Chapter 7

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On my face fell rays of the sun on my waits are big hands. I turned my head and Jamie is sleeping nestled he's looking like angel. I realized I slept in his t-shirt he has the best perfume which ever I smell. I climbed out of bed and went to bathroom. Holy shit my face looks like zombie, I washed her and I decided take a shower. I remember what I said to him all many things what I felt, but it's good I didn't said that I love him because I'm not sure of my feelings to him. I had feelings to him, but as a fan not a women to men. I took a towel and swirled my body. I came back to room and he's still sleeping quietly I started looking for my phone. I sat down on bed and I'm having 5 missed calls from Loren and 1 message from my mom. Damn I forgot that I had dinner with my uncle and aunt

-"Holy shit"-I said because it's 12pm. and dinner will be at 3pm.

-"Not nice greet the morning"-he said that his sexy voice which I love attracted me to him

-"It's not a morning and watch out because I'm only in towel"

-"I think that it isn't necessary"-his hands roved over my body trying take off the towel but I took his hand and started to wrestle

-"Girl, do you think you will win with me?"-I sat astride him

-"Right now I'm sitting on you"- I sent him a meaningful look biting my lips

-"You don't know with who started the war"- He rolled me onto my back and lying at me I started laugh so hard.

-"Get out of me fatso"

-"In the night it didn't bother you to"- he smiled and lying next to me and playing with my hair

-"So why not stay forever?"

-"Do you want all time lying on the bed?"

-"Among others, but I mean to spend every free moment with you"

-"I can spend all day with you"-he kissed my forehead

-"I wish, but I had a dinner today"

-"With who?"- He asked a little indignant

-"With my uncle and aunt"

-"What time is the dinner?"

-"At 3pm"

-"We don't have a lot of time"

-"Anyway we don't have a time"

-" Ha, ha, ha very funny darling"-he saddened and I stroke his cheek

-"Okay get up because I'm having the bus for 30 minutes"

-"Baby when will you learn that I will not allow you rode the bus? I'll drive you to home"

-"Ugh... You're stubborn" I shook my head of dissatisfaction

-"Like you, but I love that about you"- he looked me in the eyes and kissed me. When he was in bathroom I picked up my underwear from laundry and I started dress.

-"You're beautiful you know?"-I felt warm breath on my ear

-"You know that you're heartless"

-"Really? Somebody stole my heart and I can't recover it"

-"You poor boy I'm sure that someday you'll recover it"-I smiled at him and we went check out and in my belly began to hum. I got in the car and I called to Loren explain her why I'm not with her. All road his hand was at my knee and he tells me about yourself, what he does like and what he doesn't like. He notice that I'm hungry and we went for lunch. He didn't care about paparazzi, but he want protect me because he know how they can be mean. The car stood under my home I don't want leave him because I don't know when we will meet again

-"How will you spend Christmas?"-that question surprised me

-"Oh... Probably I'll with my family"

-"You're family person"

-"I love my close family that's it"-he smiled and I know it's up to something

-"Will we go together to the cinema?"

-"Do you take me on the date?"

-"Yeah I want this"-I thought for a moment how will I do well, but once a goat death

-"It'll a pleasure go with you"- he smiled ear to ear and kissed me and I went to home.

-"Don't you know where to come home?"

-"Mom chills I'm home before dinner"

-"But, you promised me you will help me thank you very much"

-"You're welcome"- I went to my room and I started get ready to the dinner. This dinner was so boring appeared some questions about my work, boyfriend and blah, blah ,blah. Afterdinner I have changed to my sweat pants and tank. I got on my messanger link tothe website. I open it and there were me and Jamie during lunch. Holy shit what will be now? 

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