Chapter 19

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That's the day I'll taste some California Girl's life. This time with my love who is there and waiting for me. His interview with Ellen was awesome. She asked him about me, but he said we're only friends from his series and nothing else. It hurt me, but I like our secret life without paparazzi. During my flight I thought about my plan in Los Angeles and I have to visit Venice Beach and some nice places.

-"Hi baby"- his hands was on my waist

-"Gosh Jamie, you scared me"-my face looked the most amazing face in my life. His dark ocean eyes with little dancing sparks smiled with his the most sweetest lips. He took my suitcase and went quick to black Chevrolet and I saw his bodyguard who bring back to me my phone. I smiled to his side and drove to hotel. Gosh this apartment is wonderful and big full white and grey stuffs.

-"Do you like it miss Smith?"- his whisper I heard on my ear with vibrations

-"Of course Mr. Dornan"-I weave our fingers on my stomach. Our bodies made one, I felt his breath on my neck. I closed my eyes and gave up this delight. His kisses started on my ear and down, I started moans his cold hand was under my bra touching my boobs and I tilted my head

-"Jamie"-I took his hand. I wanted control my body and what I doing, but this is more stronger than me

-"I want you in this sunny day baby"- he kissed me with passion I jumped on his waist and we kissed like there's no tomorrow. I felt his erection I started ride around him. I heard his groan and slap from my ass. My kisses move to his neck and I took off his T-shirt he only smiled and throw on me the bed.

His fingers started unbutton my shirt suddenly we heard the knock to the door that was his bodyguard

-"Yes?"-he screamed

-"Mr. Dornan it's time for your meeting"

-"Fuck... Okay give me 10 minutes okay?"

-"Yes sir"-I got up from the bed and button my shirt

-"Baby I didn't end with you"-he kissed my cheek.

His meeting was in nice hotel that was interviews to magazines and to Internet. I talked with his bodyguard and some with Loren. Their relationship was so serious I can expect their wedding. I'm looking at Jamie and I'm dreaming for our wedding in Los Angeles or Hawaii with white gown and our friends and family. From this fairytale pull me kiss from Jamie to my neck

-"Daydreaming huh?"-he asked I nodded gave him weak smile. I wanted my fairytale come true. I don't want his money all I want is his presence and love from him. He took my hand and take me on the beach. Wow she's huge and beautiful. We didn't swim there we only walk by the shore eating ice-cream.

-"What's wrong baby?"-he asked

-"Nothing why are you asking?"-My eyes were far away

-"Because you're not presenting and I'm worry about it"

-"Everything is alright I'm only excited I'm here"-I stood

-"Don't lie to me baby, I know when you're lying"-he took my face and I saw his scary face

-"Do you believe in dreams?"

-"Of course, you're my dream"

-"And what if your dream don't come true?"

-"What do you mean?"

-"She's in dangerous mind"

-"Baby, don't scare me and tell me what's wrong"

-"Okay... I'm worry about you and Amelia"- I bite my lip

-"Oh my God, It's over between us, now it's only you and me"

-"For now, but if she will not give you a divorce?"-I hug him so tight I could hear his beating heart

-"Darling, I'll try until she give me freedom. I love you to the moon and back my dream girl"-he smiled and kissed my forehead

-" I love you too baby"-I looked at the ocean which was red and sky pink

-"Beautiful view huh?"

-"Yes, Jamie it's really beautiful but I'm having more beautiful view"

-"Oh, where is it?"

-"My view is hugging me right now"

-"He's lucky, but what did you think today?"

-"Oh nothing important right now"

-"But for me it's important"

-"About our future, it's stupid little fan dream you know ; our wedding, home and growing kids"-he started laugh and my face was red

-"Baby it's not stupid dream, I promise you when I got divorce I'll marry you where you want, our kids will have wonderful mommy"-I started crying and he wiped my tears. When we was in our hotel room I lay on the bed reading book and Jamie took the shower. Suddenly my phone started ringing


-"Hi Maddie"

-"Hey Joe, what's up?"

-"You're in L.A?"

-"Yep, here's beautiful"

-"Yeah the city of Angels have pretty views, what do you do tomorrow?"

-"I don't know I have to check out Jamie's schedule"

-"Okay, but we can initially make an appointment for the meeting?"

-"From my side it's okay, I'll give you answer tomorrow okay?"

-"Okay, have good night darling"

-"Thanks, you too"


-"Bye"-he hung out and in front of my eyes I'm having half-naked Jamie looking at me with his hungry eyes

-"Who's called?"

-"Joe"-and his face diametrically changed and he was angry

-"What did he wanted?"

-"He wanted meet with us"

-"I don't wanna meet this fucker"

-"Jamie, calm down he didn't did to me"

-"But he partied with my girl"

-"But like a friends and I don't wanna remind your night"

-"Uh... Okay when he want meet with us?"

-"Probably tomorrow evening"

-"Okay, but will be quick because I'm having plans against you"-he bend down and kissed me

-"The same like today?"

-"Maybe"-we continued our kisses I put down my book on the beside cabinet and we made love all night.

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