Chapter 10 - Dominance

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Chapter 10 - Dominance


Okay, I admit that this wasn't the best idea I'd ever gotten, but it was somewhere up there. Technically the idea had been Cody's but I was the one to kiss my mate when I knew I sure as hell wasn't allowed to. I deserved that punch and everything else that happened.

My eyes raised to my mate and I couldn't help but let a smile slip into my face at his look. He blinked, as if so utterly confused, while I cupped my bloody nose with a hard pinch, tilting my head up a little. He had moved back, but he was still tense and his fingers were still curled tightly. Then the door opens and Aaron rushes in, pausing when he saw us. Dexter peeks in after Cody runs inside followed by Michael and the others like in. "I thought I smelled blood" August mutters as he looks me over.

I let out a huff of air and wince when my hand moves. I think my nose was broken. My eyes travel to my mate, who stared at me with a mixture of horror, confusion, fear, and a little guilt, which made me want to hold him. I smile lightly, "You have a strong fucking punch, mate" I finally say, wincing when blood touched my mouth and entered, copper filing my taste buds.

"Will, why did you hit him?" Cody shouts as he makes his way to me, looking at the blood in fear, tilting his head as if to get a better view of my bleeding area.

That is what finally causes my mate to let out an angered sound, his eyes locking unto Cody, who turned to meet his gaze, "You locked me in with him" he seethes, his words a calm rage before a snarl leaves his lips, "You don't get it, you only think of what you want. You want him to fuck me but you don't stop to consider I'm done. I don't want this. I don't want him. You need to stop doing this-"

He takes a threatening step towards him and Michael tenses, because Will was getting close. I tensed because I knew Michael would defend Cody and I would fucking break his jaw if he so much as laid a hair on my mate. Aaron tensed because he saw me tense and he obviously knew what was going on my mind when Michael tensed. Ollie and Peter took a small step back, eyes snapping to everyone around the room and Dexter and August looked at each other like they knew shit was about to go down.

"-because if you don't I'm going to leave" he snarls out. "I don't care if you stay here, if you let him fuck you, but he" his eyes don't ever meet mine, "is never going to have his way with me. I'll rather die than let another Richard control my life, do you hear me? That includes you. Stay out of my way, Cody. You mean well, but I don't want any of this. I don't want him."

It was a lie. I knew it deep inside me, I knew the way his body tensed at the words. I also knew he was terrified, but if he really wanted to leave, he would've done it by now. He wouldn't have tried to get Cody to back off if he didn't want to stay. Which meant I was somehow doing things right here. That did mean this made everything harder though. This made everything so damn hectic- my mate didn't want to bottom. He seemed pretty clear on that. I wasn't a bottom- now what the hell was I supposed to do about this?

Then my mate disappears and I let out a small sigh. "Well that went well" I murmur as I watch his back disappear around that door, posture tense.

Cody turns around and it takes me a second to notice the tears on his cheeks. "I'm so sorry, Milo" he whimpers, lips trembling as he lowered his head, a small sob leaving his lips. "I didn't want to make it worse" he chokes out and I sigh softly, watching Michael move to embrace his mate. My heart aches at the sight of Cody turning to cling against Michael, his face in his chest.

"I knew what I was getting myself into" I state instead, releasing my nose because it was healing slowly. I needed to pop it back into place.

"I forced you" Cody chokes out, Aaron making his way to me to inspect my nose. His fingers raise and I hold my breath because I knew he was putting it back in place- and when he does, a wave of pain rushes through my face and I let out a small groan. "I didn't mean to. I thought I was doing good."

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