Chapter 17

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It was a time to say goodbye to New York. The farewell dinner was very nice and in my room we made a little party. This time without mistakes, I got invite to Los Angeles, Seattle and New York from the girls and I invite them to me. I think Nicole should meet Loren they're having the same characters. In the morning I packed to my suitcase my stuffs and went at the breakfast. After this "breakup" I'm feeling a little bit better, but I don't forget about him he was my real men in my life. But it's time to come back to normal life. On the airport I got text from Joe, Cole, JinJoo and Greg in style "have safe flight". Right now it's the worst thing to do right now ; split out with my girl. We cried like crazy, stupid girls. We stayed on touch like always. It's time to come back to home guys, my not perfect trip is ending.

I'm Heathrow waiting for my brother. This heavy air someday will kill me. In New York I could fly in this air and there I'm treading on the hard ground.

-"Hi sista !"-he hugged me

-"Hi bro"-he took my suitcase and got into car. All road was silence nobody say anything. Like always London welcomed me with the rain. Someday I'll move out from there and every morning will be sunny and warm.

In home is waiting my mom, dad and wait... Who? I can't believe

-"Paul did you said something about it mom or dad?"-I whispered to his ear

-"No, I can't believe it too like you"-he pissed at him and his fucking amazing smile

-"Hi sweetie"-mom hugged me

-"Hi mom"-I smiled to her

-"Maddie, can we talk?"

-"Yes, but please on outside"- I left my bag in home taking only my phone. We walk around my neighborhood in silence

-"So what did you want to talk about?"-I asked

-"About this call..."

-"I thought it everything is clear"

-"Not everything, I love you Maddie all my heart."-my eyes look to another side

-"Look, after this call I realized what I did to you, I know I hurt you, but you know how I pissed when I found out you're partying with another man? I'm sorry for this call, silence days and I didn't pick up from airport. I love you so much, please don't spoil it."

-"Do you think it's too late for it?"

-"But baby I love you"

-"Do you think that you drive here and say some little shits that I jump to your bed again because your wife probably said she doesn't want you?! I'm fucking pissed at you and It's really hurting when your boyfriend said he come back to your ex because I was at the party with the girls and we met her friend and after he said I was slept with him. I told you I'm not like another girls but you prefer listen your fucking ego or your wife. I don't know what I should think about it. I need a few time to thinking. Because if you want make these scene as this I can't be with you"-we standing on the middle street look into our eyes. He was so tired and I want his sparkle in his eyes, but he have to change mind.

-"Okay I will give you some time I want the answer after dinner with your parents."

-"I'll make all the best"-we came back to home and my parents make what I like even they're my favorite sweets. I think I could more travel for these surprises. During dinner my parents asked about my trip, I pretended that everything is okay. I don't know what I should do I don't want a jealous boy when he said he's drinking with friends I said to myself "Okay let's give him more have fun" I don't wanna sitting in home and lose my friends. I'm having 20 years old and I want have fun, travel around the world and meet some people. After dinner I went to my room pack out my stuffs and somebody walked in here.

-"What are you doing?"-Jamie asked closing the door

-"What do you think"-I answered my cheeky voice.

-"Please, don't be cheeky girl"

-"I'll be the same rude like you a few days ago"

-"I thought your angry passed"

-"No, I'm still angry"-he hold me and again I started cry

-"Forgive me Maddie, I love you so much. I can't imagine life without you. Listen, I was mad and these all things what I said it was because of alcohol. I'm so sorry that I hurt you. I don't want to you cry my stupid behave"- I pushed him and went to bathroom, but he took my arm

-"I don't want cry because of you and this sick situation I'm tired I want relax and I think we should take a break for a few days when you'll sure what you want and finally trust me"

-"Please no, I know what I want"-he knelt and in his eyes were tears

-"To the next action? Please stand up"

-"No I'll knelt until you'll forgive me. I'm stupid in love men I forgave you and I promise you that will never lead to you I cry"-he said desperate like his life depended on

-"You promise?"

-"I promise my sweetheart just forgive me"-he hold my legs and I stroked his head

-"I'm forgiving you"-he looked at my eyes and smiled

-"I love you and you know how much I missed you"

-"Me too"-I sat down to my bed and he sat next to me and hold me

-"How you like New York City?"

-"He's beautiful I could live there"

-"I know I lived there for a while and I just fall in love"

-"I thought you fall in love with me"-I hit him playfully in his arm

-"I fall in love in your sparkle eyes baby"-I smiled and I kissed his cheek

-"You'll I'll be living there or Los Angeles"

-"Do you want live there?"


-"I will take this into account, but right now I have to go"

-"Okay"-he kissed me and went out from my room.


I can't believe it that my story has 200 readers !!!

I really thank you so much for it 

You're the best !!

Love ya !!!

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