Chapter 3

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I walked all night around London. I'm sure my all make up descended from my face with little rain's help. I lost my friend with who I spend 6 years of my fucking life. I'm sitting in my car listen depressing songs and I'm waiting when all alcohol go down from me. I came back to home at 9a.m my mom is sleeping at upstairs, my dad is in work and my brother probably sleeping or he didn't came back from his friends.

Jamie's POV

-"[...] Look at her slutty's moves"- he show me video when she's dancing. I'm so shocked really. How he could call her slut?! She's so beautiful and her moves prove it. I'm here with my friends and my wife is in home with my little princess Dulcie. I don't know what she do to me, but when I talked with he I felt so different. At the beginning in my relationship I felt happy, but right now? Everything is spoils ; everyday we argue about little things and it becomes tiresome. It's start when I started playing in Fifty Shades Of Grey. This was very interesting proposion and the beginning Amelia supported me, but later her jealous became unbearable. Right now this little blondie is in my mind I'm looking at her, but she ran away from here. I noticed she left her jacket I took it and ran away behind her. I screamed her name, but she disappeared. In her jacket I found her phone. Tempted me to find out something more about her, but I don't have the habit poke. I came back to home it's 1a.m. My wife is sleeping in our bed, I took whisky and sat on the sofa. I can't sleep because of her beautiful eyes. I'm holding all time her phone fuck it, I unlocked and saw many pictures of me, her, and beautiful views. Wow, she has good eye maybe she's photographer? I delete all of my pictures and took some selfies, and send from my phone to her.

-"Baby what are you doing here?"-I heard Amelia's voice I quit hid her phone to mine jacket.

-"Oh, I'm sitting I can't sleep"

-"Come to me it's late remember we're going to my parents tomorrow?"-her hand were on my shoulders

-"Yeah, I know"- I took her hand and we came back to our bed

Maddie's POV

I'm sitting in my room I'm feeling like nothing I heard knock to my door it was my mother

-"God, darling why did you not answer my calls?"

-"Did you call me?"- I asked surprised I don't remember who somebody call to me I started looking for my phone at my room, car. Holy shit I lost my phone and jacket. How I stand without it? I thought in the bar was it, but they didn't found anything. Great, how I could be so stupid left my phone in there? My father will kill me. When I come back to my home I notice black Audi under the home. I don't remember who from my family or my parents friends have this car.

I got out of the car and I walked to my home

-"Miss Maddie?"-somebody call me got out this car. This man has maybe 40 years old, powerful physique and he's wearing black jeans, t-shirt and jacket

-"Yes, can I help you?"-I asked with care

-"Umm... I have something which belong to you"-he said mixed and the car pulled my jacket and phone. I'm having tears in my eyes this time with happiness.

-"OMG, how you found it? Thank you so much !"- I wanted jump in his arms, but he could think I'm crazy.

-"Don't thank me, just my boss I had to deliver lost things to you"

-"Who's your boss?"- I asked with curious

-"You found out in your phone"- He said goodbye to me and drove off.


Hi guys ;)

What do you think about Jamie's POV? Do you want more his point of view?

Tomorrow and probably after day tomorrow I won't post new chapter because I'll be at the wedding so be patient and I wish you good weekend :)

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