Chapter 30

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Days and weeks passes like summer so fast but with the deep memories and I can't stop thinking of Jamie. He was special, nice, and we had our rhythm nobody can understand. I'm living with my parents again. They were on shocked and my brother wanted kill him but the bad emotions passed fast. They support me no matter what and I love them so much. Jamie after week stopped call to me and invite my house. And after week I went out from home the fresh air always chills me with Loren we went to wedding shopping choice her wedding dress. I'm jealous I could get married with Jamie and create perfect family. Bullshit, the men who cheat his woman he isn't real men. I came back to home and I eat sandwitch and I called to Joe
-"Hi Joe"
-"Ohh hey Maddie what's up?"
-"It could be better but I'm fine and you?"
-"It's good I'm sorry your relationship split out he doesn't deserve you"
-"I'm okay give me more time and all Maddie come back"
-"Big girl"
-"I'm trying be"
-"You are, if you want you can visit me in Los Angeles"
-"Joe, thank you but you're busy it's nice from your side"
-"I'm not busy I know someone who want meet you"
-"I'll think about it"-I hung out and lying on bed thinking what should I do? I still have our picturies my smile was so bright and honest and I wanted start something new without him without memories and not in this city. Too much pain and rain.
I walk down where my parents are watching TV
-"How do you feel honey?"-my mom asked me
-"Not bad, I'm just thinking about"
-"About what?"
-" Move on somewhere"
-"Do you want your own flat?"
-"It's good move if you want we can go search something tomorrow"
-"Not in this city"- I murrmured
-"Okay, so where?"-dad asked
-"In Los Angeles"
-"What?!"-my mom was in shock
-"Baby, you can't escape because of him, he'll be there too, if you meet him again will you escape to another country?"-dad asked
-"Dad, I don't care about him if he come or not, I want live there because I feel it's my place."
-"Living in big city alone is really hard, we don't help you if you'll be there"
-"You don't support me? Why? It's my dream you knew that"- I freak out I'm adult and I want my dream come true
-"I know but think about it one more time and come there for 2 weeks and you'll decide what do you want from life"
-" I want to be happy"
-"Are you not happy?"
-"Not complete"
-"Think about it please, maybe you want go to Hawaii on vacation?"
-"Not right now, Los Angeles is my goal"- I stood up and went to my bedroom it's my kingdom. I feel safe that's chill me out. Every memories, bad or best days are there in grey walls with queenie bed and things from concerts. I'll missing this room so much but the next step is my own flat and new start all by myself.

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