Chapter 15 - Party Fuck

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Chapter 15 - Party Fuck

(This is also a very long chapter, enjoy)


I wouldn't ever get used to the feeling of pure ecstasy rushing through my veins, the utter pleasure ripping through me causing my thighs to tremble. My body melting after reaching that tingling ecstasy, that place that made me want to drop everything and chase after it again and again. Sure, I wasn't the only one to reach it, but fuck, I had never felt it so good before. It felt fucking amazing.

"You're seriously thinking about sex again?" Will demands in a growl, his voice coming from somewhere behind me. He sounded ticked off and when I turn around, I realize why. He was looking me over, his shoulders tense and as my eyes trail down to his cock, I could see he was hard. A laugh leaves my lips because I hadn't even meant to be sharing my lust to him. He was scowling at me and I roll my eyes at the displeasure behind them.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry!" I laugh while giving him a smirk. "Not my fault you look oddly sexy in those clothes." He scowls as he looks down at himself and I follow his gaze. He wore a dark pair of jeans that were a little ripped on his knees on one leg. He wore one of the button up shirts we had gone to buy and he wore a new pair of converse I'd gotten him. His hair was wet and he left it untouched because it had been too much, according to him. He felt as if he'd 'kill everyone' if he had to go out like this. Still, as he stood there studying what he wore, he made my skin heat up and my wolf wouldn't mind a quickie in here before going down. "You're definitely leaving that on when we fuck later on."

Will looks up at me and frowns, "I won't fuck you with clothes on" he grumbles.

I shrug, "Worth a try" I sigh before turning back around to yank a plain black shirt over my head. "Hey, Will" I start and turn around to look him over, "There are already a couple alphas down there" he tried to hide it but I saw the ticking of his jaw. Even if I hadn't, I could feel the small ball of panic fill his chest up, his heart fast. "I want you to stay beside me, no matter what. You see anyone you recognize, anyone, you let me know and I'll fucking kill a bitch. Anyone says anything, you let me know."

Will curls his lips back in a snarl, "I don't need you to defend me."

"No" I agree angrily, curling my fists tightly. My wolf practically clawed to the surface and the room became clearer, my vision sharper letting me know he was just beneath the surface, "But you let me know. Any fucker messes with you messes with me, can you fucking do that?" His eyes search mine a second longer before he nods and I let out a breath that eventually relaxed me. "Come on, we have to be down already. Aaron can't greet everyone. Remember, you don't have to say shit to anyone if you don't want to."

"Good" he mumbles lowly before I lead the way downstairs, where I could immediately hear the many people talking and laughing.

It was already Friday afternoon and the back of the house was already packed. There were a couple tables set up, but many people preferred to stay standing. A couple groups were separated because even if they were all allies with us, not all were allies with each other. Though at least they had the decency to not cross each other's paths and fight like animals.

I knew it would happen and I was expecting it to happen, but I only wished it had happened later, much later. "Milo Morgan" an over confident voice says, a hint of distaste laced with it. I could feel Will's confusion because there was an obvious amount of cockiness in that voice. I try not to groan as I turn around to come face to face with Patrick Freight from the Mountain Pack. Beside him a was none other than his best friend, alpha Jackson White from the Scarlet Pack. Beside them were their betas and another alpha named Marcus.

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