The Escape

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Over the course of a few weeks, or months. We've both lost track now. I've learned that this man's name is Shiro, he graduated from the academy as a pilot, like myself, minus the graduated part, was sent on a mission to Kerberos, and captured by the Galra. So as far as that goes, we're the same. He graduated when he was twenty three, sent on the mission when he was twenty four, and turned twenty five a week before he was captured and brought here. However, he graduated on time, I never had the time to graduate at all. I was sent out early with my crew mates for having the highest scores in the academy. Two semesters from being able to graduate. I was sent out at twenty years old. And it's been four years? That's what Shiro said a week or two ago. So I must be around twenty four now. And despite everything else I should be upset about missing, I'm more pissed off I missed my opportunity to get the car I wanted. Man I had the best car idea. Yeah sure I got a fucking spaceship, but I never got to go back in said spaceship. Shiro remembers me from the assembly at the football field four years ago, when John, Bri and I were announced to be going on a mission. But the part I don't get was how Shiro knew the name of the mission. How did he know it was a Jatrios mission? I asked him that yesterday, and he said it was announced when we were said to be dead. The academy didn't hold any classes in honor of our 'deaths'. Which I thought was pretty cool. Despite the fact the kids probably took it for granted and used the time for themselves than to grieve over the loss of three pilots. But I can't blame them, I'd be partying on a day off too. Fuck school.

I sat alone in my cell, Shiro was taken away again. He was the most used Gladiator fighter, even given the name "Champion". He's also been tested on by Haggar at least twice now. And there's a fight going on right now, so he's most likely being used out there for entertainment. My heart wrenched as I thought about the pain he must be going through. Physically and mentally. The Gladiators know how to get inside your head, and can turn your desires against you. Which worries me. Shiro only wants to help others like me, and become free again. So I worry he'll have these turned against him, and he'll want to help the Galra, while happily staying in their clutches. After all, he's been tampered with by Haggar, and she's no saint. The first thing that's done is always an incision in the back of the neck, where a link is connected to the brain. So whenever faced against the Gladiators, they can get into your head easily as they share the incision, only difference is they have the power to use it. Our incisions are made to only be used. It's no picnic having them in your head either. I remember that after I had my incision, I became a horrible person on the battle field. Once the Gladiators weasel their way into your mind, something snaps in your soul. Everything goes red and when your vision goes back to normal, all you see is blood. Of course I know it isn't just me that feels this. Even though very few get this incision, the ones that do all have something dark ripped out from the bottom of their hearts and brought to the surface. Shiro's learned how to keep it at bay, at least from what I know. Otherwise he would have tried and succeeded to kill me the day he came back to the cell different. That day was hectic to put it lightly..

I sat on my hard bed, waiting for Shiro to return from either a fight or Haggar. It must have been days until he was returned to our cell, and I honesty thought he had died in the time he was gone. But when he was tossed into the cell, my breath caught in my throat. He had white in his hair now, an his arm was covered in blood. But the red tint did nothing to hide the Galran arm now replacing one of his limbs. The cell door slammed behind him and when I approached, I stretched an arm out to his shoulder, only to see yellow eyes meet with my (e/c) orbs. "Don't fucking touch me!" His robotic arm took hold of my outstretched hand with a vice like grip, turning me around and slamming my now thin frame against the wall. I saw stars and when I could finally see everything somewhat straight again, Shiro's Galran hand was on my throat, and I could feel the gradual heating up against the tender skin there. I went to grab his hand to try and pull it away, or at least have some form of relief to get a breath of air, but I quickly ripped them away from the metal. His arm was scalding hot and it was very quickly advancing to my throat. The smell of burning flesh filled the room as I shrieked at him, begging for him to stop. The plea must have broken something and he quickly pulled away, using his other hand to catch me as I fell. My hands were placed to my throat, and when he caught me I turned my head to press into his chest. I've been through worse in the Gladiator fights, but physical pain and mental pain are two completely different things. This would most likely leave some form of small scar in the areas it got hottest, but mentally I'm surprisingly fine. I know what he's going through, Though my Galran tainted body doesn't have any physical showings like Shiro's arm, at least I hope not, I know that this wasn't his fault. The Galran's are monsters, so the machines they make would only be the same way. Everything gets to you here. Everything. He clung to me with his gradually cooling arm, dropping to his knees and sitting me in his lap as he repeated apologies in my ear. I only looked up at him and when our eyes met again, he was back to the normal, beautiful gray. Tears were in his eyes and I pulled a hand away from my throat to wipe them away, a half smile on my face to try and lessen the dark atmosphere. "Hey, it's okay. This happens to everyone that makes it this far. They are calling you champion after all. They're trying to change you. But you're stronger than them, you'll be okay." He only shook his head, inspecting the damage he caused to my neck. "But what if I'm not?  I'm not like you, It's only been nearly a year here for me, this is about to be year five for you. And you've never attacked me like this." I sat up and looked him in the eyes, forcing him to look into my own (e/c) pools. "That's just what you've seen from the cell. You don't know what I do with the Gladiators. And I'd rather you didn't know. And I've never attacked you because when I get back from the arena I'm too exhausted to do anything. But you know what?  We'll make sure you get out of here before you turn. You're going to escape, and here's how we're gonna do it..."

That day was a swing of emotions, like a wild ass roller coaster ride. But if it hadn't have happened, we wouldn't have been studying for two months on the routes and patterns the guards moved around. I've studied that for the years I've been here and didn't even realize I could corporate it into an escape plan. Shiro's been memorizing my knowledge of the seconds it takes for guards to navigate the halls, and by the routes he's been taken throughout the ship, he's learned the hallways layout, and from where the prisoners are brought through a certain door, must only be the ship area. So with my knowledge of time, and his knowing of where. We figured something out.

The next time I was brought back from a Gladiator fight by the two soldiers, Shiro took them out skillfully. He looked at me silently, and I knew what this meant. It was time. He grabbed my hand and dragged me through the halls, like literally dragged me. I just got back from the arena. You don't just walk out like a shaved tail lily. We would have loved to talk more, but any sound could get us caught. So the silence was rather important to this. Once we got to the hangar we looked at each other, mouthing the next move. and as we were about to go, I grabbed his hand and froze. The impact of everything finally made it's way into my head, and I looked at him with fear glossing over my (e/c) orbs as i spoke softly. "Shiro, I can't do this, I'm scared-" My voice halted and I bit my lip. I know now wasn't the time but at the same time I had to get it out now. He shook his head, mouthing back. "Yes you can, we've practiced this for months. Now come on pair 42 will loop around soon, we can't waste any time!" He yanked on my hand, trying to pull me through the doors to the hangar but my feet didn't move. I just couldn't do it. "Shiro you don't understand, I'm dangerous I-I can't leave here. I'll kill people like in the arena-"

"No shut up. You do that to the Gladiators and enemies, never anyone innocent. (Name), you're not like them, come on."

"You don't know that! There are times in the ring I was put up against other prisoners and I.. I couldn't stop myself! I'm death's best friend, just leave me here, please! I can't hurt anyone if I'm here."

"I am not  leaving you here! Not after everything we've been through. Damn it come on the guards are going to be here any second!"

And with that, I shook my head with tears running down my cheeks, sobbing out an "I'm so sorry" before yelling at the top of my lungs. I pulled my hand away when he loosened his grip on my arm at the sound, and I stepped away from him. He stepped back, listening to the faint step of soldiers coming closer. He pointed at me while walking backwards, determination in his eyes. "I'll come back for you! I swear on my life (name)!" And the doors to the hangars closed. The last thing I saw was Shiro jumping into an escape pod before I felt the handle of a gun slam into the back of my neck, making me drop to the ground as everything went black.

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