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A/N: Hey guys! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated recently, I'll try my hardest to get back into the swing of things, but it's still really hard. I lost a really close friend after loosing two others two years ago. And thank you so much for all of your patience! It really means a lot!

(Name)'s POV

My whole body shook with fear, watching the purple bodies drop to the floor lifelessly by the hands of the paladins. All eyes were on me and I didn't know how to answer Shiro's question. I don't know how the chip got there, I don't even know how in gods name to work the particle barrier, let alone make it so only one panel is down oh so conveniently just outside of an entrance. I let my scared (E/C) wander across the other faces in the room, opening and closing my mouth to speak, but nothing coming out. Shiro's voice replaced my own, the sound low and aggravated. "(Name), I need an answer or we'll be forced to put you under." I shook my head rapidly, hands up in defense. "No! No no really I- Damn it I don't know! The scar on my foot's been there since I was little! I stepped on an nail and when we took it out it ripped the skin real bad. And I don't even know how to work the particle barrier! Everything mechanical built by the Altaens and I don't know jack shit of their language! I barely passed English!" I threw my arms in the air before pointing to my foot, taking off my boot and sock to show the scar there. I lost my balance for a few seconds but quickly gained it back. "Look, there's nothing under the skin. There would be a rise of skin, a blinking light or something! I had the wires on my back and those weren't subtle, why would they focus on that so much to keep it hidden?" 

This made Shiro fall silent, only now letting his Galra tech hand cool down. All was silent for a short time before Pidge spoke up, clicking her bayard at her hip. "Look, she's right guys. That scar's too old to be made within the five year range she was with the Galra. And it's really small. A chip couldn't have fit in there. It would have caused pain anyways, it would have also been seen in the scan. The particle barrier could have been a mechanical mistake, they happen a lot. And according to Coran, this castle is 10,600 years old. There's bound to be some problems." Hunk nodded in agreement, adjusting the head band on his forehead. "Yeah, we went over those scans a hundred times or more. The only thing we couldn't remove or fix was the wire inside her spine rather than outside. If we got that far, we would have noticed a simple chip in her foot. This could have totally been a scam to make us get rid of (name) so they could take her again. The Galra work like that ya know?" There were collective agreements and Shiro sighed, seeming to calm down after the explanation. I couldn't tell if he knew that I was telling the truth or not, but I hope to whatever deity is out there that he know's I'm not lying. 

After the Galra made their surprise entrance to the solar system we were drifting in, Allura made a worm hole and we jumped to a new one. It would give us a few days to a week minimum until they found us again. But for now, it was intense training. Allura level training. And she wasn't kind about it. Training under her watch was without a break. The only time you got to catch your breath was when you were thrown to the ground by the fighter bots in the training deck. And even that wasn't a lot because you had to get up quick or you'd risk being sliced in half. Shiro was still a little suspicious of me, but that's understandable. A Galra troop found us by a chip in my foot that doesn't exist. It's really confusing, why would they even say that? Did Haggar really pay that much attention to remember a scar on my foot and make a story from it? It's insane. 

I was currently sitting on the floor in a far corner of the training deck, sipping at bagged water while I leaned against Hunk's back. It was our first break of the day, and everyone was beyond relieved to have time to relax. Lance made his way over to us and fell to his knees before rolling onto his back with a groan. "Allura, we're not robots. We have these things called nerves and you're reeeeeeeally starting to get onto them." Hunk nodded in agreement, humming along with everyone else including me. "Yeah princess, and we're just not build like you Altaens, we need breaks or we'll like. Die" I rolled my eyes, looking over Hunks shoulder at everyone else in the group of Paladins. "Guys, really. Y'all are just a little out of shape. This isn't anything." Even Shiro looked over at me in surprise, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow while sitting next to me. He had a white towel in hand as he draped it over his shoulders. "Well you were on a Galran ship for five years. Of course this is nothing to you." I just rose a brow, looking him over as Pidge and Keith joined us, taking the bagged water from Allura with a silent thank you. "Shiro, you were on the ship too. For a whole year babe. I'm surprised you even broke a sweat." Shiro shrugged, leaning forward. "Yeah true, but I wasn't there long enough to be broken so much I went numb."

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