•No Thoughts•

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I stood at the front door of my fathers mansion. The Door was huge no point in knocking so I rang the bell. I waited patiently. As 5 minutes passed a woman my seize stood In front of me. "Hello!" She greeted me with excitement. "Umm hi, is Ben home?" I asked nicely. "Oh yea of course! What's your name?" She asked. "Abigail." I replied. Her smile quickly turned into a frown. "Oh." she said.

"BEN!" She yelled out
"YEA!" A deep voice replied
"A Girl is at the door for you." She yelled out.
"Let her in." He replied
"Well then come on in." She said her sweetness returning.

I walked into the house, it was huge. I saw a boy on the floor playing on his x-box and a girl sitting on the couch next to him on the phone. "I'll call you back." She said. The boy continued to stare at me then proceeded to ask.

"Who the hell are you?" He said.

"Watch your mouth were did you learn that?" The woman asked.

"Daddy!" He replied. The woman just rolled her eyes as the boy proceeded to play his game. He looked about the age of nine or ten. The girl looked close to my age but not close enough.

Another woman who looked a bit older than everyone walked into the room. "Mister Silverstein would like me to escort her to her room." The woman said. I followed her down a hallway which seemed one of many. The boy running behind me began asking me a bunch of questions.

"Who are you?"
"Are you staying here?"
"How old are you?"
"Are you my sister? If you are please don't be as annoying as my other sister is." Rolling his eyes. I just stared at him. "So, you going to answer me?" He asked. The lady couldn't help but to giggle a little. "What's so funny lady, no one asked for your opinion." He said. And at that point I had to say something. "First off that was rude,second she didn't say anything, Abigail is my name and I think you should apologize to her.!" I said as he drew silent. "Whatever." He said in disgust as he continued to walk with us.

We walked into this room which looked like it could fit a whole family in. Was this mine?

"Here you go." She said. "Your room, if you need anything I'll be next door. My name is Trinity." She said. I nodded in agreement. I closed the door behind her only to hear a knock at the door two minutes later. I opened it to see the same woman from earlier and a man with huge shoulders, a beard and neatly done hair. They walked into my room silent. But soon to realize that man was my father. My mother told me I looked somewhat like him but I saw no resemblance.

"You must be Abigail?" He asked in a soft but deep voice. This man couldn't even look me in the eyes, like I reminded him of the biggest mistake of his life. So I shot right back at him.

"You'd know that if you were there when my mother gave birth. Right?"
I said in a smart tone. He cleared his throat ignoring my statement he continued.

"I think you'll like it here if there is anything you need I'll be around." But before he could walk out I asked.

"Are those your OTHER kids." He stopped and turned around to look at me. "Or did you hook up with their mother and toss them like you did mine. I feel bad for what ever woman decided to fall for you making the same mistake a second third time I guess?" I looked at the woman standing next to him, I think I made that mistake she was nice and I just insulted her. He still never answered me and so I continued.

"You didn't even show up to the damn funeral. Why?" I asked

"I was busy." He said

"To busy for the mother of your FIRST child." I said as I stormed passed them, out of the the room and into the bathroom slamming the door. I didn't mean to slam it I was just mad.

Some time passed in the bathroom and I begin to doze off. I was afraid to go back out there after embarrassing myself. I then hear a small knock at the door.

"He girl, dinner is ready. You comin'?"
He asked.

"Yea I'll be down." I said

Finally getting out of the bathroom, I proceed to head downstairs. In the kitchen everyone Is sitting at the table. Even the old small woman. I sat next to the girl around my age. We sit and eat quietly. The woman then begins a conversation.

"So Abigail, you've met my son. His name is Max." Sitting across from me with food in his mouth he says " Yea I met her, she roasted me earlier but I don't mind." He said. The woman couldn't help but laugh.

"Im May, Bens wife." She said
They're married? Nice. I thought.
"This is my stepdaughter Katie."
Katie then waves to me. "Hi." I said. "Hey." She replies.

" Max is 9 and Katie is 16." She says
"Nice, I'm Abigail and I'm 18." I say.
My father gives me a glare.
"Daddy?" Katie asks.
"Yes?" He says
"May I excuse myself?" She asks
"You may." He says.
She walks off down the hallway and up the stairs.

"So are you like my new sister or whatever?" Max asks.
"I guess." I said
It took me a minute to realize Katie was not May's daughter but yet another woman's. My father is such a player, no better than Cayden. I thought. As I finished my plate I got up and the old woman tries taking my plate. "It's ok I got it." I say.
"No no no." She says. "Sit." She takes my plate and sits me down. Then there was a knock at the door, guess you can hear it.
"I'll GET IT." Max yells. He gets up and ran over to the door. I instantly got quite and I felt like it was my fault.
"I apologize for my rude comment earlier, it wasn't anything towards you or anyone else." I said I didn't want to look like an insecure brat on my first night here.
"It's quite alright I'm sure it was just a lot on your chest you needed to get off." May said. She then nudged Ben on the knee jerking him dropping his fork. "Uhh yea it's fine." He said

Before I could get up I felt a tug on my sleeve. "Hey Abby some creep in the living room looking for you." He said.

At first I thought it was Cayden, here for me to return his phone. But when the woman walked in I saw it was my aunt. I got up and jumped into her arms.

"Accident?" Asked Ben
"Oh my god Abigail you were in an accident are you alright?" May asked
Katie shocked by the woman in her living room came nearly stumbling down the steps. All eyes were on me now.

"I'm fine I was just a little distracted I didn't see her coming and she beat the crap out of me." I said trying not to scare her.
"WHAT!!!" She yelled "Why didn't you call me?" She asked. " I forgot." I said.
"Then how did you get here?" Ben then asked.
"Some nice girls who go to school with me was there and gave me transportation." I said
My aunt being her walked over to my father who saw now standing up, faced him and smacked him upside the head. "HA." Yelled out Max. May sat there with a look of shock.
"What the hell!?!?!" He said.
"You should have checked on her if she wasn't here when she was supposed to be!!!" She said now in his face.
"I THOUGHT SHE WAS WITH YOU." He yelled out. She sighed walking over to me. "Be more careful next time PLEASE." She said. "Ok." I said. She then hugged me and slipped something into my pocket, kissed me on the forehead and told me she loves me.

That night I had trouble sleeping, a lot was on my mind. Then I remember the thing she slipped into my pocket. I went over to the pants I was wearing earlier and pulled out a phone. Cayden's phone. But I thought I grabbed that? What should I do? I picked it up, and decided to go through it, maybe figure out why he called me babe? The other night and why Jessica was calling.

I went through the phone for sometime. The longer I stared at the phone the more and more interesting things became. But there was one thins that stood out from the rest, something that I couldn't unsee.


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