Chapter 28

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After Jamie's Birthday, he came back at Robin Hood's set and I stayed in London. The investigation had been ended and yesterday I was at court with my parents. I was really nervous and I couldn't call to Jamie. I needed him like never. Once again I had to say everything with details. After 1 hour we knew verdict and my ex friend got 1 year in jail but I freaked out when Amelia got 3 years in suspension. Gosh she smiled like stupid and I was red like beetroot. Today I stayed in home I'm reading new book which drew to her world. Suddenly I heard my phone from kitchen I ran there with think it's Jamie
-"Hello ! I missed you"- I screamed like stupid
-"I missed you too, Maddie"- I knew that he smiled but it's only old Joe
-"Ohh, I thought that's Jamie"-to my eyes inflate the tears
-"Uhh... Maybe I'll call you later?"
-"No Joe ! I'm sorry but I'm worry about him"
-"What's going on?"
-" I was in court and I called to him yesterday and he didn't call to me back"-I lit a cigarette. My mind is in black side I'm hating be lonely I understand everybody having their problems and work but when Jamie said he didn't let me work it hurt me. It was fun be in home but I don't wanna be anymore
-"Sweetie, he'll call you for sure but he's busy"-he said with his calm voice I love but right now I'm hating
-"He called back to me always after work. Joe I'm freaking out I don't know what I should do"- I cried like baby in my hoodie
-"Keep calm, you have to wait you, knew what life you choose"
-"Thanks for comfort, but it doesn't work"
-" I wish to smile from you but I had fly to you"
-" If you want you can I'm lonely girl in relationship"
-" Oh darling, everything will be alright you have to believe and trust him"
-" Does Sophie trust you?"
-"I think that yes she know I couldn't cheat her"
-" She's lucky having you"
-" Jamie's lucky too, you're wonderful friend I ever have and I'll support you no matter what okay?"
-"Okay"- I smiled to myself
-"Did you smiled?"
-"A little bit"
-"And excatly be smiled always"
-"Okay, I have to go because somebody is knocking to my door"
-"Call me sometimes"
-"Okay I will"- I finished my call and I opened the door there was Loren really mad
-"Hi baby what's going on?"
-" Did you saw Jamie's photos?"
-"No, but what's going on?!"
-" I'll show you but keep calm"- I breath in and out and sat on sofa when Loren took my laptop and asked me am I ready, my head only nooded to say Yes and the website loading so long. My heart beating so fast I'm sweating like shit. Loren from the beggining doesn't like Jamie. She think he's badass and he only playing with my heart like a toy. Seeing these photos I knew she has right. He's south on London with Amelia with holding hands. Gosh I'm stupid girl who believing to happy ending. My eyes are tired to crying but I'm crying like a river she rocked me holding my head
-"Everything will be alright baby, he doesn't deserve for your love"
-" It will not everything alright Loren ! He came back to his past and leave me in pieces !"
-" Hush baby, If you want I can stay with you"
-" No leave me, I want be alone"- I came back to bedroom where we make a love so deep and truly. How I could be so stupid believe him she's not in his life anymore?! She always was, is and will be because she's his love for life and I was only his adventure to feeling young. I love him but I can't be with him anymore. Loren left me how I said and I took beers listening sad songs. For this time it only help be more sad. I called to Jamie but he doesn't answer like yesterday. Right now I wanted be alone like never

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