Chapter 4

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I'm happy I got my phone back. I didn't believed that ever find. I walk to home I'm so hungry it's time for good dinner. In the kitchen I felt a pleasant smell. My daddy is cooking braised bacon. I love it it's one of my favorite fog. He's always cooking it when I'm sad or gift box desire.

-"Hi dad"- I sat on the chair

-"Hey sweetie did you found a phone?"

-"Yeah, for lucky I found"- I smiled. He gave me a plate with food and coke. With my dad I'm having better relations than my mom. I walked to my room I'm wondering who found my phone and who is the boss. I started check everything is there, but in gallery disappeared every Jamie's photo. I growled under my breath. I didn't want to again upload the photos. In another folder I found his photo's but I didn't seen before. In my notebook I found message from someone

"Meet me in the Kennington Park at 6p.m tonight

The Boss"

Is it a date or normal meeting? I don't know who is it maybe he want rape me? But pulls me curiosity who it could be you live once. I looked at my watch it's 4pm. I don't have a lot of time so I started get ready to this meeting. I decided I'm going by bus. I walked out assuming earphones listening old songs which chills me it's good that not raining. Leaving the bus I saw a lot of people and I how find this mystery boss? I walked around the park and sat on the grass watching people playing with the kids. Suddenly somebody sat down next to me he's wearing black jeans, black Nike's shoes, black jacket and navy t-shirt.

-"Can I?"-he asked me

-"Yeah, sure"- I replied gloomily

-"Are you here alone?"

-"I'm waiting for someone"

-"Oh, really somebody has a good taste to the places"-he smiled, and I looked at him furtively the mystery boss is the guy who spilled beer and made my night so good.

-"Yeah, you know he's the boss"

-"Oh really? And you know whose?"-he looked at me and I to him he's wearing the sunglasses and I started laugh

-"Yeah, you have really nice courier"

-"I asked to be nice for you and he probably get increase"-he stand up give his hand I could rise.

-"Thank you for my phone and jacket, if not you I couldn't..."

-"... Look at my pictures and use snapchat or something like this"- I blushed and look the other side. Suddenly he attracted me to him because I ran straight into someone. My heart beating so fast, lips made so dry. His perfume making my legs so weak

-"Where are we going?"-I asked to stop awkward silence

-"It's a surprise"- he just smiled, we walked to his car, all road we talked and listening music and the streets are filled the lights. When I got out the car I saw the London Eye my face filled the smile which Jamie noticed. He hold my hand and walked there.

-"Are you afraid of?"-he asked me with care

-"No, there is beautiful"

-"You'll see when we'll on upstairs"- We drove all the time up I tried make a good photo, but the light is not good.

-"Strike a pose miss"-he took my phone and had set up the photo

-"Jamie, please stop I'm not photogenic model"- I tried take my phone, but he use I'm short and I can't reach

-"For me you're the best view"-I looked at his eyes and my checks are red again I wanted approaches to the glass, but he took my wrist, attracted me to him

-"Jamie, you're the best view should be your family"-we started to sway

-"What if my best view disappeared?"-his hands are on my waist and my are on his shoulders

-"I don't understand, you have good wife and your little princess what more could you want?"

-"A love"

-"Oh... You have look so happy"

-"Right now I'm happy with you"- He came up to me so that I could feel his breath on my neck and kiss me slowly. Damn, he's good kisser and I'm feeling butterflies in my stomach I returned his kiss and he turned me.

-"Are you hungry?"-he asked me

-"A little"- I said shyly

-"So, C'mon with me for the burger"

-"You're burger maniac"

-"For you I can be even burger maniac"-I smiled and he kiss my check. We drove to his favorite booth burger

-"God, long such a good burger I have not eaten"

-"You have right, he's good, but it's too much for me"-I gave him my burger he was really big I don't know where he all accommodated

-"Maddie, are you serious? C'mon eat for mommy"- he started feed me like little child

-"You have to be a good father when you're feeding me like child"

-"I'm trying be, I'm feeding you because you won't eat"

-"Jamie, but I can't it's too much"

-"Okay, but will be penalty"-he took my burger and ate to the end. Suddenly walking to the car he began take a photos of me. I don't like when somebody take a pictures of me.

-"Jamie stop, I don't like when somebody playing with a paparazzi"

-"I told you that will be penalty and here you are I'm having good picture of you"- He said proudly

-"Delete it"

-"No, it's my phone and I can do what I want"

-"And you know wash someone's image is punishable"- I wagged my finger

-"But I uses for own use"

-"Are you stalker?"

-"Your stalker number one"

-"My number one is my dad"- I'm sticking out tongue

-"Haha for sure"-we're standing by his car and I don't want leave him, but it's late

-"Jamie thank you for this evening and got back my phone you're my hero"-

-"It sound like a goodbye"-his face changed. I knew he won't this evening ending

-"Because I'm going to the bus"

-"No, you won't come back to home by bus"

-"But, you're must come back to your family"

-"My baby is sleeping"

-"And your wife?"

-"Don't talk about her, get in the car"-he open the doors for me and he stole kiss. All road I looked at the window. I was so tired and slowly sleep.

-"Maddie, wake up"-he shakes my arm

-"What's going on?"

-"We're under your home"

-"Oh, your car is comfortable to sleep"- I stretched to

-"Really? I have to try"

-"But not tonight"

-"Not tonight, we'll try together"-he touch my check and kiss him

-"Goodnight, boss"

-"Goodnight gorgeous"-he kissed me and I get out of his car

-"I'll call you tomorrow"-he screamed

-"But you don't have my number"

-"Yes I'm having"- I smiled to him and walked to my home.


Hi guys ;)

Today will not there chapter, but here you are it's. Thank you everyone for reading my story :) It's good feeling when you have writting for someone

Have good day :)

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