Chapter 26

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-"Maddie wake up !"-he shook my shoulder


-"It's 8am we need to get up"

-"It's early, I want to sleep"-I put the pillow on my head

-"I want too, but my parents will be at 12pm."

-"Gosh, I hate you"

-"Darling, I love you too"-he kissed my hand and I was lying a few minutes. Jamie made for us breakfast and we started clean our flat. That sounds strange but this is even I don't add penny. We had a lot of fun during it ; fight of pillows, little karaoke and suddenly started knock to the door. He went look who is it and there were his parents. Shit, I'm without makeup and I'm in casual clothes. They'll not like me I'm only little girl who surrenders to handsome, tall, athletic, and amazing guy. Jamie welcomed them and they seems a nice people

-"Samina, dad I want to meet my girlfriend Maddie, baby meet my parents ; Samina and Jim-he introduce us I wanted shake with them hands and they hugged me like little child. I was really shock when Jamie introduced me as his girlfriend and really nice gesture was their gretting with me.

-"You're the girl who turned his mind. It's pleasure finally meet you"- Samina said with smile on face. I didn't knew he has beautiful stepmother and nice

-"Me too"

-"You're having really nice flat guys"- Jim said look around and seeing photos. I saw he was lost and embarrassed

-"Thanks dad, without her this place could be beautiful"-he kissed my cheek

-"Children, maybe we'll go on the dinner tonight?"

-"Of course Samina, I think 7pm. will be good time"

-"Yeah, we'll wait for you in Scott's"

-"Okay, see you later"

-"See you later"-Jamie closed the door

-"Gosh"- I sat on the sofa closing eyes

-"They liked you"

-"Samina yes, but your dad was absent"

-"Chills, it's new and hard situation for him. We have to give him a few time"

-"You think?"

-"Of course baby, maybe we'll go to the shopping?"

-"Why not"-I grab my jacket, bag and we drive to shopping mall. Of course Jamie had to buy dress for me because it's Jamie Dornan

-"You'll look hot in this dress"

-"I thinks the same Jamie, you have really good taste"

-"Yeah, I'm good in this things"

-"Well, well, someone made himself confidence"

-"Yep, by your side I can be myself"

-"That's really nice words from you"

-"Was it supposed to be compliment?"

-"Of course, you're the most nicest, beloved guy in the world I'm glad you're mine"- I kissed him

-"And that's compliment from my girl"-we came back to home we ate salad with ice cream and I send sms to my brother to get Jamie out somewhere tomorrow. I called to my girls to help me in decorate his house

-"Baby what are you doing?"-he asked and I hid my phone

-"Nothing, I'll get better ready for dinner"- I went to bathroom where the magic things will be happen.
-"Honey, how long will you be in bathroom?"-Jamie asked
-"Give me a second and will got out ok?!"-I screamed put my red lip kit on my mouth. I looked last time in the mirror and I think I'm looking good in this dress

 I looked last time in the mirror and I think I'm looking good in this dress

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I went from bathroom and I heard the woman voice which I know
-"[...] Jamie please, come back to to me"
-"Amelia, you know it's over
-"But I love you, I will do everything what you want"-she begged him like prisoner begging about freedom
-"No ! I don't want you near to me. I know everything about the night when you ask for killing my girl"
-"Don't you see that everything is spinning around her? Her accident, and how is she inhappy and stuffs"- these words hurt me, she has right everything is because of me and Jamie had to cancel his shoots and it's really sad. I left for him note and the keys on the bed and I walk out by the window and the stairs. He didn't say that I'm limiting him he only cared about me and my stuffs. I saw when he was happy when he got the role in this film. I decided call to Loren and spend the night in her flat. He didn't find me or maybe forget about me

Jamie's POV
-"Don't you see that everything is spinning around her? Her accident and how she's unhappy and stuffs"
-"I don't care about it, She's giving more joy than you and get out from my flat!"- I shot the door and come to our bathroom I saw the opened window and shining keys on bed with note
You have to live your life and come dream true without me and my problems. I'll always love you no matter what

PS. Don't change yourself and stay true, Mr. Nice"

I'm having tears again because of my mistakes. I sat down holding her keys which I gave her yesterday I called to my dad who was always my best friend and suporrt me no matter what. I got into my car and I started looking her. Whole city was full of happy people and in my ears I heard "This house is not for sale" by incredible Bon Jovi. He only motived me more to fight I want create with her ; The happy, loving house I could always come back and she will be there cleaning and singing her favorite songs. I drove to our favorite park where we met once again and talked all day by cola and lemonade. It was dark and there was big arbor where you could sit and drink the coffee. I saw her all crying and lost. That broke my heart really was hard sat next to her
-"What are you doing?"-she asked
-"I'm sitting"
-"I'm seeing, but why are you here?"
-"I don't know, you know how much I like this place"
-"Yeah, I remember... Why are you not on the dinner with your parents?"
-" I don't want be there alone, I wanted this evening with you"
-"You spent with me a lot of time to screw your carrer"
-What are you talking about?! You know how much was angry when I saw your note?!"
-"Great, scream at me, but look the truth in the eyes ; I'm not the girl what you want"
-"Gosh ! Maddie, you're the only one I need in my life and don't listen this fucking bitch. She only want to break our world. I love you do you understand it?! Only you, only my heart it's belongs to you"-I took her hand to my chest my heart she could feel my heart
-"J-Jamie I can't, please don't do it"
-"I love you more than this fucking world"-I kissed her holding her in my arms
-"I'm sorry Jamie, really really sorry for it"
-"It's okay baby, don't worry about it I'm glad you're with me right here and now"

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