Chapter 26 | Dirty Laundry

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"Sometimes you've got to bleed to know, that you're alive and have a soul."
- Tear In My Heart, Twenty One Pilots.
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Chapter Vingt-six : Dirty Laundry

I was wrong to assume that Principal Jensen was just going to take the boys with him. He cast a look on me and beckoned. "You too." At this, I quirked up. What? How did he have any idea?

I didn't retort, instead I lowered my head and treaded towards him. His figure towered over my puny one. "Go to the office. I'll join you in a bit." He stated firmly, making me squirm internally.

Thus, Jace, Ash and I walked fervently to the office, with a sour look crossing each of our faces. Jace was spitting words of revenge at us and how nothing could be done to him as he practically owned the school. I shivered a bit when I remembered what happened in the cafeteria on my first day.

We were called in and Principal Jensen was already in his seat. What? Did he also have like insane ninja skills? The office had minimal furniture, with the typical desk sprawling with documents, pens, stamps and two rolling chairs for the summoned to sit. The walls were lined with the school's achievements, probably to impress the parents.

Among all the mess on the teakwood desk, there was a photoframe. Of a girl. I couldn't see it directly but on peering was able to examine it. She looked like she was my age, with her curly hair framing her rosy-white face. Her pink plump lips contrasted her green eyes with flecks of brown in them. Although her face was set in a cheery posture, I could see in her eyes, pain. Fear. Anxiety.


Principal Jensen cleared his throat bringing me back to the current catastrophe. "What do you suppose I do about this?"

Jace was the first one to pipe up.

"How can you pin this on me? I had nothing to do with this! It's these two, with their sneaking around and will to insult me. You know me, sir, I'm a good person with good intentions. I work very hard in bringing glory to —"

"Oh shut your piehole, Jace. How much of a fool do I look like to you?" Jensen's reply dumbfounded Jace, who shuddered irately now. "You wait till my father hears about this! You won't be sitting there, or in any other school, ever again!"

"Again with the father bullcrap. Listen, kid, here at WoodWinds, we aim to make every student independent and stand on their own two feet, not be wusses and go running to their poor father."

Okay, Principal Jensen had balls the size of planets, let me tell you that.

This earned a snigger from both Ash and I to which Jace hissed. He opened his mouth to retaliate obviously, but Jensen shut him up again. "Ch-ch!" He shushed Jace,"Just shut up."

"And Ashton, I didn't expect such behaviour from you. This was a favour I owed to your mother, and you were making it easy. Your grades are slipping again. What's the matter? Distractions?"

Jensen glanced at me when he spoke the last part. What was he insinuating?

"No, sir. It's n-nothing like that." He stammered.

"I know you are kids and you just want to have fun, but there's a limit to everything. Overriding the public televisions?"

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