Chapter 14 - The Mated Life

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Chapter 14 - The Mated Life


"Get up" I state, my mate's face raising up to mine in a scowl. I thought that after being mated for approximately a day and a half, things would change between us- I was wrong. Will still fucking scowled at me, at everything I said. It was like he was still too scared to come out of his fucking shell. No worries though, I at least know that he trusted me now. He would never admit it, the prideful fucker, but I felt it through our bond. He trusted me unlike anyone else- which still confused him- but he wasn't fighitng it anymore. He and his wolf were now on the same page. "Get up" I groan, reaching for his wrist and yanking him up, giving Cody a look as he smiled widely at us, "I'm stealing him for a couple hours."

Will growled at the back of his throat when I yanked him up and I roll my eyes when he yanks hi s wrist from mine. Cody shrugs, "I told you angry sex is the best."

"Cody!" many voices joined in again, making me snicker at the little fucker. Aaron flushed beside his twin, probably not really happy with his forwardness. After all, Aaron was still a little shy talking about sex. Michael simply rolled his eyes, probably used to his mate talking like that.

I give Cody a pointed look, "We are not having sex" I state, a little grateful he hadn't told anyone about my position in our relationship. By how Michael didn't look at me differently, I guessed he was smart enough to keep it to himself. "At least not at the moment" I tilt my head, sending Will a smirk over my shoulder, to which he scowled. I shrug as I turn back to him, "We're going for a run."

His face lit up, "Can I go?!" he asks, practically jumping in his seat as he looked up at me, then to Michael, and to Aaron. "Please?"

Aaron turns to me and I sigh with a shrug, grabbing Will's wrist again to tug him after me, "Yeah I guess. Come on before its time for lunch."

I guess no wolf sex for us, I link to Will with a grin over my shoulder, to which he scowls in displeasure, a wide eyed look on his face. His cheeks reden a little and I shake my head while we head outside. Once we're close enough to the trees, I release his hand to yank the shirt I wore over my head. The cold air bit at my skin, but it felt refreshing and it felt fucking good.

As soon as I'm undressed, not all the way, I turn and my eyes fall on my mate's wolf. He was tall, not taller than mine, but his fur was a thick mane, his fur a dark brown. My wolf practically yearned to rub against him and I raise my eyes to his, feeling myself shudder at the intense eyes already locked on mine. Yeah, wolf sex would've been freaking good. I shove those thoughts away because I could hear Cody's overexcited wolf approaching and I will the shift to take over. I bend down, feeling the bones on my back rearange, my hand snapping as the structure changed and I felt my wolf practically lurch to the front seat, or as much as I would let him. I couldn't let him completely take over- at least not until the danger was over.

Fuck, these last couple of weeks have been messed up. First Cody comes along, terrified and traumatized, then we see his only family get slaughtered and he gets taken, then we practically lose two good warriors in the ambush to rescue him. Then I find out that Will is my mate and besides the obvious anger he held towards me, I managed to coax myself into his daily thoughts. Then Richard tells me my mate was fucking sold and he pissed me off so much I tore the fucker a new one. After that the son of a bitch who bought my mate decides to give me a call as if we were best buddies and-

Ready, Milo? Aaron links me and I blink when I realize they were all here already. I roll my eyes when I see Ollie practically playing with Cody and Dexter and August are looking to join them. I huff a little and make my way to Will, pressing against his side to rub my scent on him, his lips curling back in a little snarl as I walked around him. Yeah, we were mated but that didn't mean I didn't want him practically showered in my scent. Besides, he and the twins were a target and I had to protect them with my life. I would, too.

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