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A/N: This chapter has NSFW content, you have been warned. 

(name)'s POV

Shiro and I had separated from the other paladin's when night came. Naturally, I became more alive when the darkness replaced the light. No I'm not talking about the soul searching, 'deep' mumbo jumbo. I've just been on a dark Galra ship, at the very end of a dark corridor, in a dark cell, in the void of space that, coincidentally, is really fucking dark. Wow! Bet you didn't see that coming! Anyways, I was in that area for five years. Point being, my eyes have adjusted to a world without light. And ever since I was taken to the castle with the paladins, the whole process of adjustment started all over again. However, back to now. Though the forest was shrouded with shadows, every step we took made the world under us spark to life. Glowing in brilliant hues that I've never seen before. I had stopped, holding onto Shiro's upper arm as support to take my shoes off so I could run around and feel the moss between my toes. 

We had found a pond entirely by accident. We hadn't stepped in that part of the forest yet so the area around us wasn't glowing to illuminate the water. So when I took a step forward and felt nothing under my feet, I had screeched and flailed to grab hold of Shiro, pulling him in with me. Once our bodies his the water, the liquid took on a bright purple glow from our body heat. I burst from the water, gasping for breath as I held my arms away from my body as if it would help me dry off. I stuck my tongue out and groaned in fake disgust. "Ugh! Shiro why didn't you tell me there was a pond! I could have like. Died! There could have been like space piranhas or it could have been poisonous!" After receiving no response, I realized Shiro still hasn't come up from the water yet. I felt myself go into a slight panic when I poked the top of his head, the now drenched white tuft of hair the only thing I can see through the thick glow of water. Then I felt a hand grab my ankle and pull, making me loose my balance and fall back into the water with a scream. When I got back up, I saw the culprit pop out of the water. Shiro had fallen back against the wall of the pond, clutching his stomach as he laughed. And when I glared at him he only laughed harder. My body lowered into the water just low enough to get a mouth full of the glowing purple water, and when I slunk back over to him, I pretended to pull him down into a kiss. Only difference is that when he leaned down for the kiss, I spit the water in his face. 

We played like that for a good half hour, but that's when things started changing. Our bodies kept gravitating closer and closer. Slowly, our kisses became more heated. Shiro's roaming hands were no longer gentle touches along my back, but traveling further down the curve of my spine to pick me up by the backs of my thighs, forcing me closer to him. His fingers were under my shirt, slowly working my shorts off to massage his thumbs into my hips. When our eyes met after a passionate kiss, I knew what was to come next. As he bent down to kiss my neck over the bruise I'm sure he left, I whispered to him, and I felt his body jolt at the word. "Please.." He looked up at me from his spot on my neck, leaving another bruise in his wake. Shiro stood up straight, his hands on my hips as he sat me on the edge of the pond. It took him a minute for his eyes to travel up my body to meet my eyes, and when he did we leaned in close, close to kissing. SO close I could feel his lips brush mine when he spoke. "Are you sure?.." I answer him by closing the distance, my arms around his neck as he slipped his hands under the sides of my shorts. I arched up slightly to help him remove the clothing, and they were tossed a few feet away. My hands wandered under his shirt, adventurous fingers exploring their new territory while removing the article of clothing in the process. The glowing liquid dripped off of our bodies, and Shiro pressed into me, his heated breath dancing over my neck as he tugged my tank top up and over my head. We fell back out of the water against the warm, glowing moss. My arms were around his neck as he positioned himself above me on all fours, hands on either side of my head. Our lust filled eyes met, and Shiro's fingers danced across my sides down to my now bare hips while I connected his scars like constellations. 

Our lips met once more, and Shiro bit my bottom lip as I raised my hips up to meet his. It went on like that for quite a while, playing around with each other, teasing, hinting for the other to do more, until eventually, we couldn't handle the tension anymore. We were both naked, his arms around my waist as we sat up straight, his legs under me, and mine spread around his to sit comfortable in his lap. The moss under us was glowing bright, illuminating Shiro's features beautifully. One of my hands made it's way to Shiro's cheek, while the other laid flat against his chest. Shiro's fingers were harshly gripping my hips and thighs as we studied each other. I was the first to speak, tracing the scar across Shiro's nose. "So.. Are we..?" He just nodded, kissing my collar bone. "Yeah I think we are.." I hummed, placing my hands on Shiro's neck. "Are you ready though?" "Of course.. Are you?" "Absolutely.." He seemed to hesitate, as if waiting for me to change my mind, before he laid me down gently on the glowing moss, adjusting my hips so I was comfortably propped against him. We didn't intend for this to be rough, fast, or just down right dirty. First time's with couples were meant to be taken slow, and that's what we're going to do. 

Shiro leaned over me, hands placed on my hips as he looked me in the eyes, making sure one last time before we were one. My head tilted back as my hands shot up above my head to grip the ground, a long, loud moan escaping my lips as Shiro slid in. There was a few moments of slight pain, but it was completely abandoned when he pulled back and thrust in. My back arched against him, making the distance between the ground and me wider. Shiro's hand pressed against the small of my back as he ground into me, raising my hips higher so he could angle his thrusts better. When he hit something new inside me I roared out in pleasure, eyes clenching tight together so I couldn't see the smile spread across his face at this achievement. Our heavy breaths and heated moans were the only sounds to be heard this deep in the forest. And all we did for the rest of the night was get closer, laughing in a time that was meant to be serious. It was at this point Shiro realized it wasn't so bad to take a vacation from saving the universe.

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