Chapter 5 | What Relationship?

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"I didn't know that I was starving till I tasted you. Don't need no butterflies when you give me the whole damn zoo."

~ Starving, Hailee Steinfield.

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Chapter Cinq : What Relationship?

My chicken sandwich now lay open, with its tomato slices stuck on my top. Tomato? It had tomato?!?! And CAPSICUM? Well, remember to never buy this bullcrap again.

I tried distracting myself from punching the shit out of Whale guy, It wouldn't have ended well. My knuckles turned white as he roared,"How dare a new girl like you, even have contact with my priceless balls?"

"Yeah, they are price-less." I said sarcastically as I bent backwards to create some distance between us. I don't think he even got the sarcasm. How dumb can he be? I thought God was unfair by not making everyone pretty but I was wrong, He didn't make everyone intelligent either.

"Do you know how dead you are, you fucking pain in the ass?" He pulled me up by my cheeks and that's when the people behind him came into view. Two more well-built guys with a vicious look etched on their sorry faces. Probably his sidekicks.

So he needed protection, from me? I'm flattered.

"Do you know who I am?" His icy eyes pierced through my soul. Yikes. I shook my head.

"I fucking own this school. The bench you'll get spanked on? I own it. The toilet in which your pimple head will get ducked into? I own it. The floor on which you'll puke blood when my guys beat you up too much? I own it." That said, he rigorously shoved me down.

Weren't everyone in the cafeteria seeing what was happening? Didn't anyone think to even try to save me? Oh that's right, they were scared because of him.

That foul loathsome evil little cockroach!

Why am I quoting Hermione?

"And that's the level you should bloody stay, below me." He spat out before turning around, leaving me hurt and shaken.

"You sissy!" My mouth screamed before I even realised what I said.

He snapped his head before racing towards me. He picked me up again and scowled,"What did you say?"

"You think you're too cool, beating up girls and all. Frankly, I think you're scared. Scared of me." Freaking filter, I knew I shouldn't have got the beta version. My thoughts came out in an unexpected flow.

He blinked once, twice before throwing me to his macho men. They looked gay, to be honest, the way they held me, but it was tight enough to prevent me from escaping.

Whale Guy lift his right hand up, probably to slap me, and my eyes flung close, anticipating the harsh hit. But it never came. Instead, I heard some grunts and I peeked through my frightened eyelids.

A new guy held Whale Guy roughly, with his hands behind his back and threatening to break it soon. The Whale Guy defended himself but in vain as the new person pulled the arms harder and closer, a few cracks audible and then letting Whale Guy fall off in pain.

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