Chapter 23

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Paul's POV
I'm talking and dancing with my best friends I'm happy my sister found someone who respect and love her. I don't care she's older than me really we love each other. She went out talking with her boyfriend so I start drinking and having fun. To us came my good friend fear and tired
-"Paul" !
-"Hi Roger What's up? "
-"Ohh... Your sister... OMG "
-"What's going on with her?!"
-"Someone jostle her and she..."-I threw everything and ran to her everywhere were people and my sister lay on the road everywhere was blood her heels were far away
-"Maddie!! Wake up!!!"-I shook her and nothing
-"Fuck people call to 911"-I cried out my friends were by my side
-"Paul you have to call to parents"- Ana said
-"I can't, call to them please"- I gave her my phone and I rocking her like little child. 5 minutes later the ambulance drove here and took her to hospital. They told me she's in bad condition and let's hope she'll alive. Me and my parents drove to hospital my mom was in horrible condition my dad tried be strong but when he saw her gave up.
-"Mom everything will be okay "
-"My baby girl, who made it on her?"
-"Mom I don't know I didn't saw any car but I promise, I found him and kill him okay? The waiting was scare

Jamie's POV
[...] -"I'm missing you too and I can't wait for you"-after her sweet voice I heard only huge crash and screams and our conversation was broke. What's going on there? I tried call to her but nothing I can't focus on my job when I don't know what's going on with her.
-"Jamie, everything is okay?"-director asked me
-"I guess that yes, we can continue"-I came back to screenplay and made everything good. It's my last day in here I can't wait for her touch her skin and hear her laugh. I tried call one more time nothing. Fuck, I'm scarying I called to her brother
-"Paul? Thank God what's going on with Maddie? I made something wrong?"
-"No Jamie you're good for her and thank you for it"
-"Could you give me her to phone I wanna talk to her"-that silence it's strange
-"No, Jamie she's in hospital in coma the doctors doesn't know she'll alive"- I felt my world is spinning around
-"Not fucking kidding me kiddo ! Where's my baby?!"
-"Better come back to London"-he hung up and I called to Mat nothing. Holy shit I can't believe it. I packed my all clothes and run into car which drove me to airport. I bought ticket for the nearnest flight. I'm mad so much I could hit everyone. I search something about this club and there was artical about the accident under there.
" Before 11pm. was the accident under Nomad Club London where victim was probably Jamie Dornan's girlfriend Maddie Smith who was to jostle by the unknown.
We don't know what's her condition but people said she looks terrible and her hells where far away"
In my eyes were tears whoose drop on my face. I don't forgive myself if she doesn't alive. I ran to the hospital where were Maddie's parents and brother. Her mom hug me so tight and cried and I started to
-"Where's she is?!"
-"Right now she has a opperation"-her brother answer
-"Why did you not went with her huh?!"
-"She's not child and she talked to you !"
-"I'm sorry Paul, I'm mad for myself, and everything. I should be with her not in this fucking job"-I beat the wall and gave up
-"Jamie sweetheart, you have to believe everything will be okay, she's proud of you when you took this role"
-"Yes, probably she said to you but you know how is she honest"
-"Yah I know. I promise you I'll protect her no matter what I'll love her to the moon and back. She's everything what I need I love her all my heart"
-"Son, I know it she's my baby girl my eye and mind and I'm happy you make her smile"-we waited all time the hours slow down I'm freaking out of unknowlange but I fall asleep I was so tired
-"Jamie, wake up"-someone shook my shoulder
-"Wh-what's going on? "
-"Opperation came good but this night will be decidation If you want you can go to her room"
-"Thank you very much"- I went there and tears again were on my face she was connect to machines, she looks so peaceful
-"Baby don't go away from me, I love you. When we went out from here I take you a date and I'll make love you. You know, my parents want meet you I show them your picture and they said "More honest member of our family" Yes, they want you in my family I want make home with full of fun and love. If you hear me give me a sigh baby"-I cried kissing her hand

Maddie's POV
Where am I? It's dark and silence I'm not dirty I meet someone on my way like a angel or something
-"Where am I?"-I asked
-"Come with me"-he gave me his hand and now it's clear and bright
-"Am I in heaven?"
-"Not right now"
-"Who are you?"
-"I'm your angel"
-"The Angeles are having names?"
-"Yeah, I'm Josh"
-"Why I'm in here?"
-"We have to talk and I'll show you something"
-"Do you love your boyfriend?"- he asked
-"Of course He's everything what I have"
-"Good, God everything  see and sometimes he wonder take to heaven but he knows how much you crush about this men and your meeting with him that wasn't lucky charm just was a plan how make you happy"
-"Look"-he show me him sitting by my bed
-"Oh my gosh my dear"
-"Now make him happy and remember love wins everything barefoot cinderella"

Jamie's POV
Days, weeks, months passed so slow and she only sleeping and nothing but I'm having faith my baby girl wake up and show me her beautiful big smile. I couldn't eat, sleep, work right now is not important my manager gave declaration and my fans respect my privite site. Everyday i came here with flowers and news. Today it's beautiful day ; sunny without clouds it's after my Birthday but I don't care her the best gift when she wake up. Suddenly I felt her touch and groan I look at her she saw me I was tears on my eyes
-"Maddie my sunshine"-I kissed her hands she only smiled and she was tears too. Thank God she come back to me I went to doctor and he came with me to her

Maddie's POV
I heard Jamie's voice something said to me I touch him, Holy God he looks terrible tinny, tired and his beard was so long. I felt something in my thoart doctor put off from there but I wanted drink
-"Hi, I'm dr. Preston what's your name?"
-"Maddie, Maddie Smith"
-"Okay, you know who is it?"-he show Jamie
-"It's my boyfriend"
-"You know what's happened last night?"
-"No, I don't remember but how long I slept?"
-"3 months"
-"What's day is it?"
-"May 2nd"
-"OMG Jamie I forgot about your birthday and Loren"-I started cry
-"Shh, baby everything is okay"- he kissed cheek and smiled to me
-"I love you"
-"I love you more now go to sleep you're tired"
-"Don't you think is enough?"
-"Mm, maybe but your eyes are small"
-"You have right, but you have to go to sleep you're tired I can't look at you in this condition"
-"Don't arrange with me everything I heard when I was in coma"
-"Yes, now go to home and relax everything will be okay"
-"Okay we'll see you later"-he kissed me and went out. In my room people went in and went out. My mom talked about family, their wedding. She want to be her witness with her friend Michelle. I'm so happy after 22 years old they're in love each other. Sometimes I watching their wedding, they had beautiful everything.

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