Lance holding me back, and the fact that (name) was how they found us. Then it clicked.

The little scar on the bottom of her foot, that's a surgical scar. There's a tracking chip in there. I glared at her, eyes alight with confusion and anger. "You knew this was going to happen?" She frantically shook her head once recovering from the kick, eyes watering from the pain. "No! No I, I swear I had no idea! I thought we got everything out after the scan!" Pidge was crouched behind me, telling Allura that a small Galra troop was in the main room and we were about to take care of them. In the mean time, Allura and Coran started handling the battle cruiser and smaller fighter ships, quickly clearing the area of Galran troops with the ships cannon. It'd need to charge for a while, but it handled the job. When they were distracted talking to (name) about how "helpful" she'd been, we all went in weapons blazing. We took care of the troop with ease, normally it would have been harder, but we all had the same goal. I turned to look at (name)'s frightened form, glaring daggers at her while at the same time, worry and confusion brought a fog to my brain.

"How wasn't that chip seen in the scanner, and why was only one panel of the shield down? Because those are all signs of betrayal. Helping them in, and helping them find us. I want an explanation, and I want it now."

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