Chapter 14

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Raindrops loud roll down the window. All I wanted is sleep, mattress groaning under someone's weight and pat on the head. This smell was very familiar I turned around and it was Jamie. My eyes grew large and he only smile

-"Good morning baby"-he whisper to me

-"Hi, what time is it?"-my voice was sleepy and little afraid the only thing he could see that was my face

-"It's 5am"

-"Gosh, Jamie I was scared I oversleep"-I took my pillow and covered up whining

-"For me it could be better, but I know how it's for you important, c'mon wake up I'll wait on downstairs"-he kissed my head and went out. I took the shower to wake up, tied my hair in messy bun, I wore my favorite jeans, grey sweatshirt with umbrellas and black Nike sneakers.

In the kitchen were my mom with Jamie and I came there yawing. After our breakfast I said goodbye to my mom, Jamie took my suitcase and we got into the car.

-"How are you feeling?"-he asked when we stood on the red light

-"Happy and excited and you?"-I smiled to him

-"I devastated that I can't go with you"

-"I also pity that you wouldn't be in New York with me, but don't worry this week will fly so fast"

We arrived on the airport. The weather is awful he was so sad and this beat me down more than this weather. He took my suitcase and came to my checking in and there was a lot of people very happy and talking and we only standing there in this silence

-"Do you have everything?"-he asked

-"Yes darling I'm having"-I smiled showing him my ticket and on my face were tears

-"Maddie, what's going on?"

-"Nothing"- I wiped tears sleeve

-"Please don't crying everything will be okay you said that will fly very fast"-he started crying too it was first time ever I saw his tears

-"Right, but what will I do there?"

-"Oh... You know eating, have excursions and many things"

-"Breakfast at Tiffany's"


-"Of course that not"-I smiled

-"Hmm might better I'll fly with you"

-"Baby, relax I'm all of you"-I laughed

-"Like in John Legend's song?"

-"Maybe"-my hand was on his neck

-"I love you all my heart baby"-he looked into my eyes

-"I love you more Jamie"-he kissed me as if tomorrow wouldn't be. I took my suitcase and went to checking in. One last time I sent kiss to him and he smiled to me. Damn I love this man so much, I wish spend my life with him. I saw my airplane he's so big and I think I'll fall in love with travel a plane. I sat on my place by the window. That's my first time with this machine, but I can handle. This turbulence was not nice, but this view is magical all time I looked on the window and admire how clouds move in their rhythm

-"Miss"-somebody shaking my shoulder that was stewardess little blondie with British accent

-"Wh-what's going on?"-I asked scared

-"Relax we'll land in New York for a few minutes please get ready"-she said and smiled and I nodded. I zipped belts and close my eyes. We landed at John F. Kennedy's airport he's bigger than Heathrow. And there was a lot of snow but that was sunny day the frosty air. I went collect my luggage, and I'm looking for someone who pick me up from the airport. And I found the woman with ginger medium hair and very tall like a model.

-"Are you Maddie Smith?"

-"Yes miss"-I answered

-"I'm Kylie Dawson nice to meet you"-she shake my hand

-"I'm Maddie"-I smiled

-"I'll take you on the hotel I'm sure you're tired and maybe we'll going to dinner huh?"-she asked

-"I'd like to"-we got into typical yellow taxi and we drove to my hotel. He's so beautiful in some way I felt in Titanic I took my key to my room and lift went to up. My room is 123 I opened it and this view take my breath. It's really beautiful I don't care that my room is smile I wanted live in there no matter what. My clothes I hung in the closet, I called to my mom and after to Jamie. He was so sleepy, but happy I called to him he said he love me, miss me and thinking about me all time. I love talking with him via phone he has really warm and sexy voice and I can forget about all world. I took quick shower and went with Kylie at the dinner in Morton's The Steakhouse. She told me what we will doing tomorrow and some interesting things about this town.

After it I came back to hotel I took some pictures and share it on Instagram and sleep on big bed.

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