Chapter 20 - Call

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Chapter 20 - Call


At first, being awake wasn't bad. It was all numb, all so soft and gentle and good. Everything around me seemed like a breeze happening around me and I didn't want to feel again. At least, from the little fuzzy flashes of memory I had every now and then reminded me of that.

Now, there were moments when, if they waited long enough, my body would react painfully to not having that dose. It was... it was something I needed. I needed it so fucking much. Whatever it was, I wanted it, I needed it.

My eyes slid open and I immediately hear the sounds of sex close to me. I wanted to know if they were touching me again, but I couldn't hear anything close enough. I could only hear sounds of strain, groans and gasps. I could hear skin hitting skin at a fast pace. I could hear gasps and the occasional whimper.

Tilting my head around, I sigh softly, at the familiar walls of the cellar. This I actually remembered easily. I have only ever been to three places that I could remember- the cellar, Mark's room, and his bathroom. I was already starting to feel my fingers and I turn to my right, my eyes falling on discarded clothes. There were a pair of pants and from here, I could see the small metal sticking out. I stared at it for a couple of minutes, my eyes trailing over the obvious cell phone.

I should probably get that.

I mean, I couldn't care less about it, but I didn't want to do nothing while they had sex. Moving my head a little, I manage to see the naked bodies almost on the other side of the room. There was a table there and I could tell they were using it for support. I saw a hand move out, gripping the table and I saw a boy holding on as a buff man slammed his hips forward. They were panting, letting out groans and words that were too far for me to hear.

I turn back to the pants, which actually weren't that far from me and slowly stretch my arm out. I wanted to feel the phone on my hand, the weight and see how big it was. I had to actually move my body to reach and my fingers tingle at the feel of the metal when I reach it.

Then I grab it with half numb, half trembling fingers and bring it against me, relaxing against the floor when I thumbed the edge. I stare up at the ceiling as I slowly slide it beneath my back and sigh as I hear the guys having sex. There was a sharp cry, another moan and then a loud growl. I could hear their breathing get faster and I heard the boy shout before the table creaked and then silence fell after a loud groan.

I hear a sigh before there's movement and I want to look what they are doing now. "Is he awake yet?" a gruff voice asks and I close my eyes slowly. Maybe they wanted to tell me something. Should I tell them I was awake?

There's a second voice, "Not yet." It was soft and small, and a little familiar.

There's an exhale, "Well, shit, this dose is taking forever" it states in displeasure. "Almost a whole day- the longest one yet."

Dose. The simple mention of it sparked my memory and I felt an ache in my neck- why did it hurt?

"Fuck that. I'm starving"  the gruff voice says and I hear them go to their clothes to get dressed. I hope he doesn't mind I touch his phone for a while. "I don't think the fucker is waking up anytime soon. Hurry the fuck up and get dressed, Cameron wanted to fuck you, too."

"Okay" the voice says and I wanted to frown at the defeated sound of it. Why did he have to talk to him mean? Asking would've been nice.

Then it wasn't long before I hear their steps leave and I open my eyes with a soft sigh. Moving my hand down, I take the phone and thumb the edge again while relaxing against the floor. I wonder when he would come for it. How long until they gave me my dose again.

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