In The Name Of Love

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(Name)'s POV

A month after I got my hair cut, Allura decided to land the ship on a nearby planet to run diagnostics and repair some of the damage caused by an asteroid belt after asking permission from the natives. Allura made a small set of rules to follow if we were to leave the ship. And that set of rules consisted of 1) Travel in pairs. 2) Alert the others of your whereabouts regularly, and 3) Be back by night fall. They were reasonable rules. The only thing I didn't agree with was the fact I couldn't be out past dark. I was in a dark cell for five years. I've grown used to the dark. Not because I like it, I hate the darkness, but only if I'm alone. I'll be traveling with Shiro after all. But I've grown so used to the dark, that light hurts my eyes. Also, I heard that this planet glows at night. And there's no way I'm missing out on light up plants. As we were all exiting the ship and walking towards the city, I stopped the other paladins when we were out of range. I was just the paladins and I, Coran stayed at the ship with Allura to help her repair the damage. 

A wicked smile crept to my face as I rocked on my heels. "Sooo.. The rules.. I agree with them safety wise, but there's one teeeeeny tiny thing I don't fully want to listen to." Shiro crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at me, and the others questioning stares urged me to keep talking. "I want to stay out past dark." Shiro frowned and sighed, looking at me from under his eyelashes disapprovingly. "(Name), you know we have to follow orders. Allura's the princess, we have to respect her judgme-" "But you're the real leader." I interrupt him. "I don't have to listen to Allura. I'm not a real paladin. Meaning she doesn't control me. And she may be a princess, but none of us are even from her race. She's really just the princess of Coran. I like her and all, but I just got off of being trapped on a Galra ship for 5 years. I'm pretty sure I can handle a night on this planet." The other four paladins looked at me in shock, then over at Shiro. Shut up kids, the adults are talking. 

Shiro seemed to contemplate this for a second before his shoulders slumped and he sighed. "Alright," He began, "we'll stay out past dark. But we'll be back by morning light. Got it?" The rest of us nodded eagerly, and I took a few steps backwards before letting myself turn around and run from the group, completely forgetting the buddy rule. This is my freedom. This is what it really feels like to let go. I'm allowed to do what I want until morning. I don't have to worry about a princess nagging over my shoulder, or the training I'm forced to do now that I'm 'back up'. I'm free to be me for the night. I only realized where I had ran when I found myself over looking a massive drop down into the purple waters of this planets ocean. I stood at the tip of a cliff, my heart beating so fast I swore it would burst from my chest. the clouds rumbled over head, and i felt a few light drops of water hit my cheeks and bare shoulders before it started getting heavier. 

I stepped back from the cliff by a few feet, and I threw my hands in the air while I spun. Nose to the sky as I yelled to the heavens at the top of my lungs. I was ecstatic. After all, if I learned anything from the Galra ship, it was that life wasn't meant to wait for the storm to pass, but to dance in the rain. I could feel the water pelting my skin, and I watched as it warped the surface of the ocean way down bellow. I looked at where the land ended, and a grin spread up onto my face. When I turned around the other Paladins were behind me, smiling wide. And before I could stop myself from making the insane statement, my thoughts spilled. "We're going to jump."

Shiro's POV

"We're going to jump." 

My jaw dropped, and when I looked at the other four paladins, I found they had the same reaction. "No, we're not doing that." Keith beat me too it, but lance seemed to testify. he stepped up to (name), an excited smile on his face. "Hell yeah! Come on! Life is about taking risks! We've fought an alien race, fly giant robot space cats, and get shot at constantly. This is nothing!" (Name) clutched her hands together and bounced on the balls of her feet, grabbing Lance's hand excitedly. She looked at Pidge next, and Lance looked pleadingly at Hunk. "Pidge, come on. I did this all the time on earth! It brings this huge adrenaline rush, and when you're falling you feel like you're flying." Pidge seemed hesitant, and chewed on the inside of her cheek. "I don't know.." (Name)'s eyes pulled off the puppy dog look wonderfully, and even I had a hard time standing my ground. Pidge groaned and threw her hands in the air, grabbing (name)'s other free hand. "Fine! Maybe it can't be that bad.." 

"Hunk buddy, it'll be like back on Veradera beach! This is as close to that as we're gonna get!" It didn't take much to convince the yellow paladin, and he let his shoulders slump in defeat as he walked to the ever growing line, holding Pidge's hand while Keith held Lance's- "Wait, Keith you too!?" The boy shrugged, looking at me with a half smile. "I already jumped off a cliff with most of these guys. When you landed on Earth it's how we got you away from the academy. And there wasn't water under us. This time there is. Now you just have to be awake." I shook my head, backing away from the other five before me. "No, I'll stay up here. I'll laugh at you all on the way back up the hill to me." (Name)'s smile faded at my statement, but quickly made it's way back on her face as she turned around, looking at the edge of the cliff along with the other paladins. I watched as they all took a step back, before they all ran to the edge and jumped off.

Screams filled the air, some of terror, Hunk and Pidge to be exact, and the rest in excitement. I ran to the edge of the cliff and watched as they hit the water, all of them came up gasping and laughing, Pidge flailing around in the water like she just brewed coffee with red bull instead of water, screaming at how she was still shaking while laughs racked her body. And the last one to pop up from the water was (name), her smile so bright you could see it from where I stood. When they began making their way up the hill, (name) beat them all up with a triumphant grin, water dripping from her form only to be replaced by the rain falling from the sky. She walked up to me and flopped into my arms from exhaustion, laughing lightly. "Ooooh man.. It's fun jumping down and all.. But that walk up is hell for your calves." Pidge nodded behind her, flopping onto the wet grass face first. "I have never agreed with you more in my life." Hunk groaned and copied Pidge, looking up at the others. "All in favor of eating to gain back the weight we just lost say I" And of course we all agreed. 

After we all ate and let the rain pass, (name) and I had started walking through the town after we all split up. The city was exotic, nothing you'd expect to see after living on Earth. It was just a bunch of houses and shops hidden within the trees. It was (name)'s idea to travel off the beaten path and out into the forest, and before I knew it we were standing waist deep in glowing water. the moss around the pond sparked to life if something touched it, and the bright red leaves danced through the air to fall into the glowing purple ripples of the water. She looked at me, her eyes alight with wonder as her fingers skated over the water, laughing to herself as it changed colors under the pads of her fingers. I smiled to myself and waded through the water to wrap my arms around her waist, kissing her softly. I'm not a liar, so I'll tell you not to believe me when I say I'm not fully engrossed in the woman before me. I smile down at her as her hands wrap around my shoulders, pulling me down for a kiss. We stay locked like that, my tongue politely asking permission to explore further. Our bodies were hot against each other, and I only now noticed I had pressed her against the side of the pond. My hands found the hem of (name)'s shirt and I slid my fingers underneath to leave trails of glowing water in my wake. We pulled away from the kiss only briefly for air before I dove in again, our lips crashing together with our mouths parted only enough to see a string of saliva connecting us. My lips traveled lower. First her cheek bone, then her jawline, and down her neck to kiss at her collar bone. My hands had circled her waist under her shirt to slip under the back of her shorts, where I picked her up enough to help her lock her legs around my hips. I nipped the skin under my lips to hear her gasp softly, and I kissed the area to soothe it before I sucked on the tender skin of her neck. I made sure to leave a bruise before moving back up to her lips, kissing her passionately as she clung to me tightly, her heavy breathing matching my own. When we pulled away again, her eyes were focused on my lips. Her eyes were hazy with lust, as I'm sure mine were as well. Not a word was needed to be said when our eyes met. We knew we were ready. So we connected again, this time with more need for the other. And as if (name) wanted to make sure I knew, she pulled me down to whisper one simple word in my ear.


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