Chapter 4 - Not Fucking Property

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Chapter 4 - Not Fucking Property

Warning: Light Gore.


"You shouldn't have taken the blame" Aaron groans again, his arms crossed as I finished the email and pressed send, tilting my head to look up at him. There was a burnt bud at the glass in my desk and the scent of cigar still lingered a little. I probably shouldn't have smoked in the houses but it was too late. He furrows his brows at me and I roll my eyes, "It's like you like getting him pissed" he mutters. Aaron knew I smoked since I was a kid- it worked to calm my nerves when I was little, but now it had no effect on me. It was hard to break habits, even though I knew it couldn't harm me at all.

I let out a small snort and push away from my desk while taking a long drink of water, "I don't, but I don't give a fuck anymore. I'm really tired of following his orders right now."

"Then do what August said" he murmurs as he crosses his arms with a look, "If it's the only way-"

"Not like that" I shake my head and sit up while logging off quickly, not letting him see that Will covered my background. Pushing away from my desk, I make my way to the door and let him close it after me. "Besides, I have things to do. Go with your brother and watch my mate in the process."

"What exactly are you going to do to get on his good side?" he demands while crossing his arms as he walked beside me. "Because doing nothing isn't working."

"Go" I demand, growing a little ticked off as I walk ahead of him. I appreciated that they wanted to help me but I didn't want their help. I didn't want them to suggest in ways to make him like me. I had to earn that. I had to earn his trust, his damn love. All of it- by myself.

He doesn't follow, thankfully, and soon I'm making my way down the stairs towards the backdoor. I see Harrison doing patrol and I nod once before walking down the path to the cells. It isn't very far but it isn't very close either to the pack house in case it's attacked. In just a few minutes I'm nodding at the two guards before walking in when they open the door.

I never really like coming in here because of the smell, and the obvious amount of rogues in here. There weren't many, but we did have a few in here. I ignore the first couple of cells before making my way to the last and suddenly feel the urge to strangle the man behind the bars. I swallow thickly to try and keep myself calm- even if the simple sight of him made my blod boil.

"The little Alpha. What brings you to my humble abode?" his voice is far too comfortable and it only ignites my irritation. Maybe we were being too lenient with this fucker.

"You know why" I scoff as I cross my arms to glare at him. He was laying back against the wall, eyes closed as he stretched his legs a little. It made me feel anger that this piece of shit was the blood related parent to two great guys. This son of a bitch didn't deserve to even speak their names- let alone my mates.

He hums in response, peeking one eye open at me, "Well considering the circumstances, I no longer have whores to provide for your itch" he says, causing a snarl to leave my mouth. His lips stretch into a smile as he finally opens the other eye to look at me. "And my, do you have an itch."

"Don't make me go in there and break every finger you have" I warn as I take a threatening step closer to the cell.

He snorts a little, looking at the rogue next to him with a cheeky grin before turning back to me. "By all means, come in. I'll personally teach you all I've taught my whores. You do look oddly fuckable for an Alpha pup" he adds.

I feel my brain completely stop functioning as I try to process his words. He did not. He did not just insinuate I'm a bottom. The motherfucker!

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