Chapter 6

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Another day, another experiences. Now my days are different I'm having more time for myself, I discover the town again, meet the new people in my new work. I love clothes so I decided work in boutique. I know it could sound so empty, but it's one of this way I can express myself. Tonight I'm going with Mat and Loren to my favorite pub there's always good vibe and I can chill. With Katie I don't have any contact, she found another company it hurt me, but I found new people who have the same interests and like the same music.

-" Guys what we do?"- Mat asked drinking the beer

-" We can go to the club"- Loren proposed

-" I don't want go there"- I sighed heavily

-" Another movie marathon?"

-" It's good idea let's go there"- Mat clapped his hands me and Loren drank beer and we went to Mat's home. He's living near to me I don't have a problem when I'll drunk to hit home.

-"Okay girls, what do you want watch?"-he turn on the TV and there flew Fifty Shades of Grey

-"Mat ! I want watch it please"- Loren made her goo-goo eyes to Mat.

-"Oh... C'mon you saw this movie a lot of times"

-"But look at him, he's so handsome and sexy"- I looked at her and after the TV. Yeah, he's really handsome, but he has another life where my person is far away. He call to me sometimes, once we met but this was so quickly. I'm missing him but like a friend. He support me I think that his vanishing view come back and I'm only his steppingstone. Loren was fascinated all time, but this movie makes me sad right know. They don't know I know him nobody know how I'm feeling right know.

-" Maddie what's going on?"- they notice my tears fall down on my face

-"Nothing matter"- I wiped my tears sleeve

-" But I see you're not happy"- Loren took my arm

-"I'm happy, but... It's complicated"- I took a sip to calm down

-"Tell me your complicated situation"

-"You don't understand it"

-"Maybe I'll try understand"- I sighed and began to tell them. It was very hard for me, about doesn't know my mom because I know she pissed at me and began to compliment me morals. Now I'm better at heart, they were so shocked, but they understand it because they're my friends. We talked and laugh to make me happy, I was drunk and suddenly somebody call to me

-"Who's calling?"- Loren asked

-"Jamie"- I rejected his call I don't want talk with him right now, but he's calling all time

-"Answer this fucking phone"

-"No, I don't want talk with him"-my sad mood come back faster than boomerang

-"If you don't want talk with him I'll talk with him"-she took my phone and answer this call

Jamie's POV

I'm sitting at the balcony it's midnight I can't focus I'm wondering what she's doing right know. We know each other from 3 month and this feeling increasing day by day. I don't know what's going on with me. I'm following her account on Instagram and her new photos makes me smile on my face. Damn she's so beautiful I need hear her voice. I took my phone from the table and call to her, but she rejected it. I'm surprised because she's always answer my calls. I tried call to her by 10 minutes nothing. What's going on with her? Maybe she has car accident I'm so worry. I tried call to her one more time and somebody answer – Thank God.

-"Hello?"- it wasn't her voice

-"Hi, could you give me Maddie?"

-"She doesn't want talk with you"- I'm surprised, my little blondie doesn't talk with me. What I did to her?

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