Chapter 25

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The next morning I woke up in Jamie's arms I went to bathroom take shower, make natural make up and brush my hair. He's sleeping like killed I decided wore black leggins, red t-shirt and the nude ballerinas. I left note for him and ask my brother he could take me to the shopping. I got into his car, he had little headache but he didn't show it.

-"Maddie what do you want buy for him?"

-"I thought about watch. Sometimes when we went to the mall he liked watch them and I could make birthday party for him"

-"That's great idea, when do you want make?"

-"I don't know, what's day is it today?"

-"17th May"

-"Great, we can make a birthday on Friday. I have to ask you for a help"

-"Sweetie, you're my sister and it'll be my pleasure help you"-he hugged me like a teddy bear

-"Thank you, so let's go to the shopping"- We went out from car and made a big shopping for Jamie. When we came back to home there were cops I was surprised 

-"Hi sweetheart, do you remember mr. Brown and mr. Truskot? They're having a few questions"-mom said 

-"Yeah I remember, did you found a driver?"

-"Umm look at them"-they gave me a few photos and there were Katie and Amelia by coffee shop

-"Do you know these girls?"-asked one of them

-"Yes, but what's going on?"-I asked 

-"This second girl took a money for your killing"- I had a tears on my eyes. I hoped that was someone quite strange, but no that was my ex-friend

-"Where's Jamie?"-I asked hoarse voice

-"I don't know, check out in garage"-I ran there and my dad is fixing my car with Jamie

-"Jesus Maddie, what happened?"-he put down the key

-"Jamie, you're sick asshole I can't believe"-my body was ragged 

-"But I don't know what you mean?"

-"Your fucking wife paid my ex-friend for killing me !"

-"What?!"-his face was red

-"I'll not repeat second time. I don't wanna live here"

-"Fucking bitch, I'll kill her!"-he took the key and ran from my house

-"Jamie !"-I'll tried stop him

-"I don't dare her"-he screamed damn he's freaking out but I don't want to go to jail.

-"But in this case the police will take care of it okay, I'm here all of you"- I kissed him so hard and hugged 

-"You'll dirty"

-"I don't care I love you and I could be dirty if you want"-I started touch his arm and neck

-"You're dirty now and I love it"-he murrmured to my ear

-"You're really sick"

-"I'm sick of love"-he took me in his arms and started kissing my neck, decolt

-"Jamie, not here"

-"So, c'mon to our flat"

-"You mean, YOUR flat I'm only your guest"

-"Baby, I want live with you and wake up every morning seeing your beautiful smile. So, will you coming to me?"-he asked removing the keys from the pocket. The gold and silver key perfectly composed together with little key ring reminds the home. I think it's the next level in our live

-"It will be my pleasure"-I smiled and jumped in his arms kisssing him

-"It's mean Yes?"

-"Of course !"-he smiled and turned me around 

-"You make me that I believe in dreams again and I'm sorry for my wife. Living with someone 6 years and suddenly realized you don't know her it's creepy"

-"I know something about it, but don't talk about it. Let's be happy to live together forever"

-"Forever will be in heaven"

-"You can mess up so romantic moments"-I hit his arm

-"I'm sorry"- he laughed through pain. We decided celebrate it in park make a mini picnic. I went to home make a sandwitches. After it I started get ready to date. I'm happy we're the couple who are dating not in home. 

-"You're good in volleyball"-he said sitting on sofa after our date

-"I liked play even in school"

-"I didn't know about it"

-"Don't worry, do you want something to eat?"

-"No, you made too much and my tummy is full"-he said playful touching his stomach

-"I'm happy you're not hungry"

-"I'm always hungry of you"-he pulled me to himself

-"Hmm... So, what kind of sauce you want on me?"

-"Really sweet"-he kissed me and I sat on him

-"Chocolate or Strawberry?"

-"Definitively chocolate"-I smirk and took off his t-shirt. He only smiled to me and touch my butt

-"I like this idea but I'm having better"

-"Really? Let's find out"

-"The secret is in our bathroom"-I whispered to his ear 

-"Why in bathroom?"

-"I want take a shower with you"

-"I think it's better idea"-he kissed my neck and I moaned. He only start touch my body and moved to shower where summer drops of water made us wet. Quickly the windows have been fogged, hard breathing makes we want each other more and more

-"Jamie"-It was the only word I could said when I suck his neck

-"Baby, I'll take you here so fast"-he teared my clothes I was so ready and horny

-"Jamie, I want you in me so deeply"- he went in me fast and hard his hands were on my boobs playing with them it freak me out

-"Gosh ! I'm coming !!"

-"Ohh yeah, do it for me"- he fucked me in different way ; with passion and focus. Every his touch was warm and made me nice shiver. He gave me his t-shirt and dry my hair. I like when he take care of me like a child



-"I have to tell you something "

-"Don't scare me"

-"My parents will be in London tomorrow and they want meet with us"

-"What?! Jamie why are you telling me right now about it?"

-"I want it, but I didn't found a good way"

-"Ohh... What time they will be here?"


-"Damn it ! I'm not having a dress and the flat is messy"- I said depressed

-"Baby everything will be okay, we'll get up early and clean with little shopping for us"

-"I don't think we'll raise it"

-"Believe me, your hands make everything perfect"-he kissed me and we go to bed


Hi my readers :)

I came back I'm sorry I didn't wrote in this time you wait something from me but I didn't have a wen to write something smart and interesting. Did you watch "13 Reasons Why" ? I like it this series. Let me know what do you think about the chapter and this series 

Love you !!!

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