Chapter 7 - First Touch

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Chapter 7 - First Touch

(This is sort of a gloomy chapter..)


I've never liked being in pack hospitals. The medications were always so overpowering and the stench of every odor in here made my head ache. Then there was the air of gloom, of depression and pain roaming around it made me feel angry that I couldn't prevent this pain. Then the fact that I couldn't sit still- let alone want to remain in a hospital bed- made me want to choke someone. I hated laying still, hated being watched over.

My body felt awfully heavy when I slowly began to come to conciousness. My brain felt fuzzy and I couldn't really open my eyes, let alone move my hand. I could faintly hear the heart monitor beeping, its pace fast- which was normal for us. I could smell the thick scent of medicine, which made my nose itch a little. Still, there was a very faint, very recognizable scent in the room and my insides rolled. I couldn't feel my wolf, which led me to believe I was heavily drugged, but I knew he would be ecstatic.

Then I felt it- the gentle, tingly brush against my fingers.

The sudden rapid beeps that filled the room made the touch completely disappear but before I could even try to move to keep that touch on me, I completely succumbed back into numbness. Even through that darkness, the silence, I could hear very distorted voices before everything calmed again.

My eyes slowly open and I blink against the light that was shining down on me, causing my eyes to burn. I look around and lick my lips, feeling the dryness in my throat. The machines were beeping and a heavy sigh leaves my lips when I feel the light pinch on my arm. Taking a look around the room, I lay back to wait for someone to walk in and help me leave this place. When no one walks in after a while, I grunt in annoyance before sitting up, my body completely aching, and move my feet to the edge of the bed.

My legs hang over the side of the bed and I hunch a little, assessing my injuries. There was a bandage wrapped tightly around my neck when I ran my fingers against the area gently. My right arm was also bandaged tightly and I remember the way it had been broken, making me wince. My left leg was covered below my knee and my abdomen had yet another bandage wrapped around it. Fuck me, I was pissed.

Scowling a little, I yanked the IV from my arm followed by the other chords and rolled my eyes at the alarm that went off, hurting my brain. I reach over and turn off the screen, slipping from the bed. It hurt like a bitch to stand with my ingured leg which irritated me more before I carefully held myself towards the door. Just as I slid it open, I stumble against the wall and a grunt leaves my lips at the pain that climbs up my spine. When I peek my head out, I stumble back in surprise at the nurse there and her eyes widen when she sees me, "Alpha Milo! You must stay in bed-"

"I'm good" I wave her off, in half a grunt, with my hand. "Bring Aaron here." She looks at me with a pair of wide eyes before quickly moving down the hall when I give her a look.

I wasn't staying here to wait for Aaron, I wanted to go to my room and probably sleep the day off. It was rather hard to walk past the doorway, and it must've taken longer than I expected because an annoying voice reaches my ears, "Milo, you stupid idiot! What the hell are you doing up? Get back in bed!" Aaron reprimands. I sigh and only have to wait before his arm tightly holds me up and he leads me back into the room, towards the bed. He grunts as he lays me, with me scowling, and he sighs while waving his hand at me, "Great, look what you did. You're fucking bleeding again, you idiot. Michael, get the nurse."

I blink in surprise at that and look over his shoulder in time to see Michael leave the room. My eyes found Cody, who gave me a little wave, and then to my mate. Will was scowling at the floor a little, but he was here and if the machine was on, it would be picked up my sudden rapid heartbeat- not that their hearing wouldn't pick it up, either.

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