Chapter 1 - Urge

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Chapter 1 - Urge


He never smiles.

That's what makes my nerves jump all over the place when I see him, when my eyes trail over his features. He looked at everything and his eyes held so many questions but he never spoke, never asked. He never really moved much either. It was as if he didn't move, then he wasn't noticed and if he wasn't noticed, he was safe.

He definitely wasn't safe- not from my eyes.

Every single little thing about him entranced me, called to me in a way that I never could've imagined from anyone. I mean, yeah, I've had a crush on Michael for the freaking longest time ever, but it was nothing like this. Nothing close to this and I absolutely liked it. Will was nothing like Michael and I was happy, thrilled even, about that fact. No, Will was something else.

And he was all mine.

Well, not yet. Gods know he wasn't mine yet and at this rate he would never let us complete our mating. I didn't want to pressure him and I definitely didn't want to force him into it, I didn't want to rush it, but my wolf was harder to control. He was a born Alpha and unlike Michael, I was expected to lead a pack. That increased the possesiveness of my wolf, the eagerness to have our mate. It drove me absolutely insane because I wanted that too. I wanted everything he could offer me and that was probably a little selfish of me, but I couldn't help it.

Looking at him now, I felt my skin tingle at the memory of the dream I had a couple nights ago, my skin heating up in seconds. I sink my fingers in my knees and force my suddenly aching member to deflate. I clench my jaw harshly when my shaft rubbed against my jeans, hardening me even more. Fuck, I was hard.

His smooth and sweaty skin, his bouncing ass, fuck, even his soft moans and gasps.

My heart was racing in my chest and I lurch from my seat, hoping that the shirt I wore was enough to cover my desire for my mate. "Milo, what's-" Aaron began, but I was already across the room. God, he was so fucking hot. His scent did wonders and I just wanted to know how it felt to have him in my arms.

I make my way down the hall and stairs before heading towards the backdoor, towards the trees. I could see Harrison by the edge, walking his section and he nods at me once before his eyes follow me into the trees. Once I'm sure I'm not seen, I yank my jeans off and drop them before shifting into my wolf. I use my claws to pull off any of the remaining shreds of my shirt before running to my left.

The memories of the dream slowly drifted away but I could still feel the need, the raw hunger to make him mine. I didn't know how that would happen, though. He would obviously rather ignore my mere presence than let me touch him and there was no way I would bottom. I just... I was an Alpha. Alphas didn't bottom- not for anyone.

Will was two, almost three years older than I was. He was also a couple inches taller than me and he was just always so certain of what he wanted. He wasn't muscled like I was, though, he was more lean, more curved. His shoulders were wide but that was about it. He wasn't a fighter and I didn't see him as a top. Not with me.

A huff leaves my lips as I slow down to a trot before finally walking through the trees in silence. I wasn't that far from the pack but it was as good as far. My ears could pick up noises in longer distances and I strain my ears as I find a small, broken log. I could only hear a couple deer and I couldn't smell anything off, so I drop down and place my head on my paws, trying to calm myself. I could still feel the urge, but not as strong as before.

My wolf calms after a while and I scold myself- and him, mostly him- for reminding me of that. Yeah, the dream was fucking hot as hell but it was also torture. I remembered the way his smooth skin felt, the warmth of his ass clenching around me... but I knew that wasn't really him. I was no virgin and I'd been with plenty of men and women, but that dream... it had felt real. It had felt like more, or at least it was me that wanted more. I wanted to actually have him beneath me, actually feel his smooth skin, actually feel his ass taking me in, squeezing me.

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