•Day Dreaming•

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Above is Abigail!! Enjoy

Not thinking at the moment I slammed the door as hard as I could, panting like a breathless dog. "ABIGAIL." The woman on the other side of the door screams. "I'm so sorry I'll be right back have to throw some clothes on." I yelled as I ran upstairs to find an old beat up t-shirt. I opened the door to see my aunt standing at the door with her best friend Veronica. "Abby girl I told you I'd be over after I picked up something to eat." She said. "You remember Veronica right you met her when you were little." She said trying to sound a little bright. But instantly I could tell she too had been crying. "Oh yea wonderful to meet you again." I said not remembering this chick what so ever. "So good to see you again, I remember when you were so little." She said in her fragile voice." I hope you don't mind but I brought my..........." Before she could even finish a tall figure steps into my doorway. Cayden Johnson, cutest guy in school was Veronica's son? Was I dreaming or was the alpha male standing in my living room. "You remember cayden right, you guys used to play when you were little." Oh trust me we've met before.


The bell rang, it was time to go home relief ran through my body as I started to pack up. Zoe( my best friend) stopped by my locker " ABBY,ABBY,ABBY." She yelled out "GUESS WHAT HAPPENED TODAY !!!!!" Screaming into my ear " Calm Down ." I said " Cayden Johnson winked at me when I walked by!!!." Instantly I knew she was day dreaming there was no way a guy like him would be interested in a quirky girl like her. Or me. I didn't want to hurt her feelings so I simply said. " Wow Zoe he must really like you." Rolling my eyes. " I know right." She said " LOOK HE'S COMING!" She yelled out. Covering her mouth I turned around to see a group of boy standing behind me. " Abby Winston, good to see you again." Jackson, Cayden's best friend was tall with silky soft blond hair. How do I know it's soft, well let's just say that at a party I was dared to kiss him. I took the dare like a champ, but things escalated and he won't let it go. "What do you want Jackson." I said." Just thought you might want to come over later, my parents are on vaca and my sister is out wit her boyfriend." Surely Cayden was enjoying watching his best friend fail countlessly with a smirk on his face. I couldn't help but to stare at his smirk and smile a bit.

"So what do you say?" And that's the last thing I remember because a certain jerk "accidentally " tripped me for saying something embarrassing to Jackson. Then I blacked out.

Getting back into the moment I turn to look at Cayden. He gave me a look warning me that if I said something that my life will be demolished.
"Nope." I said " I do not recall such a devilish face." I said as a comeback to the look he shot at me. Veronica giggled, my aunt shook her head with a smirk. And mister two time, nasty, dirty player jerk.....He rolled his eyes.
He made himself at home taking his shoes off and turning in the tv not saying a word. He was dressed nice in a tuxedo. I think I noticed him at the funeral but I was to caught up in the moment to even care. But now that he was here, I couldn't help but stare as my aunt took out a bottle of alcohol, but it was special. It was my mother's and she had only opened the bottle for special accessions. In this case. Nothing to me was special. As I took my eyes off of Cayden he laid his eyes on me. Why wouldn't he, I looked stupid. Because after my aunt pulled out the bottle I could feel the tears build up. And one by one they began to fall down my face. I soon stud there with a water fall streaming down my face.

Hope you liked the second chapter!!!!!

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