Chapter 16

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I woke up with big headache. Damn too much alcohol, too much problems. Yes, I remember what happened last night. I cheated my love and now I'm feeling like a shit. I took bottle of water and I drunk all, I'm scaring check out my phone, but I have to do. I started check out from Snapchat ; nothing special only some photos with Joe next is Instagram ; in there nothing too. Thank God on the gossip website was only mention that me and some girls partying with Joe Jonas. I don't think that Jamie could be jealous of this. I decided call to him to calm down

-"Hello?"-he answered after long time

-"Hi darling what's up?"-I asked sitting by the big window

-"Um...Nothing special I'm just sitting and drinking with my friends"

-"Oh... It's good you're not sitting at home"

-"I'm taking example from you"-his voice violently change tone

-"What do you mean?"

-"Are you thinking I'm stupid? I saw these photos from last night. Do you had good time preying on my fame, huh?"

-"It's only photos nothing else and that I met him it's only pure accident"

-"I don't believe you, you're the same like others"-on my face was tears

-"Jamie, don't say it I'm not like the others"

-"My wife had right you find way to play"

-"You were at her home?"

-"Maybe, but it's not your business"

-"I'm your girlfriend, and someone said to me in the relationship we have to say everything because it's not work, right Mr. Dornan"

-"Exactly, you didn't say that you're going to the club and didn't call me. Admit it do you sleep with him?"

-"No ! How could you think about it?! Now your turn ; did you come back to her"

-"Maybe..."-he said after a long consideration

-"If your "maybe" means "yes" I think you haven't to pick me from airport"-I disconnect and come back to my bed and I started crying. Why he hurt me? Everybody make mistakes, but forgive it. I love him so much my world without him it's like flower without water. Now I'm feeling so empty, I'm so stupid fucking bitch who make a lot of mistakes. I texted to Kylie that I'll stay on my room because I'm feeling bad. It's the penultimate day in New York and right now I'll have breakfast at Tiffany's alone. Someone call to me it was Joe, but I don't want talk with him. I call to my brother he could pick me from airport and he said yes. He pissed at him like me when his girlfriend breakup with him without reason. I wanted kick her ass and right know I'm scaring what he will do. I turn on the TV and watching comedy. After dinner someone knock to my door it was Nicole

-"What do you want?"- I said with red eyes not combed hair and with my pajamas

-"Whoa girl what happened with you? Are you sick?"-she asked worried come in to my room

-"No, I just had not nice phone conversation with my boyfriend"

-"With Joe? Are you together?"

-"No, Joe isn't my boyfriend uh... I think I broke up with him"


-"He pissed on me and said something it hurt me."

-"Fucking asshole, you're deserving for more careful, loving man than your"

-"Oh man's world is so fucked up"

-"Don't worry baby, it'll be okay just you have to get a grip"

-"You think so?"

-"Of course, now show me your ex-boyfriend"

-"Oh...I don't think it'll good idea"-she took my phone"

-"Darling why are you having Jamie Dornan on your lock screen?"

-"Because he was my boyfriend"-and again I started crying

-"Are you kidding me?"

-"No, look my gallery"-she watch our photos, stupid movies"

-"Fucked, don't say he found out another woman?"

-"No, he came back to his wife"

-"Idiot, Dear God it's good I don't living in London I would kill him"

-"I'll kill him, but knowing life my brother and friends will kill him before my come back"-I smiled

-"It's good you're having them, now c'mon get ready to the dinner"

-"I don't want, please leave me there"

-"And what? Will you cry all time because of this dick? Darling he's not worth it."

-"I love him, and I'm feeling sick"

-"Shut up and get ready"-she drew me to bathroom"

-"Leave me alone"

-"No, I'll wait for you"-I sit in bathroom 10 minutes I was sure she came out, but she's waiting. Under shower I cried like a river. I dried my hair, made little make up and wore black mom jeans, white shirt, black ankle boots.

-"Now it's better, now c'mon Joe invited us to the dinner"

-"You're bitch"

-"Thank you"-we drive to nice restaurant and Joe, Cole and Greg waited to us

-"Hi girls you're looking pretty"-Joe said looked to me

-"Thank you Joe"-Nicole answered

-"Maddie why didn't you answer my call"

-"Oh I was busy I'm sorry"

-"No problem, what's up of your boyfriend"-and in this moment I had tears in my eyes

-"I said something wrong?"-he asked

-"No, you're not"

-"So what's going on?"


-"Okay, so guys I want toast for our new friend"-he smiled and drunk our glasses of champagne. They talked and laughed and I sitting burying eating. I think Joe knew about my breakup because he doesn't asked just smiled and said that everything will be okay. I went out smoke cigarette and I called to Loren and said everything what happened and she want kick his ass before I came back. Dear God don't let put them in jail. They're everything in my life right now. I come back said them goodbye and I walk to hotel. On the Instagram Joe share pick with very eloquent description of everybody should get another chance. It was very nice from his side and it was one thing of this day.

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