Blurring Pieces

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(Name)'s POV

"Well Jesus that's a lot of shit to have happen in a month.." I leaned back in the chair, arms resting on the table as I looked over the other seven individuals. Everyone pitched in to help describe to me what happened. I got a lot of questions answered. Who Voltron was, I just found out it was a who instead of a what. What Voltron is, why they're here, how they think they were chosen. All that jazz. But questions still lingered in my head, one's I thought would be best kept to myself. Why bring me here instead of Earth? What's my use here? From what I've learned from their broken up explanation, I know that they all have their roles. Allura is the princess, she's back up for the Paladins, and emotional support in some areas. Coran is the 'butler' kinda guy. Except he isn't just the fetch-my-tea kind of butler. He's a strategist, and teaches the paladins how to fight. Lance was the Guardian spirit of the Water, the blue lion's paladin, right leg of Voltron. Hunk was the Guardian spirit of the Land, yellow lion's paladin, left leg of Voltron. Keith was the Guardian spirit of the Fire, red lion's paladin, right arm of Voltron. Pidge was the Guardian of the Forest, green lion's paladin, left arm of Voltron. And Shiro was the Guardian spirit of the Sky, black lion's paladin, and the head and body of Voltron. So the original question still stands. Why am I here? What purpose do I have? I'm so used to having some form of label that I feel useless without one. I'm not a paladin, I know how to fight sure, but everyone else here knows how to do that. Nothing special to me. 

My thoughts are interrupted when I feel a hand on my shoulder, and my body stiffens. It's Keith's voice that fills the silence in the room, it's not directed at me, but Shiro. "You should get her to bed. Allura and Coran can scan her in the morning and see if there's anything internal that needs to be fixed." It's that word again. They say it a lot here, and I don't know if it's because I showed up or if that's how its always been. Fix. I laugh softly to myself, knowing that I probably shouldn't speak my thought, but why not. They said be open after all. And besides, we're doing a team building exercise tomorrow, whatever that is. They'll be digging around in my head and in return I can do it to them. Not that I'm thrilled, but it makes it pointless to hold back anything for now. "You keep saying 'fix' like you actually can. I mean, look at Shiro, no offense man," he waves a forgiving hand silently to wave off my comment. "but he's not exactly any different from when he left. Still has the Galra arm and that same look in his eyes. Nothing here seems fixed to me. And that was only a year. I was there for five, what do you expect to happen any different?" There was silence when I finished talking, but the question hung heavy in the air. Hunk was the one to speak up, his voice muffled by food in his mouth, but still understandable. "Well we don't mean fix you, like there's something wrong. That's just not the right thing to say. We're just going in with the scanner to see if they did anything to you like they did to Shiro." 

I raised an eyebrow at the announcement, not entirely understanding what he meant. Pidge chipped in then, pushing up her glasses. "What Hunk's trying to imply is that Shiro's problem is his Galran arm. That's obvious, we can see it. And that was only in a year. We're worried of what the Galra did to you in the five years you were there, since we're not seeing anything physical other than a lot of precise cut scars. There's most likely something inside you that we need to look over and reprogram to obey you and us, not the Galra. For them, it'd be like having a spy on the enemy ship, and we can't have that. Also, the more recent scars on your body don't look like anything else we've seen on your arms or legs, the one over your eye is rather disconcerting, and the one on your stomach was a rip big enough to put something inside. And about Shiro's arm, we're trying to make him a new prosthetic. So we are in the process of helping him out." I nodded at her explanation, listening intently. Or as intently as I could. I'm not going to lie, I'm really tired. The pod I was in simulated sleep, but it wasn't the real sleep my body needs. I haven't slept in fuck knows how long. 

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