Flame Prologue

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Flame [MxMxM]



I wanted to scream, to cry out, or even sob. Every single cell in my body seemed to be going haywire, seemed to have a complete mind of their own, rushing and bouncing inside me. They seemed to be heating up, they seemed to be burning. All I could feel was this immense heat, this... flame.

I wanted to sink my fingers through his hair, I wanted to grip it tight and never let go but my hands were busy. My left hand was clutching, gripping the counter beside me so hard my knuckles were white. My right hand, however, was pressed hard against my mouth. I was going to cry out, I really was and that would be so freaking embarrassing.

Instead, a pitiful whine leaves my lips and I actually feel his mouth tremble around me as he chuckled. The small vibrations caused my knees to buckle and his large hand gripped my thigh before raising my leg over his shoulder and a choked cry leaves my lips when I was spread, his hand lowering to gently squeeze and fondle my balls.

"Oh, god!" I choke out, tears burning my eyes as I tried to stay silent. He was making it hard to, though. His mouth was warm around my shaft as he moved his head up and down. His tongue would trail along my dick before expertly licking my head and finally taking me back into his mouth. Heat pooled in my belly and my toes tingled, letting me know I was so damn close. "Wait" I whisper thickly.

It would be so embarrassing to cum in his mouth. I really didn't want to. Maybe he thought I would last longer because he simply gave a stronger squeeze and my eyes burn as I fought so hard against the urge.

I had to come now. I had to.

I throw my head back and it bumped against the wall as I closed my eyes tightly. My hand falls down and I whimper as I touch his soft hair, clutching it tight. I raise my hips a little before I hear a door open and my eyes snap open in shock. My breath literally catches at the sight of Christopher- or was that Nicholas?- and guilt seeps into my body.

I wanted to hide. I wanted to plead for forgiveness even though I had absolutely nothing to say. I wasn't going out with either of them.

But all that goes out the window when he closes the door and I'm left stunned as he approaches. He studies his brother, who sucked me even harder and I cry out, arching my back off the wall as pleasure rushed through me. My leg was still hitched up his shoulder and I manage to see Christopher- or Nicholas- approach to my other side and his fingers touch my jaw before he pulls my face to his, his lips landing on mine.

And somehow, this heat suddenly became much more intense.

Somehow, I was actually on fire. They were both a flame and I had touched it and now I was burning.

Christoper- I would call him Christopher- gripped my jaw and I basically lean up to meet his lips, my hand releasing the counter to grip his shoulder tight. "Oh god" I choke out against his lips, sinking my fingers in his shoulder while my other hand tightened its grip on his brother's hair. "Oh god, oh god. Oh god!" I cry out against his lips, thrusting my hips a little before I was completely ignited. We were burning.

We were on fire.


This story can be found on my profile already.


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