Chapter 12 - Only For You

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Chapter 12 - Only For You


A sigh leaves my lips as I read the list of names again. Some of them had to be familiar, one of these fuckers could be the one to want to take my mate from me. I just had to take out the ones I knew weren't for sure. I had to stay focused, stay concentrated on the task. I couldn't let more time pass, I couldn't.

Lakeview and I have been calling more often over the past days, informing and sharing anything that has happened. The rogues had lessened in that area, and Greg told me they didn't really know the sudden change in their ways. They still didn't know that Lakeview and I were now allies. That was good- this meant that we had the upper hand should any attack happen. We had the upper hand, for now.

Across every border we had, the amount of rogues were lessening, they were leaving. Being surrounded by allies really was a great factor to keep them at bay. When I'd informed this to the pack, they were quite pleased, quite relieved. I didn't want to spark their hope about the threat being squished, but I also didn't want them to live in worry. Despite the fact that I kept from them and the others of who the son of a bitch wanted now. Of course, the only ones who knew were Ollie and Dexter- but I told them not to say anything. At least not yet.

And Will... Will was fucking adamant about being the top. He'd always suddenly show up when I was alone to pin me against something. Now, I wasn't complaining about the kissing- I absolutely fucking loved the kissing and biting, but fuck, I fucking despised it when he pinned me. It was his obvious show of dominance, his obvious show of alpha male. He definitely wasn't an alpha, that was for sure. His wolf had fully surfaced now, but he was just a regular wolf. How could a fucking regular wolf make my wolf want to be a little bitch.

Now more than ever did I want to be buried inside him. I wanted to pin him against the wall and rip his clothes apart. I wanted to pin him against my desk and fuck him like the animal I had inside. I wanted to grip his hair and watch as my cock disappeared between his thighs as he looked up at me. I wanted that expression to fucking crumble into one of utter pleasure and ecstacy. I wanted him to fucking let me take him, let me take what belonged to me.

But that wasn't going to happen- ever, according to him. I was going fucking insane with the need bubbling beneath my skin. If he continued kissing me all of a sudden, I would completely snap and take him whether he was ready or not. That was something I absolutely fucking loathed thinking about. I really didn't want to force myself on him. I didn't.

So now that the fucking threat appeared to be diminished- at least for the while, dad wanted to continue the plans for the annual gathering. I didn't want to, fuck, I didn't want to because my unmarked mate would be around so many damn alphas. I needed to claim him before that party. The party was needed though, so that other allies could see that we now were tied with Lakeview. If any attack would happen, they would know Lakeview had our back. That would serve us well- Lakeview was known for their viciousness in battle.

Running my fingers through my hair, I sat back and looked at the list again carefully, making sure that any name on that list definitely did not show up for that gathering. I might not be able to stop myself from tearing them apart in their spot. And for now, we couldn't do anything. At least not yet- but soon. Let them believe they were safe.

When my stomach rumbled, I turned the screen off and rubbed my face tiredly. I checked the time, which let me know it was close to midnight and I pushed from my desk to go out for a run. I hadn't gone in a while and my bones were beginning to ache. As soon as I stepped outside, I could hear Cody's giggles with Aaron cracking up next to him. My guess were that they were in the game from downstairs and I sighed because I could hear them kicking up, probably getting ready to go to bed. Maybe they'd join me on a run.

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