Chapter 3 - Gift?

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Chapter 3 - Gift?


My hand curled tightly as I stared at my mate, feeling my heart race in my chest a thousand miles a minute. His face was unmoving, a curious look forever stuck on his features. He hadn't been looking at me and the simple sight of him... even in a fucking picture... had my heart pounding. My ribs ached a little and my stomach felt in knots, but it was nothing compared to the panic I felt. Fuck, I could even feel my stomach sink in nervousness.

What if he didn't like it?

What if he hated it?

What if he didn't even let me close enough to give it to him?

I was such a fucking creep. Only creeps like me would take pictures of their mate and put it as their desktop background. Fuck, I was seriously messed up. I mean, no one could get into my desktop without my password and I liked it that way, but holy fuck I was sick. Was I really though? What if I had just asked?

Yeah cuz he'd be totally up for it.

I uncurl my fist when the little golden item began to cut at my skin and I didn't want the smell of blood to linger when I gave it to him. My eyes lower to the... necklace and I swallow the rock in my throat when I thumb the small design. It was a small, golden necklace of Virgin Mary, but I thought it was good. It was the size of my thumb, but I just wanted to give it to him.

Rubbing my face harshly, I look up back at his picture and feel my heart skip a beat at the way he was looking to the side, head tilted a little. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.. Fuck!

"Just fucking give it to him" I snarl to myself a little angry. "Walk up to him and give it to him." But I wanted to see what he did, how he reacted. I wanted to see him wear it. I wanted to put it on him. "Do it you stupid Alpha."

I push myself from the desk and swallow nervously while clutching the necklace again. It was a little heavy, but I wanted it like that. I wanted him to feel it around his neck, to feel that I was there. He really needed to trust me.

Just as I was about to walk out the door opens and I take a step back when Dad walks in, my hand moving to my back pocket and slowly sliding the gold necklace inside. "Dad. I was just getting ready to-"

"Alpha Liam needs to renew his alliance contract. He won't be coming over but he will call in a few minutes. Make sure you write the information down and file it until he can personally come to sign them" he says.

I swallow, "I was just going to do something really important-"

"It can wait. Alpha Liam can't" the phone on my desk rang as he said that and dad nodded behind me, "That must be him. Answer it." He fucking told me like I was a pup and treated me like the Alpha I am. He should just give me my title- I have earned it. Richard talked though not much, but he did and as soon as I gave this to Will, I would head down there for more answers.

Liam was quick and to the point and I made sure to add a couple things that would also benefit my pack. As soon as he agreed with what I wrote, and I agreed with what he wanted, we said our goodbyes and I filed the contract. He would most probably sign it when the party came around. It wasn't here yet and I already dreaded it.

The party was simple, really. Most of our allies would be coming over and all the other new alphas my age would come to talk and mingle with me. I rub my temple at the disaster that will turn out for me. They'd know I haven't gotten my title and would freaking laugh at me about it. Then they'd see that I haven't mated with Will and when they see how much he loathes me, I'll lose any and all of the respect I currently have. To make matters worse, my pack was being a target and I haven't found out anything and... I was just going to be humiliated by them all.

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