Chapter 27

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Maddie's POV
The night was so beautiful all stars is looking at us where I asleep almost in the best arms. I felt vibrations from his phone and that was his dad. I forgot about dinner and I don't know when will I have the chance meet with them
-"Jamie, the dinner"- I said
-" Everything is alright sunshine, they understand everything"-he kissed my forehead, but I wanted talk with them and show my best sides
-"Jamie, you know how was important to me and I want meet them"
-"Are you sure?"
-"Yes, but we have to come back to our flat I'm sure my face looks like as zombie"
-"Even it's true, you're the most beautiful zombie girl in the world and stay true Ms. Honest"-these words made smile on my face and anything stopped us. He took my hand and we got into black Audi, I looked in the mirror and I started laugh and Jamie don't understand reason, but he was happy I'm laughing without reason. In bathroom I spent full 30 minutes and Jamie gave me a beer he know how much I don't like wine but tonight I have to drink one glass of this shit. We drove to Scott, that was fancy resteraunt and I didn't was here and I don't know why it's beautiful place. His hand was on my waist and we went to table where Jim and Samina are waiting for us. Of course Samina hugged me and she knew I need it that was nice from her side. Jim only smiled and shook my hand.
-"It's good we finally can more meet each other"-Samina said
-"It's pleasure meet you, Jamie talked about you"-Jim said my face was red it's good I can say it's because of alcohol
-"Oh, he's really nice guy"-I said, they asked about my life, Jamie felt strange about it but our hands composed perfect
-"What Jamie plain after divorce?"- his father asked
-"Enjoy the life, maybe little vacation I'm sure I want spend this time with Maddie and Dulcie"
-"If you want go to vacation I prefer tropical countries"-Samina said and Jim only look at her
-"Thanks Samina for advice, we'll have your mind"-he smiled
-"Ohh, I like tropical trips in I wanted always fly to Hawaii"- I said
-"Yeah, it's perfect place for wedding"-Jamie only look at me little mixed and I don't know what I should answer
-"Samina, I think it's little early for this question"- Jim said she apologized for it, but that could be perfect wedding. I didn't realized we should go only Jamie talked to me about something. In car I was on my world with music in my head
-"What's on your mind my dreamer?"-Jamie asked
-"About what Samina said"
-"About Hawaii and wedding?"
-"Yeah, but forget about it I want focus on you and your needs"- I smiled to him
-"You're sweet but you're the need I want in my life baby"-he kissed me where our body were in one, in elevator was only wild kisses.

Next morning the phone start ringing that was my brother, Jamie didn't want go with him but for my ask he started put his clothes on him. On my night table was my keys and my phone.
-"Ana, the boys went out from flat we can start"- I called to my best friends
-"Okay, honey we'll see in your house"-she hung out, I wore sweat pants and t-shirt and went to my home there were my girls
-"Hi ladies"- I hugged with them
-"Hi honey, so where are your decorations?"-Natalie asked
-"In garage"-they went to garage and I went to my room. I decided pack my all stuffs and move in Jamie's flat. That was a lot of things and I didn't know I have a lot of clothes and albums. All stuffs went to Aggie's car because she has large than mine. I said goodbye to my parents and we drove to flat. First we decorate all flat and we went to neighbours inform about party. They were nice and next thing was unpack my stuffs. Our bedroom was right now beautiful with our photos and I could spend whole life. My girls went to their houses to get ready and now I decided get ready too.

I started make snacks and I heard my phone and that was my brother-"What's up?"-I said -"Everything is ready?"-"Almost"-"We'll be there for 30 minutes"-"Fuck"-"Hurry up he's missing you"-he hung out and I called to girls come to my flat and make s...

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I started make snacks and I heard my phone and that was my brother
-"What's up?"-I said
-"Everything is ready?"
-"We'll be there for 30 minutes"
-"Hurry up he's missing you"-he hung out and I called to girls come to my flat and make surprise. When the sun went down my girls came to me with their boys and Jamie's friends. I switch off the lights when I heard the steps and voices. When they came in everybody screamed "Surprise !!!" he was in shock. I came to him and I kissed him
-"Happy Birthday my love"
-"But you shouldn't do"
-"You're deserving for the best"
-"You're the best"
-" Not always"
-"For me always"
-"Guys, sweet words leave for later now we should celebrate. No matter that his birthday was a few days ago, but the most important thing is we're together. Happy Birthday Jamie !"- we drunk our shots and we started celebrating. When I was alone one of Jamie's friend came to me
-"Cool party"-he said
-"I tried it's good you're having good time"
-"I wanted apologize for the night when I was rude to you. I was wrong I thought you're this girl who want use him, but you're really love him and I'm seeing it right now. Please forgive me"
-"Okay, I forgive you you're Jamie's friend and I want meet them"
-"So, c'mon with me"- I went with him and I met Eddie, Andrew and Cillian and I started talking with them and drinking. I went to Jamie where drinking with my girls
-"Do you have too much fun?"- I asked
-"No honey, more fun I could have with you"
-"Not tonight, we're drunk, but I think it's time for presents"
-"Baby you're my the best present"
-"Shut up and come with me"- I took his hand and went to our bedroom
-"Okay first present is on your hand"- I gave him Daniel Wellington's watch
-"Baby, it's beautiful I love you honey"-he kissed me
-"I knew, because you looked at him"
-"My beautiful angel and the second present where is it?"-his hands were on my waist
-"In wardrobe"-he come there and he saw some dresses and high hells
-"You moved into me"-he watch on my clothes, photos and my jewerly
-"Yes, are you happy?"
-"Of course I am ! I think it's the best present who could give me. I love you all my heart darling"- he kissed me and started sway to music and it's good nobody watch on us just me and him

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