Chapter 16 | Make Out With Your Hair

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"Don't let them in, don't let them see,
be the good girl you always have to be.
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know.
Let it go."
- Let It Go, Idina Menzel. *yush for real 😂*
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Chapter Seize : Make Out With Your Hair

I got onto his motorbike gracefully and waited for him to jump on.

"You know how to ride?" He gaped disbelievingly, watching me put my helmet on.

"You don't know a lot of things about me, Jay." I smiled as he got on behind me. It was nice to know he trusted that I wouldn't crash into some pole and kill him in an accident.

"Well, as long as you don't do things like crash into a pole or kill me in an accident, I'm okay."

Holy mother of-


I rolled my eyes at him, although he couldn't see me. He handed me the keys and I turned on the ignition, balancing myself to get a hold of the bike and wound my palms around the accelerator.

Let's do this.

This should be easy. I cannot forget how to ride these, no I can't.

And with that, I zoomed off, the bike first jerking a bit because of lack of control, but then faded smoothly. I let out a breath of relief as I rode down roads, past honking cars and into tiny alleys. Jay directed me and soon we were in a quiet road, only wind blowing at our faces. For a moment, I felt so free, unbound by worries and sadness.

I was tapped out of my thoughts as Jay's hold tightened around my waist, a reaction because the bike swayed left to right. "Sorry." I murmured, taking a turn.

"What's your story, Clumsy?"

I was taken aback by his sudden question. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know why I get this feeling that you're not as happy as you seem." His voice lowered, as if in some deep thought.

"I am okay." I lied for the millionth time in the last two years.

"No, you're not. There's just this thing, like there's more to you than a beautiful and kind girl. It's like every moment a hundred things go through your mind, which upsets you a lot, but you cover it up from everyone else.

If any one asks you about before WoodWinds, you shut them out. You don't even know
me much and yet here you are, ready to get revenge for me. Why are you the way you are, Andrea?"

By now, I was dumbfounded. It's amazing how much he's noticed. No, I can't make myself vulnerable. I'm strong and I will not let my tough exterior burn down. "What are you even talking about, oh my god. Such deep shit doesn't suit you, Jay." I faked a laugh.

"Fine, don't talk about it. But I will find out one day, promise." He hugged me tight from the back and I slowed down outside Julianne's turquoise blue villa.

No you won't. Nobody will.

He got off, and I pushed myself out, parking the bike in a nook behind the house.

"Okay, so this is the time Julie has her weekly facial right?" I confirmed the plan we made before leaving. He gave me a brief nod.

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