•Promeises I know I cant keep•

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We make my way to the principals office. My father giving Cayden and eye to watch out like he was going to kill him. I look at Zoe, then jay, the Jackie.

"I hope this doesn't get me suspended, the last thing I need is to get suspended." Said Jackie

"Doesn't matter, all that matters is that we stand by Abby. Right jay?" Zoe said

"Right." Said jay. Cayden looks back at us. He looked PISSED. He can't blame me for this.

We enter the office. My aunt, May, and Veronica were all in the waiting room.
Veronica didn't say a word but merely looked at Cayden like they were communicating through brain waves or something. We get into the principles office.

"You may take a seat." Says the principal. I take a seat next to jay and my father. I wasn't liking him much today but if anything happened I knew he could protect me. Just then another middle aged man steps into the room. He had a lightly shaved beard with a Yankees cap. He looked mean but I think I have a clue who he was. The office was jam packed. This should be fun. I thought.

"Good afternoon everyone." The principal said. No one responded. Jessica was closely huddled to Cayden. He didn't budge but he looked uncomfortable. He made the same face he made the same night he was over my place. He was upset.

"Principal cooper I didn't do anything I just heard that Abigail...." Before she finished Principal Cooper stopped her.

"Enough Jessica I don't want to hear it." He then looks at me. "Miss Silverstein can you explain what happened in the hallway?" I became nervous I looked at my aunt, she was nearly crying.

I hesitated and began to explain what happened. I also explained that I felt violated and uncomfortable and the reason why I did what I did. I tried not to cry I had to look though. He then begins to talk to the girls, asking them things.

"Let me see your arms." My father asks." I hesitate and show him my arms and the marks Cayden left. He sighs and begins shaking his leg up and down.

"Mr. Silverstein, you have the choice of suing the Johnson's for sexual assault made by Cayden Johnson. This being the second case." My father looked up.

"Wait what was the first." He asked, trying to hide the anger

"Uh oh." Jessica says smiling at me.

"2013 Abby was admitted into the hospital for a fatal head injury as for Cayden being the MAIN suspect." He says. Cayden looks down with the look of regret on his face. "As a result, she suffers from memory loss and mild head aches." I could tell my father was yet again pissed. May try's to calm him down but rubbing his shoulders but from the looks of it, it's not helping. He manages to calm himself down and looks over at me. I had this look of desperation on my face. Something told me Cayden meant no harm and that he was drunk and still is.

"I'll think about it." He says looking back at the principal.

"Very well then, as a result Cayden has been suspended too many times for another suspension, and will be expelled."

"WHAT." Jessica yelled out.
"Jessica enough." Mr.Cooper said." You are dismissed you are of no need right now." He said.

"Now hold up." The middle aged man said." From what my son told me, this.... girl took his phone and refused to give it back. I mean you gotta do what you gotta do. He said.

"Morgen just shut up. This is why you were never in his life you would always make bad influences on him and look where he's at now." Veronica yelled at the man, who was indeed Cayden's father. "He didn't do anything wrong he never laid his hands on her ass." He said. Something must have set my father off because in a split second he gets up and walks over to Cayden's father and punches him across the face. My aunt and May scream. Jackie and Cayden pull my father from off the top of him. He then gets up. My father pushes Cayden off of him nearly pushing him to the ground.

"The level of respect you have for women is really low and your really pissing me off." My father says. Before he could lay another punch on him I stopped him.

"Wait!!" I said. "Maybe there is something else we could do. I do have his property,but it's no what it seems." I said. "There was...an incident and Cayden left his phone in my car and I was in a car accident." I continued. Cayden turned around and looked at me shocked. "Maybe instead of expelling him make this his last suspension." I asked nicely.

"I cannot do that he has been suspended way to many times." Mr cooper said.

"I know but he did nothing wrong, I put myself into the situation, if you make this his last suspension...... I .... I can help him ill help him improve." What was I saying, I wanted him gone he hurt me. TWICE. But I felt guilty he still looked hurt from the night before.

"HAVEN'T YOU DONE ENOUGH DAMAGE." Jessica yelled out. My father turns and looks at me.

"I will I keeps my promise." I said. Then I turn and look at the girls. Jayda has her head down, Zoe looks nervous and Jackie is ready to fight.

"If what you say is true, then I will make this your LAST suspension. And if you dare try anything I would have you removed from my school immediately. Do you understand?" He asks looking at Cayden.

"Yes." He says lightly.

"Good now everyone get your ass out of my office this is to munch right now." He says pointing to the door.

Hope you liked this chapter sorry if it feels short but yea 😁

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