The One With The Kiss

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Dan was in the front of Phil's mirror trying his best to tie his tie but it wasn't working. With a sigh he decided to just give up when the door opened and it was Phil all dressed up.

It took everything in Dan not to stare because Phil in a suit was something else.  He looked stunning Dan thought to himself.

"Hey Dan, you finished yet?' Phil asked.

"Yeah But I can't tie this" Dan said holding up his tie.

Phil chuckled.

"Wait let me help you"

Phil stepped closer to Dan as he took the tie and then placed it around Dan's neck. Dan shivered just a little as sometimes Phil's finger would brush very lightly along his neck.

"There you go" Phil said as he finished.

Dan looked at the mirrror.

"Thanks Phil"

"You're welcome now let's go"

Dan nodded as they left the room. They took a cab as the others had left earlier by themselves. Dan didn't mind much as this just meant more alone time with Phil.

When they reached the venue the guests were already filling. Phil dragged Dan to his cousin Lily who was getting married and introduced him to her. She was really nice and seemed nervous.

Dan was so glad that Phil never once left Dan's side. He was grateful as he practically knew no one. When it was the time they sat on one of the front seats as the bride walked on the aisle. Phil's mum was sniffling a little and her husband was comforting her.

They exchanged vows and then the rings and then the kiss as everyone stood up. Dan's heart warmed, It was a beautiful ceremony and Dan was very happy for the newly wed couple.

The couple cut their wedding cake and everyone toasted for them and soon there were people on the dance floor. Dan wasn't much of a dancer himself so he just stood in a corner watching people dance.

Well mostly watching Phil who was dancing with a girl named Claire. Phil twirled Claire around and she began giggling as Phil's hands snaked around her petite waist and her around his neck. Dan wanted to look away but he found himself wishing he was in Claire's place dancing with Phil. He hated the fact that he had become so needy of Phil's presence. Dan drank some more alcohol to numb himself standing in a desolate corner.

"Dan" he heard a voice. It was Phil.

Dan looked and it was Phil with a little frown on his face.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be dancing?" Phil asked.

"I don't dance" Dan said.

"That's not an excuse" Phil said taking Dan's hand.


"Shush I'll dance with you"

"What about Claire, aren't you gonna dance with her?"

"It doesn't matter"

Dan didn't notice protest anymore as Phil placed a hand on his waist pulling him closer. Dan insticntively placed his hands on Phil's shoulder as they began to dance. 

If it were another situation then Dan would have been concious of so many people watching him or the fact that he was this close to someone.

But now all he cared was Phil.

They were looking into each other's eyes and Dan knew he was turning red slowly but he couldn't help it under Phil's gaze. Phil always drove him crazy and he loathed it.

Phil took one of Dan's hand and twirled around Dan a bit. Dan lost a bit of balance but Phil kept him steady.

And they kept dancing.

Dan ddidn't even realize how much time has passed as his legs began to hurt.

"We should rest" Phil said.

Dan nodded now looking around to see a lot of looking at him and Phil. He walked faster and sat down as far as possible.

Phil got them both some drinks.

"So how did you like the dance?"

"It wasn't that bad actually" Dan said not looking at Phil.

"See, I told you" Phil said.

Dan nodded with a smile as they drank some more and soon enough Phil was showing the signs of being tipsy and was giggling a little too much. He was a lightweight.

"Let's dance" he said.

The music was much more afast paced now as Phil moved around more wildly and Dan just enjoyed himself. There weren't much people around them either so Dan didn't mind letting himself go as he danced like he had never before.

Phil's body was too close to him but Dan didn't mind.

And then it happened.

Phil had grabbed Dan from the waist and kissed him.

At first Dan didn't kiss him back but when he did he felt as he was in another world. Phil's lips were soft around his and fit perfectly. Phil nibbled slightly on Dan's lip making Dan let out a small moan.

They didn't stop until they were out of breath and that is when Dan realized what actually happened.

Phil Lester kissed him....

A/N : Dun dun dun dun
Seriously I just had to make them kiss in the wedding to make it the most obvious cliché ugh.
Sorry if I get some stuff about the wedding wrong as I have never been to a proper wedding before.
Also sorry for all the errors, I couldn't proofread it.

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