Chapter 19 - Deadly Drug Addiction

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Chapter 19 - Deadly Drug Addiction


A/N: A warning for any triggers caused by sexual abuse in this chapter. This chapter is not needed to be read to understand the plot. It simply explains the strong effects of the drug. You may skip this chapter if necessary.


His curled fist met my jaw and I choke on blood as it poured from my lips. I wasn't dragged back to the room- now I was down in what seemed to be a cellar and I grip the cement as a foot met my abdomen, the breath being knocked out of me. I choke on an inhale and gasp for breath when I try to get air into my lungs. Hands gripped my hair and yanked me up, a pained sound leaving my lips when my leg touched the floor.

Mark grips me upright, bringing me face to face with him, "I gave you everything" he snarls and I gather the liquid in my mouth before spitting into his face, my saliva coated with blood. He snarls and throws me down, wiping his face angrily. "I let you walk. I let you eat. I let you sleep at will. Now you give me no choice, little bastard."

He extends his hand and I watch as one of the betas hands him something, a box. Mark opens it and my heart sinks when I see a syringe in his hand, a dark liquid inside. My throat closes at the familiar chemical smell before I move back, painfully, "What the fuck is that?" I choke out.

He doesn't respond. He only starts making his way to me and before I can even think to fight back, he grips my injured leg and I choke on a scream, only managing him grab a fistful of my hair before he painfully slammed the needle into my neck, the liquid burning as it was pushed into me. And in only a couple blinks I was gone, drowning in that numbness that left me in nothing but darkness.


My eyes opened to small conversation, to laughter and to numbness against my bones. I was on a cloud, soft and endless. I felt as if I was moving, which I wasn't because even if I couldn't move, my fingers felt the dirt of cement. I open my eyes after it takes the longest time ever.

My eyes met the top of a floor, which confused me as I stared at the wood. I could smell something thick in the air, I could hear the laughter a little bit more. I could slowly start to gain feeling in my toes. My eyes fluttered closed and I could feel myself being dragged back into that darkness when I distinctly felt a different type of tingle in my toes.

It confused the hell out of me- it left me wanting to move and see what was happening but it was hard. It was so hard and I wasn't really scared. I was just... not strong enough to care about feeling anything. Something at the back of my mind urged me to focus, to do something but it was very quickly replaced with a careless feeling that spread through my veins and up my body.

Then a face appears over me and I manage to blink at the man smiling down at me. He turns away, voices echoing in my ears before I registered the faint sound of laughter. I blink again and let out a small breath, finally feeling my body.

There was a hand on my cock, moving up and down quickly, a hot mouth sucking on my inner thigh. The man who grinned down at me gripped my jaw hard and crushed his lips down on mine, hard and fast. His breath was a little disgusting and his tongue slipped into my mouth, touching mine, brushing mine, sucking on mine. He moved to my jaw and bit down hard before a tingle rushed through me and I heard a groan down below.

The man bit down hard on my jaw and I looked up at the ceiling as he kissed my neck, biting down hard on a specific area. His teeth didn't break skin, but something at the back of my neck clawed in anger before slowly disappearing. Instead, I try to figure out why they were touching me, why they were both on me. Then my mind wandered to think why they weren't touching each other. Clearly they both moved and I couldn't move my fingers. Surely, they'd enjoy each other more.

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