Chapter 11 - Fuck Me, Literally

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Chapter 11 - Fuck Me, Literally


"I only asked you two because despite the obvious dismissal of both of your strength when being met, I know you're capable of much more" I state once we reach the border of our territory and having ten minutes before entering Lakeview. "Other than the fact that I didn't want Aaron here- a reason I will tell you later," There's a fucking creep after him, too, now. "I know that you're both strong in areas that I need right now."

"But Milo, its Lakeview" Ollie murmurs from the backseat. "None of us ever got along. Why this meeting all of a sudden?"

"I called them" I state and shrug as I look at the passing trees, "If having to come to terms with them guarantees the safety of my mate, then I sure as hell will make sure to do some compromise here."

"Something happened" Dexter states from beside Ollie, "Something big. What was it?"

I clench my jaw tightly to keep myself from getting angry again. "You'll figure it out. Lakeview is the pack directly to our east- that is the only blind spot we have. Having them as an ally will help us cover that side too. I need to know I'm doing everything I can to keep my mate safe. Can you two agree with me on that?"

"Yeah" "Of course" they say which calms me a little.

I know as soon as we enter their land and I know they notice too, if their sudden alertness is any indication. "When we get there.." I start softly because I have no doubt that they have already sent wolves to check out how many of us there were. It was probably stupid of me to only being two wolves with me into their territory, but I really needed that alliance. "..I want you to check out the surroindings, Ollie. I need you to tell me how many there are and where they are located. Dexter, I want you to check how many of them are the strongest and how we can easily kill if needed. We are living through this, I promise you that."

The rest of the ride is silent and we arrive at the restaurant he had indicated with just three minutes to spare. I check the surrounding with my hearing and I have no doubt of the heartbeats surrounding the place. They were, after all, not our allies yet. Dexter and Ollie are more than wary when they get out of the car after me and stand behind me as I lead the way towards the door. There is a man standing there and he looks us over as he opens the door.

The restaurant was cleared of anyone, including most of the chefs. We are led to the right and I immediately spot Greg Danvers sitting on the table, cutting through a piece of steak, a woman at his side. She wasn't tall, but I could clearly see the fight in her and I could hear the heartbeat inside her, telling me it was his mate. There was another man behind him, his beta, and four more placed around the room. Greg doesn't stop eating as we approach, "You didn't bring many warriors with you" he states calmly, the woman turning to look at us.

Greg was a tall man, well built and strong. He was probably two or three years older than me and he was taller than me, that was for sure. He was a handsome man with a sharp jaw and hair cut to the trim. His arms were tanned and he wore a pair of jeans and shirt that clung to his skin. Before, I would've noticed him in another way, but I never would now. I already had a mate.

I don't approach the table because his mate was there and he would take it as a sign of me harming her- which I totally wasn't. I shrug, "I assumed I was among a friend" I state.

He chuckles with a shake of his head before finally placing the fork down and looking up at me. There was a scar along his cheek and his eyes were a dark brown, narrowed and dominant. "We are not friends, Milo. Tell me why I've wasted my afternoon here. Why I shouldn't send you back home with your tail tucked between your legs."

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