Chapter 8

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I'm sitting on the couch reading what they wrote about us and I'm shock. How they can be so mean to the world. I don't wonder why Jamie left the social media. If my mom see this fucking article she'll want meet him and talk with him and I'll have preachify. I don't want right now this situation it's something new to me. Right now I want a peace and go to deep sleep.

Next day I woke up, and outside the window I'm seeing white backyard and sunny it'll be a good day. A half day me and mom made the Christmas cleaning thinking about that our date will be tomorrow, but I got the message from Jamie and he scattered my black scenarios. He still want meet me. After cleaning I called to Loren so she went the shopping with me. I didn't wanted go to the date because they were forced. We made the ladies night in my room talked and drinking the beer all night.

I wake up with big headache at afternoon. Damn I can't get up from the bed and I'm feeling like a shit. My mom called us to the dinner and our first food in this day.

-"Maddie maybe we could go to our goddaughter?"- and my face was the red I don't have any excuse maybe the half true will be the best answer

-"Oh mom, I wish but I don't have today"

-"I'm seeing you're looking different"

-"Somebody going to the date"- Loren said dreamily voice

-"Maddie is it the true?"

-"Maybe..."-my face was in a plate

-"Oh my God finally you started living like a girl in your age"

-"Her eyes is light up"

-"Oh shut up your eyes is light up too"

-"Can I know who is it the guy?"

-"Mom it's only a friend and nothing else"

-"But please don't fall in love too fast okay?"

-"Okay mom"- after dinner I started get ready. On the date I asked my brother to drive me under the cinema. I'm really nervous my hands shaking and I don't think rationally. When I go down my dad gasped and I don't know why I looked at the mirror and maybe I'm looking a little different, but it's only little mean Maddie. My brother under the cinema smoke with me the cigarette and talk about next our party. I was standing under cinema and waiting for him a while time. I'm scared that he'll put me probably I'll sick that weather is awful and every minute is so worst and worst.

-"Maddie"- somebody called my name and it was Jamie he's looking so sexy and handsome. He's wear dark jeans, navy shirt and black coat. His steps are uncertain to me, but he's smiling

-"You're looking beautiful"-he whisper to my ear

-"Thank you"- I blushed looking to my hands

-"Oh it's these are for you"- he gave me a bouquet of pink roses. I love roses like every woman

-"You hadn't to they are beautiful"- I smiled to him

-"They didn't show how are you beautiful... So what do you want watch?"

-"Maybe at the beginning a comedy?"

-"I thought about it so let's go because we are freezing up here"- he took my hand and went to ticket office. We didn't know how we should behave for the date, but after the movie atmosphere relaxed. Jamie took me on the pub where I spilled beer on him. They decorated on the Christmas there are lights, Christmas tree and they started play the Christmas movies because for to them is 5 days.

-"Mmm... Finally they're having my favorite beer"- I said drinking Corona and background I hear "White Christmas" by the Michael Buble his voice is so incredible

-"C'mon dance with me"- I stand up and I reached out toward him my hand and we went to dance. We drifted to the pub his hands were on my waits.

-" I didn't know you're good dancer"- I complimented him looking to his eyes and he only smiled to me and he turned me so that spin my head

-"Baby everything is alright?"- he catch me

-"Yeah, I'm okay"-we walked out and we decided walking around the city in silence ?

-"Why are you taciturn?"- I asked him

-"Me? Why do you think so?"

-"Because I think that you imagined that date a little different and unwittingly I took over the baton"

-"I'm not talking too much because I can't good look to you. You're so beautiful and this date is more that I imagined because you're yourself free and happy"-he weaved our hands and he kissed my cheek

-"Thank you handsome I didn't imagine I'll have a date with my favorite actor"

-"Maybe it's time to change it"-he caught me and turned me

-"But what?"

-"I want you'll be my favorite happy girlfriend in my life"

-"Do you ask me be your girlfriend?"

-"Yes, I want you in my life"-he kissed my hands and I don't know should I be part of his life? Will I have a lot of power to stand the rumors, his wife? So I'm having a lot of power to love him I'll stand everything

-"Yes, I want be your happy girl"-he turned me and started kissing me everywhere. Now I know that feeling is stronger than my fantasies.


Hi ;)

I'm sorry that chapter is short, but I didn't had any end sense but I'm hoping that you like it


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