To Be Remembered

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Shiro's POV

I strode out of the shower rooms, white towel around my neck and baggy black shorts on as I filed out. Steam flooded from the room behind me as I vigorously scrubbed at my hair with the towel, and when I removed it and looked in the mirror, I couldn't help but laugh at myself. My hair was sticking out in every which way, and the white was all stuck together in one giant clump. I looked like some fucked up unicorn. I ran my hands through my hair to slick it back before I slipped on a tight white tank top and started my way through the corridors of the castle-ship to the kitchen. I've been with the Voltron crew for a good month now, and everything's just now starting to blur together. Everything from the Galra ship is hazy, but I prefer to keep everything from there out of my head. However, the only thing that mattered on that ship other than the black bayard was (name). She was still on that ship, and for all I know she could be dead, or wishing she were. (Name) was the only one who kept me stable in my year of being on that ship. There's no way in hell I'd forget my promise to someone of such importance. We're headed to the ship tomorrow after the fake night cycle. The others will go to get the black bayard, while I'll split off and free the prisoners with Pidge. 

And speak of the devil. Or multiple. As I entered the kitchen everyone was eating dinner. Something obviously make by Hunk. Because lets face it. Coran is a great guy and all, but his 'exotic' cooking isn't something you want all the time. At least with Hunk I know the food is edible. Some heads turned to greet me while others kept their noses down to their plates. Lance and Keith were the only difference to the other two options, the two arguing about who's fault it was in spilling a bowl of food goo, resulting in the two having a two person food fight. 

"It was obviously you Keith! Your hand was the one to knock the bowl over! You clean it up!"

"No way! Your arm hit my hand and it knocked over because of you! You clean it up." 

I felt my eyes roll back into my head so far i was almost worried I'd see my brain as I groaned, stepping behind them and clearing my throat, making them go stalk still. "Alright you two, that's enough. You're wasting food. Both of you get up and clean. And just for this outburst you both have to do dishes tonight." The two sighed in frustration but nodded, mumbling a "whatever" and going their separate ways to get supplies to clean. Only before Lance pulled his spoon back and launched a ball of food goo at the back of Keith's head. After seeing this i turned an accusing glare at Lance, who's shit eating grin was wiped from his face as he scurried off quickly. I sighed and sat at the table, leaning my head back and looking at the ceiling. Hunk looked over at me and then at my plate of food I still haven't touched, then back to me. He had worry in his soft gaze. "Shiro? You been feeling okay?" Pidge pitched in a little too, turning her body to face me. "Yeah, I've noticed your head's been in the clouds recently. Wanna talk about it?" I shook my head. I don't even know why I've been acting like this. We've been through plenty of search and rescue missions. I don't see why this one's getting to me. I mean, yeah we're getting (name), but the others don't know that. They think this is just a liberation mission. "No I'm.. I'm fine you two. Thanks though." 

When I leaned my head forward again, I noticed they both had the same look. Eyebrow raised and the chin tilted down. Yep, this was like an interrogation. And these two always do this as a team. I chuckled at the display and ran a hand through my hair, sighing in defeat. "Alright you caught me, I'm a little nervous about tomorrow. You know I get antsy about direct Galra related missions. I doubt that'll ever stop." Pidge nodded understandingly, and Hunk reached over to give me a pat on the shoulder as he stood up. "Alright. Well if you ever need someone to talk to, Pidge and I are here to listen man." I smiled and met eyes with the yellow paladin, silently thanking him again as he left the room to check on Lance and Keith in the kitchen. Pidge stayed behind though, and had her hands in her lap, fingers laced together tightly. "Hey Shiro?.. I know I really shouldn't be asking, but like.. Do you think Matt and my dad'll be on the ship still? Is there any chance that they may still be okay?" 

My stomach turned at the dark thought. I knew she would ask this at some point, but I never wanted to be the one to tell her. It's like giving your daughter the ability to go to prom then grounding them the night before. It fucking sucks. I placed an arm over her shoulders as I pulled her into a gentle hug, sighing. "Pidge, I'm hoping the same things as you. And I know it'll be hard to accept, but you have to realize that there are too many options out there of what happened. They could have been transferred to other ships, or taken to a work camp. Or.. Worse." I paused to carefully think over my next words. I had to tell someone at least, and the best way to do it would be to try and use it for better reasons. "But there's always a silver lining, and the idea that they could still be there isn't completely impossible. Because when I was on the ship for a year, I met a girl named (name). She said she was on the ship for four years before I showed up. And now it's almost five. And she was never taken farther than the Gladiator arena or Haggar's quarters from what she told me. So maybe Matt and your dad have the same deal going on."

Pidge looked up at me, biting the inside of her cheek. "Yeah, that's true.." She sighed hard, and I felt her slump against my side with exhaustion, a yawn filling her sentence. "You mean (first name) (last name)? From the Jatrios mission?" I nodded and picked up her tired form, standing up slowly to not startle her. "Yep, that's her." She rested her head against my shoulder as I picked up her empty plate of food and brought it to the kitchen with Pidge being supported by my other arm. Lance and Keith were being surprisingly quiet when I entered and remained that way until I left. I'm not sure if they thought I was still being strict with them or if it was to be respectful to Pidge, but either way it was nice. "Isn't she dead?.." I shook my head as I walked her to her room, fumbling with the number pad before opening the door. "Well I was announced dead but am I really?" The smaller paladin shook her head as I laid her on her bed, covering her in her blankets before brushing her hair out of her eyes. "Exactly.. Now you get your sleep, we have a big day tomorrow and Allura probably wants us up early." Pidge only nodded with a yawn, saying something along the lines of "Good night" before I left the room. 

Pidge is a good kid, and she just wants her family back. Hell, everyone on this ship lost something. Keith lost his family at a young age. Lance, Pidge, and Hunk were all ripped from the safe confines of Earth against their will without being able to say good bye to anyone or anything. Hunk doesn't have the home cooked meals he misses so much. Pidge didn't get to say good bye to her mother. Lance didn't get to see his family before he left. Allura lost her father, Coran lost his king. And they both lost their planet, I lost my arm and my crew mates from Kerberos. And on that Galra ship I lost a part of me. 

After telling the other paladins to go to sleep once the dishes were done, I headed back to my room and stripped of everything but my boxers before I fell onto my bed. Eyes closing as I gave out a soft hum of content. And before I knew it, I was out like a light.

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