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(Name's) POV

I woke that morning to a strong, yet gentle arm over my waist, and a hard chest pressed to my back. Soft breathing could be heard behind me, and surprisingly, I remembered where I was. I yawned and realized how I had woken up. A knock on the door, seemingly repeated, echoed through the room. I went to stand up, but when feeling my body move, Shiro grunted and stood up, looking over his shoulder at me as he walked to the door. "I was waiting for you to wake up, didn't want to leave you there on your first night." He opened the door and Allura was in front of him, and they seemed to be talking about me. I stood up and stretched, hearing my back pop a total of six times. What I gathered from eavesdropping though was about me, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to step in. I popped up from behind Shiro and rubbed my eyes, hair sticking out in every which way. I was never a pretty sleeper. Someone can look at a lawn mower while listening to my snoring and swear the engine was on. I talk in my sleep too, like not the kind of giggling you see school girls on TV do, but like. I'll just start rapping Nicki Minaj at 2am and have no memory of it in the morning. Allura smiled at me and Shiro stepped out of the way, letting Allura and I talk while he went into the bathroom to change into his armor. "Oh good morning (name)! I trust you slept well. Coran and I have the scanner ready to be used and we thought it would be best to scan you while you were still tired. There's less going on in the brain and it would be less to sort through when looking over the scans." I nodded, running my fingers through my hair to get the loose strands out of my face. "Yeah, alright.. Lemme change though, I'll be out in a minute." Allura smiled and handed me a white jumpsuit with rivets of blue, her eyes alight. "Good! Just change into this. You can change into something more comfortable afterwards. The material is easy to see through by the scanners, but not by the naked eye. I'll see you in the main room." And with that she closed the door. I looked down at the clothes forced into my arms. They looked really small, but when Shiro stepped out of the bathroom I forgot about that and looked into the area, fear covering my features. 

I didn't want to go in the restroom. When I was in the shower I was lucky enough to have been able to not see myself, but now there was no fog covering the mirrors. Shiro seemed to see my hesitation and he walked towards the door of his room, looking back at me when it opened. "I'll let you change in here, We'll all be where Allura said." And with that, the door closed behind him and I heard his steps fade away down the corridor. I sighed in relief, glad that I wouldn't have to see myself yet. But that thought would be for later, scans need to be done on a sleepy brain.

After changing into the white suit given to me, I made my way to the main room. I was guessing at where it was, but surprisingly I was right the first try. If the healing pods were there, then it would only be logical for the scanners to be in the same place. I was greeted by Lance first, who walked up to me and shamelessly took my arm. "Well, you look pretty great in white you know that? I'm Lance if you don't remember. Paladin of Voltron. I kind of help save the universe. No big deal. Hey, did you wanna go out some time? We can grab a bite to eat on the next planet we land on and-" "Lance" Hunk interrupted him and the face Lance made caused me to laugh lightly. Hunk led me from there, but Lance still stuck near me. "Sorry about him. Lance is a flirt." I just shook my head and smiled, clearing my throat. "No, it's fine. You're just kids. So, what do I expect when I get in the scanner?" 

"Oh um.. Well I'm not sure. I was never scanned. If you want an answer on that you need to see Shiro. But I doubt it'll be that bad. I mean, what we see might be pretty bad, but not the experience." I nodded as I stepped up to the flat steel bed for the scanner, and I swallowed the lump in my throat. The bed looked the same as the cot I had on the ship. I sighed and sat on the edge, swinging my legs as I waited for orders. Shiro approached me while Allura worked the controls from the panel. Shiro next to me and met my gaze, brushing the white tuft of hair from his face. "Alright, so what you're going to do is lay down with your head facing the front of the ship, keep your arms straight apart from each other, making a big 'T'. And keep your legs apart at hip width. And be sure you keep your head down and stare straight up at the small blue laser. It's okay to blink, but don't close them for long periods of time. The light will be bright, so tell us if you need a break." I nodded and scooted all the way onto the platform before laying back, arms straight out, and legs hip width apart. I felt Shiro adjust my posture though, so I didn't do it perfect. I then felt him easily moving my body down. What I couldn't see though was the small blue points he was lining me up with. A blue dot in my belly button, a blue dot on my nose, on my shoulders, knees, ankles, elbows, and wrists. I lifted my head up to look down and see what he was doing, but he gently forced my head back down. "Keep your head down." I huffed and looked back up again, they weren't even taking the scan yet. But when I felt his hand force my head down again, a little harder this time, I pouted. "Down." Shiro carefully finished lining my head up, and for a second I thought he was looking in my eyes for a reason other than this, but that thought was knocked to the wind when a stinging filled my eyes from the blue lights lining up with my pupils. 

"Alright, (name), stay still. I'm taking the scans now." I hummed at Allura's statement, almost nodding my head but stopping myself. I blinked a few times, and my eyes watered from the bright light, but I kept still. It felt like an eternity, but when the lights shut off, I almost regretted sitting up. I rubbed my eyes, grinning and looking up at the others all standing with their backs to me, looking over the screen in front of them. "Whew! That was not kind on my eyes!" When I didn't receive an answer, only being ignored by chatter and worry filled whispers. I hopped off the platform and walked over to the others, hands on my hips as I smiled, but my smile dropped when I saw the looks on all of their faces. Allura was pointing out everything on the screen, and comparing all of the differences to a normal human female's body. They had used Pidge's body as a reference to see a difference, and though that wouldn't have been ideal and it would have been hard to see small differences, it didn't matter. There were no small differences. The first thing my eyes darted to was the big box showing up on the screen about as big as my fist. It was placed behind the muscles of my abdomen, but it was still visible. I stepped up to the screen in front of everyone, blocking their view of the various purple contraptions in my body. Not only that, but there was a dark black haze surrounding my brain, and a purple light where my right eye should be. I pointed to the box first. The blinking lights threw me off a lot. I looked back at the other seven, fear in my eyes. "What's that?.." Pidge stepped next to me, describing everything as I pointed them out. The others stayed behind, listening. Too surprised to speak. "Based on the shape, and the little lines connecting to your veins as a form of fuel, that's either a bomb or a source of Galran energy reserve for when you would have fought. But I think it would have be dangerous to try and tap into it." 

"Well what do I do about it?" My eyes flicked over to her, and she refused to meet my gaze.

"We'll have to drain it first by making you fight until your exhausted so your body will naturally tap into it. But it's not going to be pretty. Galran's are blood thirsty, and if this was a way to make you fight longer with extra energy reserves, using their energy. It'll be dangerous for all of us."

"Alright.. What about that?" I pointed to the cloud of black around my brain, swallowing hard. "That's most likely a spell put on you by Haggar. Considering it's black, it's most likely multiple, or one that's waiting to be tapped into by Haggar herself." I only look down, but point to the last major difference that I couldn't ignore. "What about my eye?" Shiro stepped up behind me, looking at the frontal view of the screen, then the small surgical scar on the back of my neck we both shared. "That's connected to the brain along with the chip. The eye has what we think is a camera in it, something we can easily remove. Your chip however is also surrounded with the black on the screen. The black cloud also travels down one of your nerves down to the box in your.. Abdomen.." He watched the black trail closely, and after looking me in the eyes, he saw a purple light flash behind my pupil, and the black sped up quickly towards the box. Shiro's eyes went wide and he grabbed my wrists and forced them behind my back, making a blue light surround my wrists to make tight cuffs. He kicked me behind the knees and I fell to the ground. My eyes went wide and as my vision started going red I heard one last thing from Shiro before I felt the familiar lust for blood fuel my veins. "The black isn't a spell! It's Haggar! She saw us through the camera in (name)'s eye."

"(Name) is her weapon."

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