Epilogue - Part 2

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Epilogue - Fragments?


Gage looks up at me and through the corner of my eyes, I see the others wince. Probably at the smell. I couldn't smell it anymore, though. Not without the enhancements my wolf had. "Do you recognize this?" Did I recognize that? Of course I fucking recognized that!

Before I can even open my mouth, though, Lane lurches from his seat towards Gage and a twinge of panic makes my chest ache before I find myself following a second later. Gage jerks back when Lane almost claws at his arms to get the syringe in desperation. Arms slide around me and yank me back while Dexter grabs Lane tightly, who struggles just as much as I do.

"What the hell is that?" Aaron almost shouts, somewhere behind. "Gage, what the hell?!"

My eyes go to Lane, who hits Dexter in the balls and panic rushes through me when he literally shoves against Gage, who makes no fight to keep the syringe from him. "No!" I find myself panicking. "No! Wait! Stop! Stop him! Lane, wait!" I cry out and I all but sank against my mate when I see him uncap the syringe and inject himself on his leg, a sigh leaving his lips as he sank down, Dexter lurching to grab a hold of him. His head rolls back and I watch Dexter panic, but I could literally feel my eyes water at the empty syringe. The heat builds up my throat and I grip Will's arm as he holds me tighter, "Please."

"What the fuck, Gage!" Dexter demands in a snarl, "What is this? What the hell did you give him?!"

I watch as Gage extends his hand to his beta and I struggle even harder when I see a bottle with more of that liquid as well as more syringes. "Milo, I've got another one. Just relax."

Will moves us back a little, "Fuck off" he snarls. "It's that shit that asshole gave him. You're not putting that anywhere near him."

I watch as Gage grabs another syringe, the brown liquid filling up the clear tube, "Will, Milo is in pain right now."

"I'd feel that" he snarls, "I marked him last-"

"No. You wouldn't" Gage says as I stare at the syringe in his hand. "His wolf is buried, too weak to even show its presence. Milo is in pain- you don't need a mating connection to see that. The only way to end his pain, is with this."

He moves closer and I straighten as much as I could before Will snarls again. He moves back more and I groan at another wave of heat now burning my insides. "Give it to me" Will finally snarls.

I watch as Gage hands the syringe to my mate and he releases me with me immediately turning around as I gripped his sleeve. He stared down at me for a second, studying me before swallowing thickly. "Will."

Then he hesitantly brings it closer to me and I tilt my head while gripping his torso with both hands. And when the needle sinks into my skin, there's a small wave of relaxation that flows through me before I feel the liquid enter my system and my eyes flutter as I grip him tighter. My knees buckle and Will grabs me quickly, dropping the syringe as he brought me against him. I feel the familiar numbness travel down my legs and my heart rate slows, my fingers going numb before I completely sink against him.

Will holds me tightly and I could see his panic... but I couldn't really find myself to care. He was warm and he was cozy and just so goddamn perfect right now. He holds my head upright before tugging me closer and my head drops on his shoulder as he cradles me against him. I could faintly feel his heart thumping against his chest and it began soothing me more. "What now?" he snarls angrily, picking me up completely and shoving past Gage and towards the living room to lay me down where Cody comes close, peeking at me with worried eyes. "What now?!" my mate demands louder.

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