Chapter 28 | Kinky & Misty & Peachy & Mystery

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"I will never let you fall, I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven."
- Your Guardian Angel, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus.
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Chapter Vingt-Huit : Kinky & Misty & Peachy & Mystery
- Continuation of flashback -

Lexis materialised soon with a tiny glass, the height was the length of my little finger. It had a clear liquid in it, but the smell separated it from the possibility of being water. The sharp smell reached my nose as I sniffed it when it was handed to me.

"It's just a bit of vodka." Lexis shrugged.

"Oooo, have we got ourselves a first timer here?", Alex piped up, watching me with mirth. She held a glass filled with a yellowish-brown liquid till the brim, frothing at the edge. I'd watched enough movies to know that it's probably beer.

I nodded, kind of in shame and the other guys just laughed in response. "Don't be scared, just take it in all at once." Vic nudged me further. I felt very uncomfortable being under everybody's gaze. I looked straight at Lexis again, and he gave me a reassuring nod.


In the next five seconds, the liquid was all inside me, burning its trail. My face scrunched in disgust, the smell emanating from my mouth made me want to puke. Apart from slight light-headedness, I wasn't feeling any different.

"So?" Lexis questioned curiously and came forward to check. "How you feeling?"

"Nothing much." I shrugged. This was kind of disappointing. I don't understand why so many people exaggerate the feeling.

"That's because it's just your first." Quinn gleamed at me through his side-swept black hair. "Lex, give her another one. Let her loosen up a bit."

"Nahhh, man, I don't want to. I don't want to force her into anything." He glanced at me sorrily.

At this, I had a strange rush in me as I spoke, "Are you kidding? You literally forced me to come here and do this. And now you're like", I paused, imitating his tone," 'Nawww man, I don't want to force her into anything.' "

He merely cackled and nodded, before striding away. "Okay Gusty, another shot coming right up."

"So what's your name?" Quinn asked, when we finally could hear each other as a few people started pouring out. Apparently, the 'drink a Dark Draught and get two pegs of beer free' hour was over.


"Oh, that's surely not it. I know Lexis named you that. He has this thing of nick naming people based on how he thinks they are truly inside." Victor said next. "And he usually turns out to be right."

"Yeah, he did the same with us." Alex pointed at each of them, "I'm Kinky, Vic's Misty, Quinn's Peachy — yes, I know that's weird — and last, Jared's Mystery."

Jared just shrugged. Wow, I just realised that he hadn't said a word since I've been here.

"Yeah, he doesn't talk much. Especially about himself." Quinn explained. "I'm Peachy, the attractive one." He said, winking playfully at me. Alex shot him an annoying look and he held up his hands in defense, "What? I was just kidding! Kinky is better than Gusty anyyyy day." He gave her a smirk and winked again, making her flush radiantly.

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