Chapter 5 - Dream

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Chapter 5 - Dream


My hand slid along his sweaty back, a shudder traveling through me when his body arched into the touch. He was fisting the sheets tightly, his head bowed and his legs trembling so hard I knew he would collapse soon. His hips were a little wide before smoothing into his lean waist and up to his upper body.

Fuck, he's so fucking sexy.

I sank my fingers in his hair, clutching tightly as I drove my hips against his ass, burying every inch of my cock inside his warm body. A soft groan left my lips at the warmth that allowed me in, the heat that coated around me, the walls that sucked me in tight and squeezed. It felt so fucking good I wanted to stay in his ass forever, but I eased myself out of him slowly before gently thrusting myself back inside him to the very hilt.

My mate let out a hitched gasp before groaning at the back of his throat and arching his back in a smooth curve. The action raised his hips and I moan when his ass pushes back against me, taking me deeper, so deep my skin hit his own skin harsher. His thighs were shaking now and I lean down against his back, sliding my arm around his waist to hold him upright when his body wavered a little. I dragged my mouth along his shoulder and towards his neck where I sucked on the mark resting on his skin. Will cried out softly and I could see his fists curl on the sheets, crumpling the bed sheets a little.

"Fuck, Will" I groan and release his hair to hold myself upright by planting my hand on the bed beside his arm. Then I buck my hips faster and hear him gasp sharply, throwing his head back against my shoulder. "You're so fucking sexy, baby. Fuck, I love burying myself inside you."

"Milo" he whines and I shudder at the way my name left his lips. I knew it was his voice, it was his because I've heard it before and now I would recognize it anywhere.

I growl slowly before pulling out of him and spinning him around, pushing him down on the bed. I grab his legs and pick them up to raise them over my shoulders before thrusting my hard cock back inside him, watching him cry in ecstasy. I bend him a little and he sinks his fingers on my hands throwing his head back with a louder cry, telling me it was a very good angle for his body. My eyes trail over his flushed face, his red chest and the sweat coating his body. His hair stuck to his forehead and pespiration gathered above his lips.

His mouth was parted a little and I lean down, stretching him open a little more, before claiming his lips as I gave a harder thrust into his warm core. Will drags his nails down my back and I hiss a little before leaning back and kneeling over his body. I trail my eyes down his abdomen and look at his thick shaft before down to his ass where I feel myself shiver at the sight of my cock disappearing into his body.

Fuck, that will always be so fucking sexy.

His walls try to suck me back in when I pull out and his hole quivered each time I pulled out all the way. Fuck. "Fuck, Will" I moan, looking back up at him and his green eyes were almost hooded, pants leaving his lips. I watch his hand lower along his abdomen before he gripped his cock and he jerked himself off quickly, arching his back as his legs trembled. Then a sharp cry leaves his mouth, his head drops back, and his body tenses just as-

A shout startles me awake and I hear the back door close with a slam before I hear pans moving around in the kitchen. My heart was racing in my chest and I cover my eyes with a low groan once I make sure that nothing wrong was going on. The silence of the room was thickening but I could clearly hear my rapid breathing and the way my blood rushed through my system- and straight down to my aching cock.

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