The One With The Sick Cat

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Dan's night sleep was often disturbed by Phil, his neighbor. This time, Phil was at his door at six in the morning.

Dan who was only in his boxers threw on a pajama and went to the door to find a red-eyed Phil.

"Morning Phil," Dan said with a smile.

"Dan," Phil said. "Snowball"

"What? Is everything okay with her?"

"No," Phil said. "She hasn't been eating or drinking anything and is throwing up constantly"

Dan bit his lips and squeezed Phil's shoulder to comfort him.

"Did you call the vet?"

"Yes but he is not picking up. What am I supposed to do now?"

Phil looked close to tears and Dan certainly didn't like to see that.

"I can drive you there you know to the vet's clinic.

"That would be really nice of you Dan," Phil said.

"Go get Snowball and I'll start the car"

Phil nodded and left going to his flat.

Dan grabbed his car keys and checked the stove and blew out the candle. He locked the door and left to wait in his car.

Phil appeared soon with a very sick looking Snowball in his arms. 

He got in the car. Dan started driving but he kept looking at Phil who looked very anxious gnawing on his lips his hand on Snowball's head.

"Everything will be okay," Dan said.

Phil just nodded.

Since it was still pretty early there was no traffic and they reached the vet sooner than expected.

Phil got out of the car and Dan parked it following Phil.

Phil was at the reception.

"I need a vet please," he said.

"But sir-"

"I need one now," he said loudly and that was the angriest Dan had heard Phil.

"Let me see what I can do," the woman said picking up the phone.

"Phil," Dan said. "Sit down"

Phil nodded sitting one of the faux leather couches looking straight at the receptionist.

"Uhhh mister" she called out.


"Yes, Dr. McDonald will see your cat" 

"Thank you, thank you,find," Phil said.

Phil took off with Snowball to the direction the woman pointed in and Dan sat down on the couch grabbing a magazine flipping through it.

He was glad that Phil found a vet and that now Snowball would be okay.

Bu mostly his mind was occupied by thoughts about Phil.

In the week following the concert, it was as if Dan had discovered the beauty that Phil is. He thought a lot about Phil  more than a friend should. 

Dan was sure that he liked Phil in more than a friends way.

But he wasn't quite sure he would tell Phil that. Mainly because Dan wasn't the most vocal guy and also because he didn't want to ruin things between them 

It was better like this anyway.

Lost in thoughts Dan didn't notice Phil coming until he sat down right next to him.

"How's Snowball?" Dan asked.

"She is..she is fine," Phil said. "But the doctor said she would have to stay here overnight"


Phil looked absolutely crushed and Dan wanted to comfort him but he was unsure of how he could. He decided he would just hug Phil. So he did. And Phil hugged him tighter than he had expected him to and Dan inhaled the vanilla scent from Phil's body that he always seemed to be emanating. He didn't want to let go but he still did.

"Thank you, Dan, " Phil said."O, it's nothing this is what we are friends for," Dan said.

Phil nodded.

"I think we should go home now", Dan said. "You look tired"

Phil nodded and they stood up.

But Phil turned around and looked at the receptionist.

"I am sorry for being so rude earlier"

"Oh it's fine", she said and flashed a smile at Phil.

Phil nodded and they left the hospital together.

On the car ride back home Phil was completely silent just staring out of the window the whole time.

"Bye Dan" Phil said. "Thanks for everything" 

"Phil wait"


"Did you even eat anything since last night?"

Phil shook his head no.

"I'll make some pancakes"

"Dan no-"

"No you are eating you look like you are starving" Dan said as he took Phil's hand and took him to his flat.

Phil sighed sitting on the sofa as Dan put on his apron.

"Hello Kitty, seriously?" Phil chuckled.

"It's completely ironic" Dan said.


"I'll be back"

Dan went in grabbing a bowl pouring some flour and cracking the eggs humming a tune to himself. He was very happy that he was making breakfast for Phil and also worried that he would mess it up. It were just pancakes but Phil was a really good baker.

Dan put the batter on the pan. He didn't try the flipping thing. He had done it too many times and ruined many pancakes. It was definitely not his area of expertise.

Dan made the pancakes and grabbed some maple syrup and butter before heading to the living room.

"Thanks Dan, you're an angel" Phil smiled.

Dan just blushed.

He set down the pancakes on the coffee table and drizzled syrup all over it taking a bite into the goodness. Pancakes were one of the few things that Dan was really good at making.

They sat eating the pancakes mostly in silence. When the pancakes were finished Dan took the plates to the kitchen and washed them. When he returned he found a fast asleep Phil sprawled across the couch and Dan's heart warmed at the sight.

He carefully made Phil lie down on the sofa making sure  not to wake him up. He grabbed a blanket and laid it on top of Phil.

Dan was very tempted to watch Phil sleeping because he managed to look even younger and fresher in his sleep. But he wasn't Edward Cullen now, was he?

So Dan just left Phil in the living room and went to his bedroom reading a book.

It was only nine in the morning but Dan had already decided that this wasn't one of the best days ever.

A/N : An update after over 2 months. Wow, I suck

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