Chapter 9 - Kiss Gone Bad

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Chapter 9 - Kiss Gone Bad


Do it, you imbecile human!

Shut up, I snarl.

I will eat you inside out!

I dare you.

He's right there!

So fucking what? As if he'd let me even touch him right now. He's naked!

Easier to pin him and take him! He's beautifully exposed!

Fuck off.

It was so hard to keep my eyes away from him, it really was. I wasn't being a pervert- I hadn't consciously intended to catch him in the midst of shifting back into his human skin. He had been in his room, yes, but he'd left the door open- unable to close it without hands- when I walked up. My intention had been pure and innocent, but as soon as I'd seen his bare body, most of all my rational thoughts left my mind.

God, he was so fucking beautiful.

I close my eyes as a hard shudder rushed through me, blood rushing down to my aching cock so fast I felt lightheaded. It had only been a peek- only one second to get a beautiful spectacle of his uncovered body, his smooth skin, but it had been a second too long. Fuck, I felt as if I'd come this very moment. I felt as if I didn't jerk myself off right now, I'd go completely fucking insane.

But, fuck, I couldn't jerk off here- or to that view- for that matter. My dreams were fine because they'd come from me... but now that I saw his exposed body it felt so fucking wrong to come while he hadn't wanted me to see him. Ever. Fuck, I wanted to thrust my hips into the air- anything to get myself off. God, I'd never forget the sight.

My mouth was unbelievably dry and I squeeze my eyes shut hard, feeling my heart practically burst in my chest. He'd been barely straightening from a crouch when I saw him. My eyes had gone up his bare toes, his legs, his hips, up his sides, and up to his arms, his messy hair. Fuck. His skin had looked smooth and light. His ass... another rush of blood filled my aching cock. His ass was so fucking great, smooth and curved and round.

I couldn't wait to bury my cock inside him.

I couldn't wait to spread his cheeks and see what he offered me- couldn't wait to shove my cock into his warm body and feel him close tightly around me.

I couldn't wait to pin him down and make him mine... make him beg for me to be inside him... make him beg for my mark, my touch.

My head dropped back with a pained groan and I curl my fists tightly, slumping back against the wall. I wanted to hold him and kiss him and fuck him until my cum trailed down his inner thighs. Fuck. Opening my eyes, a sharp choke leaves my lips and I jerk upright at the face only inches from mine. The little fucker tilted his he looked into the open room before narrowing his eyes back on me.

He was just as, if not scarier, than Aaron was. I swallow the thick lump in my throat, "It was an accident" I state calmly, licking my dry lips. "I was passing by and..."

Cody turns away from me and pokes his head in the room, telling something to my mate, who grunted before closing the door and looking back at me. His arms crossed and I clench my fists as his eyes study me very carefully. After the longest freaking time ever, he tilts his head a little, "Were you going to kiss him finally?"

I lick my lips in nervousness and blink a little because I had no fucking idea what to say. "I was just passing. I didn't... I wasn't... I was surprised..."

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